Ramdev's Roosing
File under: The Siddhi of PR

Swami Ramdev said the Hindu culture is unique and the whole world would accept its greatness. “Bharat will be recognised in the entire world in the fields of yoga and Ayurveda and the world will start acclaiming the greatness of Hindu culture.And it looks like he lined up a bunch of other phony saints to pile on for him:
Founder of Bharat Mata Mandir Mahamandaleshwar Swami Satyamitranand Giri compared Swami Ramdev with Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekanand who worked for Bharat’s greatness and welfare of the entire humanity. “Swami Ramdev has been doing the yeoman’s services to the whole world and good results of his efforts are coming out,” he said further adding that the whole saint society will co-operate Swami Ramdev in his mission so that the world again recognises the spiritual values of India and greatness of her culture.Can you say suck up? That can be the only excuse for comparing the loudmouth and paranoid Ramdev to the likes of Swami Vivekananda.
It's a bit like saying George W. Bush has the compassion of a Buddha and the intelligence of an Einstein. Shame on these sycophantic "saints" for even suggesting the comparison between the name, fame, financial and political gain-lusting Ramdev and India's greatest proponent of Vedic wisdom in the West, the likes of which will probably never be seen again.
great blog. LOVE IT. thanks for sharing:)
It is a practice among Indian gurus to compare themselves to Vivekananda. It was vivekanada who first went to the west with the message of vedanta. every guru since then from Swami Ramathirtha to Abhedanada to yoganananda to maharishi to osho to ravishankar to ramdev want to be compared to vivekanada. It is like boy from india goes there and conquers the west. In fact indian spirituality is more popular in the west than in india. especially after the hippie drug culure there is a market for peddling alternate ways of enjoying highs. This is what has led to the success of gurus post 1950s. Prior to that it was the novelty of these teachings which attaracted the western seekers. One of the latest gurus Nityananda paramahamsa is known to have hired some american beggars to become his disciples. It is a sales pitch. have some white people as ur disciples and ur value increases.
What gives me chuckles is, in that news report those Babas and Anandhas thunder about the *greatness* of Bharath and in the same breath feel so gratified and mighty pleased at having been honoured by the UNO:))
Where do you come up with such utter bullcrap from? Osho wanted to be compared with Vivekananda? Nithyananda is known to have hired American beggars? WTF?
To one and all, including me:
Your sacred cow is your ego, and you continue to feed it ignorance. It will be slaughtered, again and again. Open your eyes before you open your mouth. Without the eye of Wisdom (Divya Chakshu)you are blind. Like the other cows chewing their cud of ego-satisfaction, you are ringing your cow bell and following the crowd to the slaughter. This is the way of Samsara; this is the way of fools who know not the Self because they are so damned self-involved. You are living in the dark night of ignorance and you dream you know though you know not. When you become more humble than a blade of grass you will understand. Until then. . . Good Night and Good Luck.
Without the eye of Wisdom (Divya Chakshu)you are blind.
So I guess that makes you the blind attempting to lead those you believe to be blind.
'Without the eye of Wisdom (Divya Chakshu)you are blind.'
"So I guess that makes you the blind attempting to lead those you believe to be blind."
You have not understood. Read more carefully if you care to. Dig more deeply if you dare to. What you think is real is not. What is not real, you think is real. You are still thinking. Grasp the Truth and you will not be always gasping for something to say just for the sake of saying it (like someone gasping for air in a smoke filled pub house, preaching the virtues of abolition of alcohol). Everyone is intoxicated with their own ego and you are preaching to them with your ego, and I with mine. Where will it get you. Probably filled up with more ego.
Now, having spoken the Truth, I speak it once again: you are doing good work exposing all these fools (both the frauds and the defrauded). Just don't forget your own ego is the biggest fraud of all. It might be helpful if you talked about that too (maybe you have, and I haven't gotten to it yet). As much as we need to recognize the phony gurus, we also need to recognize that our own ego is the biggest phony of all. I remember back in the 70's someone wrote a book "Be Your Own Guru." This too was bullshit, almost as smelly as the dog shit spread everywhere by the dogmen masquerading as godmen.
To reach the highest state of consciousness, one will have to humble them self to a True Guru, otherwise, the ego will remain. Of course, if one falls for a false guru, one's ego will only be hurt. Some scars never seem to go away, but eventually they do. At least we should see that our own ego is what got us in trouble to begin with. In that case, why not end all our troubles now by dropping our ego?
Some people think 'dropping your ego' means dropping your pants. Surrender has nothing to do with giving up one's good character and principles. Unfortunately, few people are giving any practical training in this regard, probably because they don't regard it as very important.
