Guruphiliac: Sri Sri Sucks Some Sanyasi Ass

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sri Sri Sucks Some Sanyasi Ass

File under: Satscams and The Siddhi of PR

Always looking to score some credibility with India's spiritual elite, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was on hand to inaugurate the platinum jubilee celebrations of the Sivagiri pilgrimage in Kerala, India. We're pleased to present a few of the dingleberries which fell from his lips on this occasion:
He said the real ‘sanyasi’ is the one who brings pilgrim centres like Kailas and Manasarovar to the doorsteps of the common man and there were many such sanyasis in the country.
If you haven't already figured it out, he's pimping his own ass here, despite the fact he flies first class and stays in five-star hotels, rather than living in mud hovels and begging his food like a real sanyasi would.
The world was yearning for the spiritual wisdom of India, he said. The real ‘sanyasi’ is the one who can wipe the tears of those who suffer.
But what about our tears, Sri Sri, which we shed every time we find you whoring it for the press in the name of your own self-regard?
He should elevate the humble and bring down the arrogant.
At this point, we imagine the real sanyasis in attendance were wishing they were armed.
Leading an ascetic’s life involves sacrifice and everyone should imbibe the element of sacrifice to help his fellow beings, he added.
Just don't expect to find this loser flying coach.

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At 12/20/2007 1:01 PM, Blogger gregory said...

hey, that is ok.. the shankaracharyas are inaugurating shopping malls and car dealerships, the muslim liquor barons are donating mega-landscaping to the temple towns, when the guru comes to town the chief ministers come to greet them, photos are taken, the guru puts his, her, photo in the ashram monthly magazine, gaining credibility for his, her mission... the politico guy puts his copy of the photo on his office wall, to show that his corrupt enterprises have the blessings of the gurus.... one big mutual support system... both callings involving great pragmatism, because that is the way the world works..

one good thing about srisrisrisrisri, every sunday in 'the new sunday express' is a continuing series on patanjili's yoga sutras, translated into english, with commentary, and i have to say, guruphiliac, it is fabulous.... he, or whoever is writing it, knows his stuff... it is better than the bollywood starlet section, which is sort of like hollywood in the fifties, lots of cleavage and makeup...

all those quotes in today's post, standard boilerplate, it is how the system works here...

At 12/20/2007 1:16 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

i have to say, guruphiliac, it is fabulous

He's hired a sanskrit scholar to make his ass look good. What's so fabulous about that?

At 12/21/2007 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"just don't expect the loser to be flying coach" LOL!

That's about what it's come to....

However, from the quotes you've posted, Jody, it seems that SSRS was giving an oblique thrashing to the "sannyasis" in his audience that day.

For me, and I'm no scholar, a sannyasi is one who has renounced all the crap inside, not the crap outside. That is to say, it's not the money that ruins you exactly, it's your own greedy attachment to that money that kills it for you. So SSRS doesn't offend me by simply flying first class. He offends me, rather, by implying that he wouldn't mind flying which ever way it happened -- coach, 3rd class train in India, etc. His problem is his attachment to "I'm a big man and must be recognized and coddled......" Not the fact that he is given (or takes) first class seats.

I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.

Sannyas is something inside. Few in India who have taken white, orange, pink, yellow, or whatever robes, have much of a clue as to this fact, imo. The greatest sannyasis I've ever met were actually in ordinary clothes, with wives and kids! The greatest teachings I've heard have come from someone "ordinary" but so extraordinary, it was unbelievable! "how can this guy be saying all this? He's an ordinary guy! How can these veils be lifted from my eyes from some guy with kids and a wife???" This just blew all my assumptions out of the water and made me rethink what spirituality is, after chasing around after all the robes and titles for a while.

Sri Sri did say some correct things in those quotes, imo. But he doesn't really live any of that, imo. He even knows (and berates) the one I call guru, because of his (SSRS's) own huge ego. If SSRS ever gets sannyas, he will leave his empire, most likely, and run away.

At 12/21/2007 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He's hired a sanskrit scholar to make his ass look good."

How do you know, Jody? Were you really in AoL's inner circles as has been claimed by some in previous posts, and then kicked out of there due to some of your actions?

At 12/21/2007 1:55 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

How do you know, Jody?

I don't. It's speculation.

Were you really in AoL's inner circles as has been claimed by some in previous posts,

Yo! I've NEVER claimed to have EVER had ANYTHING to do with AoL. But there have been some regular commenters who were very close to Sri Sri around the time he was making his push to get into the big-time. What they had to say about him has become the basis of some of my criticism of him.

and then kicked out of there due to some of your actions?

I'd regard being rejected by the AoL as a graduation into a greater truth.

