Guess He Wasn't Invincible
File under: Final Satsang
The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is dead. The world is just as fucked up as it's always been.
Labels: Final Satsang
File under: Final Satsang
Labels: Final Satsang
posted by guruphiliac @ 4:47 PM
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Look Ma! We've made Boing Boing! Again! And again! Once again! Yet again! And once again!
.... I try to poop *in* the toilet, not *on* it.While we understand that gurus are held sacred by many, they are also public figures deserving of scrutiny. Our primary aim is to inject a little humor into what can be an excessively self-righteous enterprise, and to illustrate the primary truth that no matter how divine their devotees believe them to be, gurus poop on the same pot we do.
© 2005 - 2010
Thanks for letting us know that the Maharshi is dead.
Wasn't he working on a commentary on the Vedas before he died? Or was he just reading it himself? It wasn't clear in the article if he was working on any projects before he died?
It sounds like he died peacefully, from old age according to the article. Not such a bad way to go. And yes, we all will have to go sometime too, no one is invincible. I am sure he will be missed by thousands.
it is not a world, that is only the trick of the senses... it is a plane, and includes all good and all evil.... you can say that there is a frequency difference between the levels in this plane...
my opinion, maharishi was one of the better ones at getting people to raise their vibe a notch or two...
may you and i do as well
MMY is not a big news in India except in the spiritual circles and the bunch of schools they run.
How many people could calmly say " My work is done, my promise to Gurudev is accomplished" as though well aware of their own impending death?
The entire world lives in the fear of death. For conquering this fear alone is he to be revered.
Good old Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
He attained perfection... in Yoga aka bhoga. Made an absolute mint... talking about the Absolute to the gullible. Showed all the latercomers how to do it. I had a soft spot for him. Will I find another to put in it?
I enjoy reading about him. His Yogic Flying keeps me chortling... through that... he will remain with me... always. Boing! Boing! Boing! I'm flying... no I'm not... yes I am... no I'm not... yes I am... no I'm not... We had such a laugh.
Sincerest wishes and condolences to those he left behind.
When I saw the tv report of The Beatles goin' off to see the yogi I said, "This has got to be a put-on."
And contribution a la parody lyrics,
to the tune of George Harrison’s
“Awaiting On You All”
“Chanting The Name Of The Lord”)
“Chanting The Name Of The Turd”
“Chanting The Name Of Old Tor”
You may have a smooth grin/
Your lies come out deadpan/
great communicator, mental masturbator/
spent a decade vegetatin’/
If you open up your heart/
blood will gush right out/
your emotions are in your brain/
not in replaceable chest spout/
By chantin’ the name of old Tor and you will see/
it’s worthless as chanting the name of any ole deity/
when earthquakes or giant storms come from the sea/
its as helpful as if you spent your whole life chantin’ Gumby/
You need to cut a fart/
all life needs to make gas/
if you’re an instigator or alligator/
you’re gonna get recycled/
If you open up your heart/
blood will gush right out/
charge gnomes in you chest rent/
`cause they’ll never help you out/
By chantin’ the name of old Tor and you will see/
it’s worthless as chanting the name of any ole deity/
`god speed` or Lennon songs in space shuttles ain’t worth a pee/
when they go boom you’re toast regardless of your theology/
You do need some shelter/
reporters love helter skelter/
Invest in Mardi Gras beads, not flood wall needs,/
and churches go a floatin’/
If you open up your heart/
there’ll be a blood stream/
don’t let the creeps con you/
with their minds so freakin’ mean/
George sang, “Pope owns 51% of General Motors.”/
Harrison was pissed, he only owned 49% of GM stores./
Chant Jehovah, Krishna, Allah, Satan or Tor/
They’re equally worthless to help you, that’s for sure/
Stay on groovin' safari,
"it is not a world, that is only the trick of the senses... it is a plane, and includes all good and all evil.... you can say that there is a frequency difference between the levels in this plane...
my opinion, maharishi was one of the better ones at getting people to raise their vibe a notch or two..."
One step forward, ten steps back for the Superstar Gurus.
Maharishi will be missed by millions of people. Whatever else he did with his body, foibles and all, he introduced so many to meditation, to the idea that this body is not all they might be. He appealed to many young people, it seems, at that time, who would have otherwise been running off in the direction of drugs endlessly. For that, he should be revered. He probably saved thousands of lives.
I agree with the poster who said that his calm announcement that his work was over, and his readiness to accept his body's death, is enough to make us revere him.
I believe he was a great saint, in spite of mistakes his body made in the world.
God Bless all those who are dependent upon his movement and organization, and who have certainly given up their worldly lives to in service of their Guru.
Jai Guru Dev
gregory said...maharishi was one of the better ones at getting people to raise their vibe a notch or two...
I would agree with you to some extent but he inspired with half truths and out right lies. He squandered the innocent hearts that were drawn to him and he treated everyone, rich and poor with ultimate disdain. If you were rich and or talented he would use you until you were empty then throw you away like tissue. If you were poor he would make a slave of you if he could. I don't doubt that he believed he was the ONE to bring about peace but he fooled himself first and the rest of us second.
I am grateful to him for introducing mne to meditation and grateful that I got away rom his influence.
Uggh, the apologists are out in force. In remembrance of MMY, here's the original Beatles lyrics to Sexy Sadie.
"Maharishi what have you done
You made a fool of everyone
You made a fool of everyone
Maharishi ooh what have you done.
Maharishi you broke the rules
You layed it down for all to see
You layed it down for all to see
Maharishi oooh you broke the rules.
One sunny day the world was waiting for a lover
She came along to turn on everyone
Maharishi the greatest of them all.
Maharishi how did you know
The world was waiting just for you
The world was waiting just for you
Maharishi oooh how did you know.
Maharishi you'll get yours yet
However big you think you are
However big you think you are
Maharishi oooh you'll get yours yet.
We gave him everything we owned just to sit at his table
Just a smile would lighten everything
Maharishi he's the latest and the He made a fool of everyone
However big you think you are
Ugg -- the old hippies are out in force.
Most of the Beatles are dead too. But if John Lennon wrote it, it must be true, eh?
Soon all the people who knew Maharishi Mahesh Yogi will be dead too.
Some learned TM long after all this junk happened, and really couldn't care less about all the fighting. We just practice meditation to be more relaxed, and through Maharishi's work in the world, found out about things like sanskrit. No harm done here.
Let's not forget "The Maharishi Song" by John Lennon, a wonderful tribute the greatest mountebank in Neo-Vedic history:
John: Well, let me tell you something about the Maharishi camp, in Rishikesh. There were one or two attractive women there, but mainly, looked like, ya know, school teachers or somethin'. And the whole damn camp was fine on the ones in the bathing suits. And they're supposed to be meditatin'. And there's this cowboy there called Tom who plays cowboys on T.V. And my, did the Beatle-wives go for him in a big way....! I wondered what it was - it was his tight leather belt, his jeans, and his dumb eyes. They seem to love dumb eyes 'cause all they see is dumb eyes.
Yoko: What's wrong with his eyes? You have good sight.
John: Me? I took it for real. I wrote 600 songs - about how I feel. I felt like dying, and crying, and committing suicide, but I felt creative and I said: "What the hell's this got to do with what that silly little man's talking about?" But he did charm me in a way because he was funny - sort of cuddly, like a sort of - you know...
Yoko: Like a teddy bear....
John: ...Little daddy with a beard telling stories of Heaven as if he knew. You could never pin him down - but he often spread rumors through his right hand man who used to be with the CIA and told about the planes he saved. How Maharishi came through the storm - on a plane. And the pilot was gettin' worried they couldn't land. When Maharishi looked up and with one foul look - according to the man who works for him, everything was OK and they landed! After that I thought, lies. But who was that woman who looks like Jean Simmons who keeps going to him for private interviews? She musta been about 40 - 45. Kept talkin' about her husband 'cause he wasn't there. Always tryin' to get a private audience with the Maharishi and he kept refusing. I knew only one thing. He must of had some of his own. It musta been that little Indian piece. She came with the tailor and could sit at his feet and that was one in 500. The rest had to wait like good American people, in lines, to see the master walking on the petals who lived in a million dollar stecketo house overlookin' the Himalayas. He looked holy.
Yoko: But he was a sex maniac...
John: I couldn't say that, but he certainly wasn't...
Yoko: Holy.
John: In the true sense of the word that is...!
The world is a fucked up place because it still has incorrigibly fucked up minds like your, Jody.
The world is a fucked up place because it still has incorrigibly fucked up minds
And in the near and more distant future, it always will.
"The world is a fucked up place because it still has incorrigibly fucked up minds like your, Jody."
-Yes, this is a common characteristic of TMers I've encountered: beneath the "don't worry, be happy" facade lurks a furious anger. They can go from sweetness and light to rage within a couple of seconds. And, gee, obviously 30 years of TM has made David Lynch's mind very peaceful and tranquil, no?
I noticed a comment about Maharishi Mahesh and Sanskrit.
Let's get this straight - he was not a Sanskrit scholar and what he did know of the language appears to have been very limited. He himself admitted as much.
TM mantras have always been a source of contention amongst yogis and I have not met a Sanskrit scholars who took them seriously.
The world is a fucked up place because it still has incorrigibly fucked up minds
And in the near and more distant future, it always will.
And in the near, and more distant future, there will be refined minds, capable of understanding love and respect and delicacy and responsibilty, willing to dedicate all efforts to taking care of the world around, able to understand the deep movements of consciousness, and how to give some peace and happiness to those who don't have a way to find it
both of these things coexist, the fucked up and the refined, you can choose which side you want to live on, which side you wish to place your efforts
you will see who you are by the choice of what you see
you can choose which side you want to live on, which side you wish to place your efforts
Or, you can accept it all, deal with what you can, help as many as possible along the way, and just go on knowing that God is a Crazy Bitch and will always be so.
god IS a crazy bitch, no doubt, and nothing else is
am enjoying the online tm tribute to maharishi... it is here
click on news
I'm a bit late to see it, so all the more shocking to see all the positive replies praising the Chotarishi. And then I read this nice Associated Press report. Do they really have Chotarishi followers running around there? It drains my energy so much when I read this, that it takes away my appetite to write a counterarticle to put things a bit in perspective... who know, maybe later... although you'd expect that by now enough has been written to show the Chotarishi for what he really was and you'd think that people would know... I guess not...
Let's just hope they give Jody a statue as well when he (or she) dies.
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