You are a deep soul, so why not go deeper? Why not get to the bottom of all this: we are 'taken for a ride' (to HELL) by our own ego and ignorance. Remove one or the other, and both are finished. You are attempting to remove ignorance, but if ego remains in the driver's seat then you haven't been thorough enough. Anyway, you are doing a good job. Keep up the good work.
Dig more deeply if you dare to.
Who is supposed to dig, and where?
What you think is real is not. What is not real, you think is real.
What you think, I don't care about that much.
You are still thinking. Grasp the Truth and you will not be always gasping for something to say just for the sake of saying it (like someone gasping for air in a smoke filled pub house, preaching the virtues of abolition of alcohol).
I grasp for something to say to right the wrong of self-realization being presented as a magic gift bag from God. It's my sport, and I enjoy it very much.
Everyone is intoxicated with their own ego and you are preaching to them with your ego, and I with mine. Where will it get you. Probably filled up with more ego.
Oh, I'm WAY too full of that already. There's no more room.
Now, having spoken the Truth,
My dog's ass you have.
I speak it once again: you are doing good work exposing all these fools (both the frauds and the defrauded). Just don't forget your own ego is the biggest fraud of all.
Ego is nothing more than a habit of thinking.
It might be helpful if you talked about that too (maybe you have, and I haven't gotten to it yet).
Why does a jerk like me need to talk about my ego? Isn't it glaringly obvious?
As much as we need to recognize the phony gurus, we also need to recognize that our own ego is the biggest phony of all.
Your quaint demonization of ego is way too old school to be of any use, anymore.
I remember back in the 70's someone wrote a book "Be Your Own Guru." This too was bullshit, almost as smelly as the dog shit spread everywhere by the dogmen masquerading as godmen.
Er... sure.
To reach the highest state of consciousness, one will have to humble them self to a True Guru, otherwise, the ego will remain.
What I call the ego never goes away, until someone dies. The issue is attachment of identity. That goes away, but what you are calling the ego is simply the memory banks and program of the body.
Of course, if one falls for a false guru, one's ego will only be hurt. Some scars never seem to go away, but eventually they do. At least we should see that our own ego is what got us in trouble to begin with.
"Our own ego" can't make us do anything, because the "us" that would be doing it is nothing but our own ego.
In that case, why not end all our troubles now by dropping our ego?
For the same reason. The one who wants to drop the ego IS the ego. It's all just another ego game, and you've fallen for it – hook, line and sinker.
Some people think 'dropping your ego' means dropping your pants. Surrender has nothing to do with giving up one's good character and principles. Unfortunately, few people are giving any practical training in this regard, probably because they don't regard it as very important.
I'm not here to teach, but if I did, all I would recommend is surrender everything to your idea of God, and pray for nothing else but surrender.
You are a deep soul, so why not go deeper? Why not get to the bottom of all this: we are 'taken for a ride' (to HELL) by our own ego and ignorance.
I feel no need whatsoever to go anywhere other than where I am now.
Remove one or the other, and both are finished. You are attempting to remove ignorance, but if ego remains in the driver's seat then you haven't been thorough enough. Anyway, you are doing a good job. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the support.
"Who is supposed to dig, and where?"
You, the living Self, embodied in ego, intellect, mind, and body are supposed to dig. Where? Through all of those adjuncts. When the junk is removed, you are clear.
"What you think, I don't care about that much."
And neither should you care about what you think, but you do.
"I grasp for something to say to right the wrong of self-realization being presented as a magic gift bag from God. It's my sport, and I enjoy it very much."
And I am very happy you are doing it. What you are doing is definitely good. Those who think self-realization is some magic gift from God will remain forever deluded. WE ARE THE ONES PLAYING HIDE-AND-GO-SEEK WITH OURSELVES. We chose to hide behind this curtain of Ignorance, and only we can remove it. After all, no one (and especially GOD) would want to rob us of the pleasure we get by unwrapping our own present (our own Real Self).
"Oh, I'm WAY too full of that [EGO] already. There's no more room."
Well, I think you have most of the wrapping removed. Just keep ripping!
"Ego is nothing more than a habit of thinking."
Exactly, ego is a habit. Who is going to drop the habit: certainly not the ego.
"Why does a jerk like me need to talk about my ego? Isn't it glaringly obvious?"
It is obvious that you are jerked around by your own ego, and via that ego you have been jerked around by others too.
"Your quaint demonization of ego is way too old school to be of any use, anymore."
Ego is not a demon, it is simply a mistaken identity. It is only a problem for those have forgotten their Real Nature. [Who or what 'fogets'? It is the mind that has forgotten; because it is filled with so much ego and nonsense. When it is filled with Wisdom, it will remember, it will be 'connected'.]
"What I call the ego never goes away, until someone dies. The issue is attachment of identity. That goes away, but what you are calling the ego is simply the memory banks and program of the body."
Ego is the identification of consciousness with all the mental and physical stuff. Sure, that will remain until the death of the body (though some of the mental identification will remain). Ego only becomes a chronic problem when it (the identity) isn't objectified. The study of Wisdom and practice of meditation cultivates our higher intelligence (intellect). With our sharpened power of discernment we (the conscious being) can remain detached. It is our attachment that kills our (true) spiritual growth (expansion of awareness).
"Our own ego can't make us do anything, because the "us" that would be doing it is nothing but our own ego."
No. This is a Game, you are a player and ego (and Ignorance) is your opponent. You chose your opponent long, long ago. You know a lot more than what you realize. Unless you realize it, you will not be able to defeat your opponent. That's why you need to realize it; and this you do through self-study (studying your self) and meditation (among other things too, of course).
Seer: 'In that case, why not end all our troubles now by dropping our ego?'
"For the same reason. The one who wants to drop the ego IS the ego. It's all just another ego game, and you've fallen for it – hook, line and sinker."
No, you are mistaken. You apparently do not see that your ego is separate from YOU, just as your mind is also separate from YOU. Ego needs to be removed from the mind only. It will still exist (even after the death of the body), but NOT as a mistaken identity. So long as you are caught up in your mistaken identity (false ego), you are caught up in the ego game, and you live for your ego. Once you break the mind-ego connection, you rise to another level of 'the Game' and stop playing mind-games and ego-games. The 'Game' referred to here is, of course, the Game of Life.
"I feel no need whatsoever to go anywhere other than where I am now."
Then you will continue to play the ego-game and will never attain your higher aim (the aim of your soul: to be ABSOLUTELY FREE).
"Who is supposed to dig, and where?"
You, the living Self, embodied in ego, intellect, mind, and body are supposed to dig. Where? Through all of those adjuncts. When the junk is removed, you are clear.
The "living Self" doesn't do anything. Anyone doing any digging is the dug up digging itself up.
And neither should you care about what you think, but you do.
What else am I going to do? Thinking isn't the problem, attachment is. I can think a million things and be attached to none of them. But what's wrong if I am? I'm not looking for anything, and I enjoy expressing myself. Get used to it.
We chose to hide behind this curtain of Ignorance, and only we can remove it.
We are nothing more than handpuppets of the Mahashakti, and have as much to do with our realization as my dog's ass.
Exactly, ego is a habit. Who is going to drop the habit: certainly not the ego.
So stop telling us to drop the ego.
It is obvious that you are jerked around by your own ego, and via that ego you have been jerked around by others too.
As you are attempting at the moment.
No. This is a Game, you are a player and ego (and Ignorance) is your opponent. You chose your opponent long, long ago. You know a lot more than what you realize. Unless you realize it, you will not be able to defeat your opponent. That's why you need to realize it; and this you do through self-study (studying your self) and meditation (among other things too, of course).
Nonsense. There is only 'this', which cares for everything as much as it does my dog's ass. In other words, not at all.
Anything called ego is just as illusory as anyone who would be trying to remove it.
No, you are mistaken. You apparently do not see that your ego is separate from YOU, just as your mind is also separate from YOU.
You apparently don't have a clue as to what I see.
Then you will continue to play the ego-game and will never attain your higher aim (the aim of your soul: to be ABSOLUTELY FREE).
There is no soul other than the Atman, and it has no cares or concerns for any of this ego nonsense.
"The "living Self" doesn't do anything. Anyone doing any digging is the dug up digging itself up."
Come on. . ."the dug up digging itself up"??? This is more neo-advaitic nonsense. The Creative Intelligence that created this Universe made things very simple for us simple human beings to understand. If we just got out of our heads (filled with ego and false knowledge) we would understand immediately. But, due to our poor training, we love to complicate things by holding on to our images and ego. Same problem that has been going on since the beginning of time.
"What else am I going to do? Thinking isn't the problem, attachment is. I can think a million things and be attached to none of them. But what's wrong if I am? I'm not looking for anything, and I enjoy expressing myself. Get used to it."
You are expressing your ego, and I am already used to it, because I have a lot of experience doing the same thing. Filtered through your ego expressions, some truth is coming up, and that's what I like. For example, you are quite correct in asserting that "attachment is the problem." But when you say you can "think a million things a be attached to none of them", well, I doubt this is true, unless you are really established in the core of your being. But if you are living on the surface (in your ego, in the state of falsely identifying with your mind and its thoughts, and your body and its many relationships), then YOU ARE ATTACHED. To break that attachment (to your false ego), you will need to continue to work on yourself. The work you are doing on this site (whether just for 'fun' or as a service to humanity) will certainly help others to avoid falling into the hands of charlatans. My comments left here (on your site) are only to add another dimension to this work, which is to help (remind) people that their own ego (and Ignorance) are the root of the problem (i.e., pose the greatest danger).
