Cooper Gets Crazy On His Own Supply
File under: Wackadoo Gurus, Satscams and The Siddhi of PR
Austin, Texas, deeksha drug lord William Cooper has failed to heed the warning of Biggie "Notorious BIG" Smalls and countless other crack dealers around the world: never get high on your own supply; only this time he's gone way past high and right straight to fucking well out of his mind. We present the new billboard in Austin which heralds the coming of a new Christ for Texas: William Cooper himself:

This is wrong on so many levels... First off, if the Kracki is the "God" responsible for all the imagined success of the deeksha hysteria, shouldn't it be his face on the billboard instead of Cooper's? And what's with the "come back to my house for some soda pop and candy, little boy" leer on Cooper's face?
The astonishing and quite unbelievable narcissism displayed by this move defies all description. It's like trying to explain to a little girl why God killed her bunny rabbit. There's just nothing you can say that would ever make any sense at all, other than the fact that Bill would definitely be 5150 in the state of California.
Not unusual for a psychotherapist in any state, but with Cooper's creepy visage encouraging Austin to forsake the Good Loard for some Hindu-hoodoo voodoo, we imagine some other kinds of crazy may be coming in response. We hope the Coop hasn't blown it with his guru after his own eclipsing name and fame grab. He's probably going to need all the protection he can get now.
The only town in Texas that he could get away with that poster is Austin.
In every other town in Texas there are only two other types of billboards allowed. On one side of the highway you have those which read "Jesus Saves!" That's the side of the road where the churches are.
On the other side of the road the billboards read, "All nude girls all the time." That's the side of the road where the 'Gentlemen's Clubs'
So much for Texas culture.
This guy looks like St. Germaine, the absconded master. Being from East Texas myself, I resent the slam on Texas culture.
I resent the slam on Texas culture.
Being subjected to regular invasions of Texas folk around the holidays where I live, I don't feel so bad making a little fun of them at their expense.
That said, I'm sure Austin is an awesome place. Everyone I know who's been there has said so. It sounds like a great town with great people and is not so "Texas" for Texas. Too bad the deeksha-dupes bring it down for the rest of them.
You must be in Colorado or New Mexico, Jody. There has always been a lot of anti-Texan sentiment there. Keep in mind that the Bush family are not Texans at all. They are carpet bagger Yankees. I'll bet this Cooper fellow is also not a native born Texican.
What I still don't get , Jody, is why are u so interested in Cooper.
For me, Cooper does not seem worse than any of the others in the diksha moovie.
Why u never talk about Sri Rani? the american coordinator for the Oneness movement? What about Alexis? that woman that thinks is enlightening Mexico through the army and the police... And of course , I won't talk about the rest, because u might not understand spanish, but in southamerica, the "movie", is even more exciting,... new avatars on stage...
Don't mention about the scene in Italy... Pathetic.
Poor Cooper, he is actually a plain average diksha giver, I'd like to know if u have something personal with that poor guy.
I'd like to know if u have something personal with that poor guys.
Other than the fact that he is attempting to be the second coming of Jesus Christ in Austin and is filling peoples' heads with unprocessed human sewage in the name of enlightenment, I've got nothing against the guy.
sure, but most deekshagivers are in the same trip aren't they?
I met one saying she was Mahachohan, other saying she is Shiva, other saying is at the sametime Buddha, christ and Kalki, ....
and don't forget we have the "cosmic beings" down there in India...
Cooper is only one more of them....among hundred thousands of them, behaving so "saintly" pretending they are godily's consciousness...
I think u are making good advertising to little Cooper. Who by the way is very attractive... if I was in Austin I would jump over there to see him ;-) and maybe I become Mary Magdalen.
Just to inform you, William is not just like all the other deeksha givers. he publicizes himself as a psychotherapist on his site which has the potential to misguide people as to what they are getting. He assumes he is enlightened and therefore has the authority to use his email forum to interpret people's experiences for them. This is a very dubious business given he bases his claim to be 'enlightened' on having had powerful experiences in a 21 day program in India. Sure he may have had powerful experiences, but to deem oneself 'enlighted' and therefore an authority on the matter is stretching it a bit. Other deeksha givers , at least to my knowledge, do not claim to be enlightening people, but to be giving energetic experiences to help them get in touch with their higher selves. Also, I think Cooper's Christian fundamentalist background may be at play here in his need to proselytize deeksha via billboards.
I did the 21 day process together with Cooper and we all got that Leghium thing (some power plants, I know now) which launched us into very psycodelical "experiences"... sorry for my english, I´m from south america and the oneness movement thing is stil no so crazy here as in the US with that hero tendency they got in everything...
Deeksha worked
At least, you think it did. That’s how these grifters get away with it, they get you to believe their scams work.
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