At 12/21/2007 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ravi Shankar is not a sanyasi,neither is he a yogi and much less a Guru. He is an extremely ambitious man,greedy to the core. He is also rude brash when relating to his devotees who go to him for guidance for their personal problems. He doesn't have the time to give them any direction or clarity. However, he gives ALL of his time if the devotee has plans for furthering his aol.There is a teacher in India-a celebrity, who changes her men as quickly as she changes her clothes. All her men friends are rich and famous.She involves them in aol,they remain with aol till they remaim with her.Does SSRS give her clarity? No. Instead,he uses these men as his mascots. Many teachers are married and yet have affairs with each other.SSRS says it is their karma,thereby giving them a license to continue illicit relationships. Divorce among his followers is high. If his follower questions his tactics,he is asked to leave. When he has milked his devotee completely,that devotee becomes a pariah. SSRS is most unimpressive when answering questions in a satsang. From the press, he only wants to be interviewed by journos who have attended his course. He uses people for his own selfish needs. His biggest regret is that Maharishi had the Beatles all he has are some small time Bollywood actors.Satya Sai has some biggies like Union Ministers and cricketers,he has none. Dalai Lama has the Nobel,he despite being nominated a few times,hasn't managed that. If you can introduce him to a biggie,he will love you,if you cant-he doesn't have the time for you.Are these the qualities of a saanyasi?No. hes is far from that.Just a greedy man who uses social service as a facade to become popular. There is no authenticity in his charity either.Just a way to make money.Would love to see official records of his work.Because all his work is just an eye wash. He is a hoax. How do I know.Was involved with aol, i knew him well.

At 12/21/2007 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The proof of the value of master must be his abillity to guide others. Ravi has never guided anybody anywhere but in to deeper ignorance.
Ravi tells a story where he says, that the only thing you can learn from going to the jungle or the mountain is that it is a mistake.
Ravi and the aol is like this, the only lesson it can give is that joining it was a mistake....
Offcourse this can be a valuable lesson, and an important part of waking up, but is really enough to justify the existence of aol....
For anybody from aol reading this, you really dont need to any of our word for it. Just be brave enough to look at the facts. Where is the actual existence of any service projects? Does people "higher up" really look more happy? Does any of the stuff Ravi says actually have anything to do with truth or reality? Where does all the money go? Why is tax evation a legitimate action in aol? What happens to old fulltime teachers? Do people really look happy around Ravi when he is present? Is anybody really being liberated from anything in Aol? Why is it necessary to lie all the time about so many things?
And the list could go on. Really seriously, stop listening to everybody else just start investigating the truth about aol and Ravi....

At 12/21/2007 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God and Guru mean simplicity. SSRS only creates confusion...he is a saanyasi?Bullshit.He is the BIGGEST manupilator

At 12/21/2007 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago aol had a program called DOLLAR A DAY for underprivileged kids.It was hogwash. They claimed to have adopted 100 villages in Gujarat after the earthquake.Check the records,not even one village was adopted.In India, he claims that he is guest of the State,when visiting towns and cities. He is the guest of the Government,check and you will find how much he lies. He has never been accorded that status.NEVER. Sure,he gets security given to him by the State,but that does not make him a State Guest!!!His followers believe anything he claims!!SAD!!

At 12/21/2007 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all,

First I'd like to thank this blogger. If it weren't for this blog, I may not have quit the Art of Living. I may have actually gotten on the plane to attend their three-week "Yes+ Winter Break" and spent three weeks in indoctrination camp.

Again, thank you.

What initially freaked me out about the Art of Living and started me questioning them was when I was left alone with an instructor's laptop computer.

I read a document which outlines the "recognition" or "inauguration" ceremony for new AoL instructors.

In order to be an instructor, you have to:

"Believe that Guruji is an ascended master at the level of Buddha and Jesus Christ."


"That the holy Sudarshan Kriya is mankind's only hope against the destructive forces of Kali-yuga."

That's when I started Googling for dirt on the AoL Foundation and found this blog and a ton of dirt on Maharishi and TM.

Did I remember to thank you?

"Jai Guru Dev",

Kool-Aid Kommander

At 12/21/2007 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear kool aid kommander, in order to be an instructor you have to also have to have generated courses ( read-earned the organization lots of money) also you have to spend your own money to follow SSRS around the world. you have to be able to praise him even if he makes an ass of himself. you have to be able to introduce him to influential people. you should NEVER question or disagree with him. teachers get kriya notes and kriya cassette. the notes say that the kriya is the most brilliant technique available to also says that anyone doing the kriya clears karmic debt of ancestors going back 8 generations, and the benefits of the practice are experienced in the by the coming 8 generations. how weird is that? the teachers are told that he in an incarnation of Krishna/Buddha/Christ. it is emphasized that the kriya is not rebirthing,but stronger than that. the teachers are taught to evade tricky questions posed to them by students,saying, we will address this question later. if a student has questions about SSRS and his life style,that student is discouraged to attend aol gatherings. only if SSRS is deified then is one qualified to become a teacher.

At 12/21/2007 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what's scarier: if Guruji knows he's full of hot air or if he actually believes what he preaches.

There should almost be groups of ex-AoL'ers that do all the good without the bullshit. Those satsangs were good times. I'd like to find some other way to get just as "blissed out" without the drugs or alcohol.

