
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sri Sri's "Family" Is On The March

File under: Gurubusting, Gurus Clockin' Dollars and The Siddhi of PR

Organized by region with a military-like precision, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art of Living cult is spreading its tentacles all over the U.S. this spring:
It's clear that the Art of Living family in the United States is growing, yet there is much more we can do. To help each of us bring more people to our beautiful path, Gurudev has given his blessings for a special Art of Living Week, to be held June 12-17 in every state. Our goal is to have 150 courses occurring simultaneously, with at least 50 new people on every course! These courses can be four or six days in length, based on the time availability of the teacher and the need of the area.

To help facilitate this activity we have broken the country into five geographical regions. Each region will have a senior teacher as the regional coordinator, who will be there to help you move forward and provide guidance and inspiration for setting up these courses.
Conference calls with "regional coordinators" are running right now through Saturday. It's all about the new cult recruitment drive "national campaign to teach Art of Living Courses across the USA." And guess who they're selling as the reason you should hand over your God-given common sense, and of course, hard-earned cash: that preening primpster who pimps himself as God while pumping people full of prattle about peace, for a price. Our oh-so-not so-humble little Sri Sri:
We have experienced his love, grace and wisdom. Now, it's time to bring this invaluable gift to the rest of mankind. All through the year, you have worked hard, bringing people to the Part 1 program, some of you traveling around the year to teach courses. Now, lets bring your work to fruition.

Announcing: an East Coast Part 2 program with Guruji! Celebrate his vedic birthday with him!

This is our opportunity to show our gratitude for his time and what he has given us, and make a real difference in people's lives.

Spread the word! If you have any questions, feel free to call outreach coordinator [redacted] at [redacted] or email him at [redacted].
Chilling. The little man with a monster of a self-image to feed is pulling out all stops, and he's got a growing army of tragically-duped seekers pulling in more and more marks.

If you feel your heart bursting with devotion after reading all this, you can pay $660 to celebrate with Sri Sri in person in Washington, DC, this May. You'll also get to accelerate to Part 2 of the Art of Living prison for your mind Course. Don't forget to bring your kids, they take them all the way down to 3-years-old. You can never be too early laying in the foundation of a mindless devotion.


  1. heh. why doesn't this surprise me? what I wonder is if people will go for it or AOL will have *ahem* prematurely fired off with this massive PR campaign. if the bus ads here are any indication, they've spent a lot of money on this thing. think they'll achieve brand-recognition anywhere close to the scale of say, Amma?

  2. think they'll achieve brand-recognition anywhere close to the scale of say, Amma?

    Only in Sri Sri's most fevered dreams of fame orgies.

  3. think they'll achieve brand-recognition anywhere close to the scale of say, Amma?

    He'll have to start hugging.He and Amma can have a hug off.

  4. Look at all the work that Sri Sri is doing across the world. Simply cannot fool all the people all the time (World leaders included).

    You guys posting here should do the courses offered by Art of Living before you compe up with all these nonsense. Don't try to describe the taste of a mango if you have not eaten one.

    - Raj

  5. Don't try to describe the taste of a mango if you have not eaten one.

    Stop giving us rotten mangos.

  6. You GuruPhilliac people are fools, its like one fool misleading a string of fools behind him and thinking the rest of the world are fools. And you guys the "elite" few who are so called "exposing" Art Of Living are the only intelligent, practical, congizant people, wow!!!!

  7. Sri Sri is very successful. That doesn't mean he's genuine. In fact, the bigger a guru gets, the more fake he obviously is.
