Guruphiliac: "YouTube Guru" A Loon For The Moon

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"YouTube Guru" A Loon For The Moon

File under: The Siddhi of PR

Today, the SF Chronicle published an interview with Dattatreya Siva Baba, who expects the full moon of Guru Purnima this month to usher in a "new age of enlightenment on the earth." For like, the eleventy-billionth time, if you count all the other "new ages" predicted by this particular, plentiful, and frighteningly successful variety of nutbag guru.

The Baba is also known as the "YouTube Guru," which is a bit like saying the "lowest common denominator" guru, if you asked us. And wouldn't you know it, he's living up to that descriptor quite nicely:
I have incarnated innumerable times as a saint or sage in nearly every religion to be a conduit for Grace Light to relieve the suffering of humanity. Even so, I am only one conduit to receive and spread the light. Who is going to transmit it? Every single person who receives it will also be capable of transmitting it. Grace Light is the most intelligent light and will provide everyone with exactly what they need. It is providence answering one's prayers.
While surprisingly articulate, we haven't heard that much ass-talking nonsense since we were in New Ageā„¢ college (with ourselves being the loudest ass-talker of all.) But we must admit, it's shrewd to be predicting positive changes in the works for humanity packaged with some good old deeksha-style flimflamming... if you're looking for a cheap and simple product you can sell quickly and easily for much more than you paid for it. Kinda like Afghani heroin procured in Kabul.

We've been watching this unabashedly insane destroyer of Vedantic truth for a while now, but didn't want to give him any more traction than he was getting already. Looks like he did just fine without us, proving once again that the market for persistently self-promoting space-daddies who obsessively talk about themselves continues to expand at an alarming pace. Perhaps 2012 will bring the final battle between a proliferate future population of space-daddies, mommies, brothers, sisters and lovers, all commanding their own sizable armies of Kool-Aid drowned, brain-paralyzed dupes, all throwing invitations to expensive retreats and pictures of their Beloved at one another.



At 7/15/2008 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Grace Light"...wasn't she lead singer with Big Brother and The Holding Company? oh...wait a minute..that was Grace Slick....."Grace Slick", there's a name for you!

Which is better? Deeeeeksha power or Grace Light power? I see a demo duel coming up....Moon-Loon guru needs to improve his "miracles" though...manifesting a USED car?!?!? Why can't he manifest a brand new BMW? or a Saab? The thought of all of these folks passing along their delusion through a laying on of hands is pretty depressing.
oy gevalt.
Do Dattatreya baba's eyes look a little shifty to you? does he kind of look like he's about to burst out laughing if he looks into the camera lens for too long? I can just see all the local folks in Chennai creating those "antique palm leaves" for credulous Westerners. According to his website, the demand for " ancient palm leaf readings" has created a long waiting to go directly to India ($$$$) where a private reading CAN be "arranged". Find your own personal "bird symbol"...kind of like those chickens in Chinatown who will tell your fortune for a quarter... A true guru for our gets what you pay for!

At 7/15/2008 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mixing Vedanta with New Age magic is great for marketing to La La Land!

At 7/15/2008 11:12 AM, Blogger Thaths said...

Nice way of piggybacking on Obama's Change bandwagaon if you ask me. I wonder if we will hear from a Guru on the 'Ready from Day One' camp.

At 7/15/2008 11:36 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

Jody it seems to me there have always been these flim flammers and the basic "Vedantic truth" could sustain itself and co-exist. Now with the growth in the population of "truth seekers" and with the new technologies such as the internet, more and more folks like this fellow(who learned his con from Maharishi) are pissing in the soup! It's like the Truth is bein clearcut. We will just have to wait and see what it left when this shit storm is over. Folks like you and to some extent this Bored Guru are at least helpin to keep a green patch alive. Guruphiliac uses the backfire technique to send the out of control forest fire of lies and flim flammery back at its source!

At 7/15/2008 11:46 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Folks like you and to some extent this Bored Guru are at least helpin to keep a green patch alive.

It's like ants fighting a forest fire, but we keep trying, and with grounded folks at our side such as yourself, it keeps the battle that much more interesting and enjoyable!

At 7/17/2008 8:09 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

Jody, what we could use is another Marjoe Gortner! You may be too young to remember Marjoe but he was the youngest ordained tent revival preacher in history. Used to perform weddins, exorcisms, and hell preachin at age 4! Not long after I graduated from Dime Box High, scholastically standin square in the middle of the class (number 16 out of 32!), Marjoe decided to reveal and document the whole fake faith healin business. He traveled around with a movie crew and did his tent business, included scenes of him faith healin and then literally rollin in the money he got from those poor hopeful folks. We could use another Marjoe now. Perhaps this Dattatreya Siva Baba could be convinced to reveal the shady business he is in! He could get rich all at onst and not keep havin to drain folks of their last bit of change and faith in such a slow fashion. What brought Marjoe to mind was my momma's and my momma's lap dog's hair, both of which look quite a bit like Marjoe who had that white afro look goin! The only difference with Momma's and her dog's hair is that theirs is the swimmin pool blue color of a sleepin pill where as Marjoe's was as pure as this Dattatreya Siva Baba's beard. I never seen teeth and beard so white as when I look at this fellow's photo. I guess one of the main differences between ordinary folks like us and this here incarnation of holiness, Dattatreya Siva Baba , is that we might have trouble sleepin at night were we in the business of plantin false hope in folks an then rippin it out!! Hence my Momma's sleepin pill hair!

At 7/17/2008 10:40 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I never seen teeth and beard so white as when I look at this fellow's photo.

Only the best cosmetic dentistry for this common flimflammer.

At 7/18/2008 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was out last night under the guru purnima right out of bed, naked as a baby, and went out to see what the noise was (racoon trying to get into the trash barrel). well, the moon WAS bright; i could see my shadow...and a prickly kind of sensation on my leg...was it the "Grace Light" or just a mosquito? Back to sleep...and dreaming of dinosaurs wearing turbans....hmmm, maybe "prophetic"? lol.

At 7/21/2008 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So...did the Grace Light descend or what? I checked the papers on Sunday...same old same old...what's up with that?

At 7/22/2008 12:40 PM, Blogger openminded said...

I have a now ex-girlfriend mixed up in this. She has successfully rid her life of every friend she had, respect of her family, and is now a "different person" than she was a year ago. How does an impressionable mind become impressionable to the fact she is brainwashed and acting anything but spiritual, holy...

Of course, anyone who disagrees or contradicts does not understand or is not in a correct place. What can a man do to save someone he loves?

At 7/23/2008 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

opened minded said...What can a man do to save someone he loves?

Nothing. You just make the right decision to save yourself and trust that she will too. Let her go.

At 6/25/2009 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister and her husband are caught up in this swill. I myself have been pleasantly touched by a blend of Eastern philosophies, and to see them so grossly misrepresented by this goon and turned into an escalator for the manifestation of wealth is repulsive. That my sister could buy--and I mean that literally--such hogwash is mind-bending.

At 6/10/2013 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Promises, promises, promises! More BS and another new line of income- The Light Body. The only thing that is lighter is are our wallets! I gave this guy about $5,000 over 13 years and no return. He promised we'd all be millionaires- it's 13 years later...can I have all of my money back???!!! Is frightening people into believing that their planets are going to get them...please! The guy does give off energy but there's no prosperity (as promised) for his devotees. Run and hold on to your wallet! Blessings and Light
NMG a.k.a. No Moe Gurus

At 10/27/2013 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also got lighter of $1000 already..trying to get rid of my bad karmas and They promise stars and when nothing happened just blamed my stubborn karmas..their mini light body program is their newest way to fleece people and someone claimed that this guru technique help her to leave her husband and go back to her boyfriend. I want people to come forward and tell of their miracles. People are so desperate and would try anything to change their life.

At 10/20/2014 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this guy, just lame guy from India, who got a nadi reading from one of the nadi readers, which predicted, that he will become a guru, be able to teach people. From my experience with this guru, the mantras are not effective at all, I never experience any good at all...been to trips to India, even the light body mantra didn't help restrict the diseases, nothing improved in my life..he just making money out of innocent people.


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