Either way, my experience in AoL shows me just how easy it is for a messiah figure or god-man to create a religion and take control of large groups of people. Give AoL five generations or so to fester and grow and you'll have people swearing that Guruji was Jesus incarnate and born of a virgin.

I think I just might become a regular at this blog.

"Sum ga shut wum",

Kool-Aid Kommander

At 12/22/2007 1:43 AM, Blogger Global Purple Orchestra said...

it also says that anyone doing the kriya clears karmic debt of ancestors going back 8 generations, and the benefits of the practice are experienced in the by the coming 8 generations. how weird is that?
Did you never know that(?) while you were teaching those gaggin' and chokin' rituals of AOL to those innocent bimbos? I would call you weird if you beleived that crap even for a moment and even taught people as an instructor for a single day.
Next time send the bimbos to me I can teach 'em perfect gaggin'in a more easier and nicer way without chargin anything - free.
Atleast they can get lost in the holysmoke before it slips outta the chimney !

At 12/22/2007 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear kool-aid kommander, SSRS BELIEVES he is God. Aol had just bought their ashram in Germany. They believed it was haunted by evil spirits. SSRS told his followers to put up his pictures all over the ashram to ward off these spirits. He had the power to do that. Once,he visited the catacombs in Rome. He said he granted liberation to those souls who had been lost for centuries. He claims that his Bangalore ashram is regularly visited by Maharishi Vasistha and Valmiki. After the recent Silver Jubilee celebrations, the teachers were given dvd's showing some lights in the sky.Those lights were angels blessing his Silver Jubilee congregation.All this he says,so you can see he believes he is God in human incarnation.

At 12/23/2007 7:54 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

semblance said...Atleast they can get lost in the holysmoke before it slips outta the chimney !

semblabce, exactly where you live? I want to look it up on the world map! What's with this circle saw blade emblem you're usin now? You know that if Shri She comes to visit you he's gonna want his own pipe and he's gonna want to know exactly where that pipe's been before he puts lip to it, where as yours truly will not be so picky!

At 12/23/2007 11:13 AM, Blogger Global Purple Orchestra said...

semblance, exactly where you live? I want to look it up on the world map!
If you talk about the chimney, then i must tell you that i got this here chimney done especially for the indoor 'sessions'. If you searched the GooglEarth and run along the equatorial line in dakshin Bharath, you would locate amidst many many trees of palm and coconut, one unidentifiable object looking into the satellite camera with a nose like a rocket and with lotso smoke like a chemical factory.
But neither a rocket nor a factory there except me and my angels.
my angels are real unlike sheshe's. My angels have greed for greens but never mind, they do what i want.

What's with this circle saw blade emblem you're usin now?
Thats just a symbol of a new designer hacksaw. As a farmer it helps me in clearin' the bush before the harvest of the golden weeds. So when i turn a politician in Bharath someday, i would use this as my party symbol and get all the farmers vote. I can use this for the angels on their face and psyche them too sometimes.

You know that if Shri She comes to visit you he's gonna want his own pipe and he's gonna want to know exactly where that pipe's been before he puts lip to it, where as yours truly will not be so picky!
thats the basic diff between she she and 'yours truly' and thats why she she is where he is (remember the endless janmas)and 'yourstruly' still is in the muleshed. But chuck. she she would love bitoffa spankin' from me. I love spankin angels and she she is a angel too.

At 12/24/2007 6:47 AM, Blogger gregory said...

hey, no one should fly coach, my god... if you don't have any incentive to make some money, just fly coach a couple of long distance trips.... you will be the most ambitious person you could possibly be

At 12/24/2007 7:39 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

semblance said...I love spankin angels and she she is a angel too.

Seems like I remember you likin to spank your own momma, semblance! Yet I remain your loyal friend! Merry Christmas good buddy!

You too, Jody!

At 12/24/2007 11:12 AM, Blogger Global Purple Orchestra said...

Seems like I remember you likin to spank your own momma, semblance! Yet I remain your loyal friend! Merry Christmas good buddy!
My mom occasionally lifts her wise old nonsensical head from the 'society' tabloid may be for cuppa. When she thus lifted, it would be only to tell how she is do damn right and I am so damn wrong, as always. Far from spanking, I cant even recollect her face much these days.

As for your loyalty chuckji, you can make up for a very good fauxciple who love to kiss the feet to glorify his disciplehood and then grab the neck for a bite and a mug of blood.

Im never disloyal, so the question of being loyal does not arise at all. How about that for a piece of wisdom on the eve of XXXmas?

Honeslty speaking Chuck, everytime I went to mass on the eve of XXXmas, it was only to mess up with some angels for good times and not for that miracle monger who owned a mule for transport and died like an acrobat on a hilltop or for his mom who made love to ghosts. But who cares, a loyal friend like you deserve a good wishin' on a holy day. So merry Xmas to you and DFJ at dimebox.

At 12/24/2007 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kindly do not superimpose the Christian idea of poverty & self-denial on Indian Sanyasis.

At 12/24/2007 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Gregory & