Throwing Up Ammachi
File under: Gurus Clockin' Dollars and Amma All-Over-The-Planet

In celebration of Ammachi's decision to excise the interwebs of all images of herself, we are going to post one image a day that we find on the net until they are all gone in the hope that she unleashes her legal dogs on us.
I got hugged by Ammabamama a few years back and got a little spritz of peace which felt great (honestly), even though I went in there a complete skeptic and bored to giggles when I looked around at all the fanatics waiting with me to get hugged.
So something interesting happened, but I could never say why or from what (her, me, the environment, the post-expiration-date yogurt I had that morning).
If I were a guru I'd flood the internet with my image. I'd go on a quest to stamp out every image which was not mine. In my world, when you went to and bought the latest olivewood loofah, you'd be adding a little pic of me to your cart... so more power to you for taking up this quest against the Ammastapo.
so more power to you for taking up this quest against the Ammastapo.
That's a great term, Nahor. I hope you don't mind my appropriating it for use on this blog.
I am a devotee of Amma. I am also one of seemingly many who received a nastygram asking me basically who on earth authorized me to dare have photos of my guru on.....*gasp*....a personal devotional blog about my guru! I really would love to know how many other devotees were contacted about this and what their reactions were.
First, I took all of the photos and all of my Youtube videos down and got on an emotional roller-coaster about how on earth this absurdity could be happening.
Today, I put all of the photos back up. I also just put all of my videos back up on the You Tube site. I would like to see if it actually could come down to my getting sued by my own guru for offering devotions to her on the Internet. If this were to be the case, boy would I feel like a fool....and it would be back to offering devotions strictly to Devi in her formlessness. If Amma is all she has shown herself to be,she would never be concerned with copyright law. I mean, I could see if one were posting her photos on porn sites...but I am a devotee posting images of my guru next to, say, a poem I have written.
I have read what many have written here, and I also have my doubts that Amma herself actually said any of this. I cannot imagine her saying "Remove all images of me from the Internet and send my most dedicated devotees emails asking them who authorized them to put my photo in their online shrines."
Maybe I am an "Ammabot" as you would say, but I still have enough faith in HER not to believe that.
Jody, I don't always agree with a lot of what you have to say about Amma herself, but I do relate to a lot of what you describe about the scene around her...and I am one devotee of Amma who usually enjoys visiting your site. I'm glad people are actually talking about this important issue here, as it is not going on in the Amma groups at all. Go figure.
"I have read what many have written here, and I also have my doubts that Amma herself actually said any of this. I cannot imagine her saying "Remove all images of me from the Internet and send my most dedicated devotees emails asking them who authorized them to put my photo in their online shrines."
As a former Ammabot, I have noticed a trend. When all is good, Amma is described as "the ultimate micro-manager involved in the smallest details of the ashram." When something unpopular happens like the Sreeni censorship incident in India, then it becomes "Amma is hands-off in the extreme and has little knowledge of what others in her organization are doing". OK, current Ammabots, what is it? Is she the micro-manager or the delegator who cannot be held responsible for her orgs legal actions. Which one?
When something unpopular happens like the Sreeni censorship incident in India
Hey Dar, could you send me an email at and fill me in as to exactly what the Sreeni incident entailed? Thanks.
Sure, will email you more later, but here is a wikipedia story that covers the basics.
In a nutshell, an Indian rationalist wrote a critical biography of Amma. A follower of Amma (clearly with the support of the org) filed charges in India against the author for defaming Amma. I am neutral on whether the bio is accurate (I suspect much of it is), but it is clear that the amma folks wanted this guy shut down. Google the guys name and you will find more than you need. Too bad there is no English translation of the bio yet, would love to read it.
Too bad there is no English translation of the bio yet, would love to read it.
Me too!
This is great information, Dar. Thanks so much for the pointer to it. I was unaware of all this until your first comment today.
I really expect the back-pedalling/whitewash will occur.
I hope it does as well, just to see your prediction come to pass.
Things are incredibly anarchic here in India. You dare not say a word about any "godman/godwoman" or Nehrugandhi dynasty. Including the manufactured Mahatma Gandhi.Each one has a powerful lobby with lynchmob to handle any sceptic who dares to question.
For the movie crazy people of India, by default, non stop entertainment is being provided. There are too many Anandas buying up land, building "ashrams" with lots of "devotees" doing "charities". Ironically, there is such a dearth of ananda which is eloquent proof enough.
Ammachi should go back to fishing I guess ! She was better off that way!
Dar said: Too bad there is no English translation of the bio yet,
Are there translations in other languages besides English? Just curious.
semblance s and orchestra said...
Ammachi should go back to fishing I guess ! She was better off that way!
The Holy Mother may have been better off that way but not our world. Show me a greater example of loving kindness than Amma. A number of people on this blog like to tear down noble people while subtly giving the impression that they are not only more intelligent than others but possibly enlightened as well. Some are just rude and crude, such as this fellow whose one great achievment is that he smokes pot in high places.
ANON said..
such as this fellow whose one great achievment is that he smokes pot in high places..
~~~ Well said Mehbooba !
You have a point there. Im on to pot a bigtime lately(got me a new pipe two days ago, since i had to lend the older one to my wise friend chuck ! because he had been trying to heal my lowest chakra very hard !!!
Representing the flower children, I must tell you that the pot smoker aint go around try to impose himself on the world but he is just happy himself with his pot or the beedis. Go to kerala where ammachi comes from and i will spot you hundreds of pot babas who are nameless and so much fun to be with... Ammachi belong there minus the pot. Now she is trampled by the educated and 'evolved' people. I remarked that ammachi should back to fishing only in that light.
