Wise White Walking Cliché
File under: Gurubusting and The Siddhi of PR
Get a load of this woman:

We haven't seen a living, breathing cliché like this since that time an Ari Gold wannabee in a navy S-class drop-top 'Benz gave us a finger gun as he talked on his Bluetooth headset while listening to his iPod playing the Pussycat Dolls as he drove down Santa Monica Blvd. in L.A. looking for the next Lindsay Lohan to help him break in his new casting couch.
But what Griscom seems she might lack in terms of a real understanding of her nondual nature, she appears to make up for in marketing savvy. Santa Fe is chock full of middle-aged white ladies garbed in white, shopping at Whole Foods for organic toilet paper as they listen to their spirit guides tell them they were once the Queen of Sheba and that they'll one day meet their king and soul-mate once they give that lousy, no-good football-watching husband the boot... once he leaves her the house and half his earnings.
After all, a woman's got to be able to afford a chance to hear a 35,000-year-old Lemurian warrior croak "wisdom" out of the side of the mouth of another middle-aged woman garbed in white who laughs all the way to the bank as she gets stinking, filthy rich off all the ridiculous New Age™ fantasies of middle-aged white women who wear white as well.
Chris Griscom might not be getting quite that rich, and despite the abundance of New Age™ signifiers helping folks make a decision about buying in, she appears to want good for the world. Let's hope she balances out all the harm she does to the image of what self-realization is.
Hopefully next time she'll choose to wear something a normal person would wear, because anyone who's self-realized knows it's not being different than anyone else.
"Hopefully next time she'll choose to wear something a normal person would wear, because anyone who's self-realized knows it's not being different than anyone else."
So why is it that the new age movement stole (well, this is the prime example of cultural appropriation) the outfits but not the core of the path? The most common identifying feature of the people who took a weekend course in something like
- reiki
- qigong
- "shamanism"
is a crispy and fashionable outfit that must be commensurate with their teaching (or supposed healing) fees.
The new age movement gurus love the external aspects of the various paths but have no interest in actually doing the work required for even the smallest amount of self-realization. It all seems to be about piling on self-gratification through dressing up and spouting complex philosophy.
You can't make a mirror out of a stone by polishing it.
Jody, I know you’re serious on your content and tongue-n-cheek on your style...but I’m beginning to believe that you’re as unmarriable as I am.
I’m beginning to believe that you’re as unmarriable as I am.
To women my age who wear white and go around with their panties in a perpetual bunch over what their "soul purpose" is... definitely.
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