Gobs Of Lingham
File under: Gurubusting

We find it almost unbelievable that people rational enough to operate a camera phone would be stupid enough to believe that this crystal lingham manifests from anywhere other than this clown's desire to pull the wool over their eyes.
Sri Hari Narayanan Swami takes after his flimflamming guru Sathya Sai Baba by hiding crystal linghams somewhere in his alimentary canal to be later spit up in stunning acts of fraud.
Labels: Gurubusting
false correlation - peoples ability to use camera phones need not in any way be related to their 'rationality'. there are more complicated devices that are used all over the world by fanatics devoid of all rationality, AK-47s for example.
there are more complicated devices that are used all over the world by fanatics devoid of all rationality, AK-47s for example.
I'd have to disagree. An AK-47 is actually a relatively simple device next to a camera-equipped cell phone.
But I will agree that folks can be smart about their gadgets and yet remain exceedingly stupid about spat out pieces of glass.
In his book The Lotus and the Robot Arthur Koestler described various physical stunts that many yogis taught themselves to do.
Among them were various ways to manipulate the alimentary tract. One cleansing technique consisted of swallowing a very long length of cloth, propelling it down into one's stomach, then , then pulling it back out through one's mouth--to cleanse one's interior.
To master this technique, one must suppress gag reflex.
If a yogi learned to do this and other bowel tricks described in Koestler's book, he could easily find ways to stash large objects in his throat without retching and then be able to extrude said objects from his mouth and make it seem a miracle.
Considering what "Afro Sai Baba" is accused of doing with boys and men, the photo of this swami seems pretty appropriate...what IS it with these guys and their linghams? I'd like to see them manifest some public housing, colleges for women, meals on wheels, ANYTHING useful..what's with the lingams, watches, rings and vibhuti? And who wants a lingham that's been in someone else's mouth anyway....ewwwwwwww! lololol!
>>To master this technique, one must suppress gag reflex.<<
Kind of a reverse Deep Throat, huh? So does that makes Linda Lovelace an accomplished yogini, or Swami Linghamananda a spiritual porn star?
'Ere, check zis out: Swami Sai Premananda, another Sathya Sai Baba hanger-on, complete with blog, pics and all.
Uh...if you think this is hilarious, get Koestler's book and read his descriptions of how yogis did other exercises to train themselves to suck up fluid using thier anuses.
Koestler writes:
'I must now enter upon the painful subject of the Hindu obsession with the bowel functions, which permeates religious observances and social custom. I quote from the Gheranda Samhita'.
Koestler then describes a cleansing technique called 'Bhahiskrita-Dhouti'
24...standing in navel-deep water, draw out the Sakti-nadi (long intestines), wash teh Nadi with hand, and so long as its filth is not all washed away, wash it with care and then draw it in again into the abdomen...'
"The reverse procedures are known under the term basti or 'Yoga-enemas. Jala-basti consists of squatting in a tub of water navel high and sucking the water up through the rectum.'
(From Koestler, The Lotus and the Robot, page 87--89)
((Note: Think twice before bathing downriver from someone doing this.))
There is additional information on various and sundry methods the yogis were taught to modify the length of their tongues and urinary tracts. The entire chapter is entitled 'Yoga Unexpurgated.'
One of the stomach cleansing methods described by Koestler consisted of 'swallowing a cloth about 4 inches wide and 22 and a half feet long, and then pulling it out. This last method is considered particularly effective, and is still practiced, for instance, at the approved Yoga Health Center in Santa Cruz, Bombay. It takes a month or two to learn to swallow the seven and a half yards of surgical guaze in about ten minutes, and it is supposed "to cleanse the waste matter coating the walls of the stomach."
Anyone who can do this could probably figure out how to carry an object in his esophagus and then regurgitate it for a public performance.
"what IS it with these guys and their linghams? I'd like to see them manifest some public housing, colleges for women, meals on wheels, ANYTHING useful..what's with the lingams, watches, rings and vibhuti? And who wants a lingham that's been in someone else's mouth anyway....ewwwwwwww! lololol!"
i agree!
let's see some public housing and food and clean water manifested, ay!
oh, i also have some things i can say about tilak... geezz... what a creep.
i feel so sorry for people who believe this guy. i used to live in sedona, az where someone sponsored him to come there. geez, its like the Capital of Charletons and Satscam! Totally!
and, i'm saying this out of a real passion for integrity and real truth.... i have been involved in the healing arts, or whatever you want to call it, since i was a child and i jus happened upon the "new age" crowd by way of my own work in the world. and i just can't stand it. where are the brains in these people? gosh, its worse than people who go to be in the military because they don't know what else to do. (sorry if that offends people).
oh, back to tilak.
womanizer, lyer, charmer for his own purposes... the list goes on. just beyond creepy and needing of real help himself.
i just dont get how people support and promote this guy. weird.
we humans need so much help but not from this guy.
how we're ever gonna grow up, i don't know but i'm working on it myself. that's about all i know.
sarahlove said...how we're ever gonna grow up, i don't know
That's where the military could be good for a little woman like you, Sarah. Don't knock it 'till you've tried it.
Jody, one needn't be rational to use a cell phone. Leave the camera man clown alone. We must tape Swamiji's mouth shut for a couple of days and check if he is compelled to manifest the "lingam" through a different exit.
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