But Man !!! you must be a serious ammabot? Take it easy friend.
It took awhile for me to figure that this aint a very serious blog but only looking at the funnyside of the so called serious gurus..
Ammachi anyways has nothing to lose or gain.
I would not beleive that she does healing as a matter of acheiving something in this world. Healing happens to some people through her.
If a bastard like Benny Hill can perform circus on the stage and heal people, why not amma chee ??
I guess im already stoned !!!
and when im stoned, SILENCE rules and let me stop this cacaphony !
ssemblance s and orchestra said...
since i had to lend the older one to my wise friend chuck ! because he had been trying to heal my lowest chakra very hard !!!
Not so my friend! I have received no such pipe. Even if you did in fact send it, this pipe and all other pipes you like to handle would remain untouchable to me, knowing as I do where such pipes have been stored.
As for the CD (Cowboy Deeksha) healing being sent to you, it may in deed be working, since I see you have formed at least one coherant sentence in this missive.
> Show me a greater example of
> loving kindness than Amma.
Bill Gates has done much much much more to fund charitable causes than Amma ever has.
Also, I know many many non-famous people who live with love and kindness WITHOUT setting themselves up as superior beings.
> A number of people on this blog
> like to tear down noble people
> while subtly giving the
> impression that they are not
> only more intelligent than
> others but possibly enlightened
> as well.
It's not that "noble people" need to be torn down. It's your judgemental mind (the one that separates people into "noble" and "ignoble", "enlightened" and "unenlightened") that needs to be torn down.
To Dar, I meant to say, are there translations of the book at all?
Semblance said: guess im already stoned !!!
Semblance, I'm worried about you. You seem to be smokin' that pot all the time. I think you should let me and Chuck do CD on you so you sober up some.
Chuck said
As for the CD (Cowboy Deeksha) healing being sent to you, it may in deed be working, since I see you have formed at least one coherant sentence in this missive.
~~~It is the Pot.. my friend, if you knew what it does, then you would not have made such a erogatory comment about your own disciple's english in public. Im disappointed with my guru !
However when it comes to pot i am Da Guru to you and you have to blow only those pipes which i give you !!!
And I have some special pipes which you can blow for your joy and same time can push my kundalini from the bottom to the top ! How bout that ????
Semblance, I'm worried about you. You seem to be smokin' that pot all the time.
~~~~ Durgaji ! Thanks for the sublime concern, however that used to be my girlfriend's line ! (now she gave up on me and married someoneelse -god bless her !).
You could be her avatar for all i see ! Till i smell your perfume i cant conclude on that !
Durga said
I think you should let me and Chuck do CD on you so you sober up some.
~~~~ Awe ! I thought it is workin' already on me. I have infact began to consider chuck as my guru and you as my guru Ma.
Pa Chuck and Ma Durga and SadGuru Jody is the Parama Guru (super guru)! Only i have not received any maalas with chuck's redneck mug printed on it yet...Send me the Mala by courier soon and i will pay my dues !
Chuckananda mahraj ki jai !
Dear Semblance s and orchestra,
FYI, a CDP (Cowboy Deeksha Presenter) is not a guru per se.
But I would suggest a hands off attitude toward all pipes in your possession. You sound like you may be going down the tube a little too often!
Chuck ! I detest the idea of receiving deeksha from a clueless cowboy !
Your lunatic quality of exaggeratin' your aggie like attitude has spiritually turned me off. I would rather look up to Ma Durga ! She seem to have the 'flava' and poise and peace to trigger my consciousness. Especially in her tight pants.
I would not mind Diksha from Ma Durga and Biksha (winin' and dinin' ofcourse a round of pipin too) with you ! Now that the pipes have caught your fancy, you cant resist such an offer, i goddamn sure know !
Now chuck ! you ought to be a bostonian to figure my english and if not, you can only blame your plantation southern backdrop for your cluelessness !
Did you ever sell your car to fetch the gas money ?? Ever ? Lemme know ! Then i know i spotted one more redneck here !!!
semblance, read my post in the science thread. I have a new name for you if you agree to be nice to Chuck. BTW, you've got the wrong state with the plantation reference. That's a little east of texas.
Ma durga
Ma durga said...
semblance, read my post in the science thread. I have a new name for you if you agree to be nice to Chuck. BTW, you've got the wrong state with the plantation reference. That's a little east of texas.
~~~~ My poor sense of Geo Graphics Durga ! I tend to get absorbed into a directionless space and the geo graphical divides seem disappeared to me usually during such 'exalted' states of consciousness. Especially when I start to rub the weeds in my penthouse overlooking the distant mountains of western ghats in India shining under the full moon !
About being nice to chuck, I have always been one. Infact he has been my sole inspiration to hang around here and i owe him a lot depite his own tweakiness.
Its just that i see a bit of me in him actually ! The bit which i want to rehabilitate badly...
semblance said
Its just that i see a bit of me in him actually ! The bit which i want to rehabilitate badly...
I'd have to be a hell of a lot more limber than I am to see the part of me that reminds me of you, semblance. Butt you're right, that part of me has gotten swollen of late and needs to be reformed. And just like you, my friend, I am always talking out it!
Stuart said It's not that "noble people" need to be torn down. It's your judgemental mind (the one that separates people into "noble" and "ignoble", "enlightened" and "unenlightened") that needs to be torn down.
And since you are the One who has set about to tear down my judgemental mind, you are Shiva for me. Is that what you are saying Noble Stuart?
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