"We are nothing more than handpuppets of the Mahashakti, and have as much to do with our realization as my dog's ass."
Now you are really revealing your ignorance. We are no one's "puppets." We are FREE souls. That Supreme Power (Maha Shakti) flows through all of us, but we dance to our own tune, UNLESS we are tuned to our Real Nature (in which case, we are still dancing to our own tune, only a better one).
I guess you are one of those people who thinks GOD (or in your case, Mahashakti) created you, controls you, and disposes of you. I guess you are one of those unenlightened people who thinks that that Supreme, All-Wise, Ever-GOOD, Never-Ignorant, All-Compassionate POWER is responsible for creating child molesters, rapists, sodomists, liars, cheats, frauds, and fools? Well, I hope not, because if you think like that you are very deluded.
Seer: 'Exactly, ego is a habit. Who is going to drop the habit: certainly not the ego.'
"So stop telling us to drop the ego."
This means you want to stay on your dog's ass (ego) because it is comfortable to stay there? Think again: you are squirming in your seat (mind) because your ego doesn't belong there (in your mind). Is your mind a dog house or is it a god house? It's a dog house as long as ego is there. Oh, but you think YOU ARE the ego. If that's what you think, then it will show in your actions. Both your thinking and your actions are your own doing: IT IS NOT THE DOING OF MAHA SHAKTI.
I am NOT jerking you around, I am speaking as an unattached friend to another. Take it or leave it. Even if you leave, perhaps someone else will have taken it. If not....oh well.
Seer: 'This is a Game, you are a player and ego (and Ignorance) is your opponent. You chose your opponent long, long ago. You know a lot more than what you realize. Unless you realize it, you will not be able to defeat your opponent. That's why you need to realize it; and this you do through self-study (studying your self) and meditation (among other things too, of course).'
"Nonsense. There is only 'this', which cares for everything as much as it does my dog's ass. In other words, not at all."
The only reason you are so negative is because you are trapped in your ego. For you, this ego is all there is. Well, there is also your dog's ass that we hear so much about.
"Anything called ego is just as illusory as anyone who would be trying to remove it."
Again, I guess you must be deceived by all the neo-advaitic nonsense that says "everything is an illusion, it is all a dream. We are really all GOD and one day we will wake up from this illusion and realize it. In the meantime, we can think whatever we like, do whatever we want, and nothing really matters because we are not really doing it; it is just an illusion."
According to your stance, the one who would try to remove the illusory ego is just as illusory as the ego. In that case, when the illusion is removed, mysteriously by the Mahashakti (or God, or whatever), then that makes your Mahashakti an illusion too. Oh, but you will probably say, 'the illusion is in the trying,' which means we should just sit on our dog's ass and 'let it happen' by the grace of Mahaskakti. Well, the grace of Mahaskakti must be invoked by our ACTIONS. Our mental blockages (such as ego) will NEVER be removed so long as we are damned to sit on our dog's ass.
"There is no soul other than the Atman, and it has no cares or concerns for any of this ego nonsense."
You have spoken the Truth.
You guys check out mastersofdeception.blogspot.com
I just came across this site and wonder if it is a sore spot for all of you know-it-alls. Probably, but maybe you really are unbaised, but I doubt it.
Also I am wondering if thats jody's picture on that sai site
not that i give it much credance coming from the likes of sai.
I just came across this site and wonder if it is a sore spot for all of you know-it-alls.
Why would it be? That's guy's just another asshole with opinions as well.
but maybe you really are unbaised, but I doubt it.
I am biased against any guru that says or acts as if their self-realization makes them special. I'm also biased against the Masters of Deception guy, mostly because he appears to have his head way far up his ass as far as his ability to evaluate self-realization is concerned.
Also I am wondering if thats jody's picture
That's me. I am on top of a mountain peak in the southern Rocky Mountains at 13,500 feet about to make my descent on skis.
This is hilarious. It seems like Swami Ramdev is lifting material from other spiritual websites to make himself spiritually rich as well:
Wow most of you are very sad and must not have much going on in your lives. I pity you for insulting Swami Ramdev and not having faith
I have serious doubts on the intention of the guy who wrote this blog attacking Swami Ramdev. Is this for self publicity ( aatack a good and famous man for self publicity) or just some deeper hatred.
Guys, for get everything. Yoga is an ancient Indian science which means unity of body and mind. Swami Ramdev just s[pread this message all over the world.
His pranayam techniques are fantastic. I suggest the blogger should do them to get them to get the hatred out of his head. And also to improve his health....
keep smiling:)
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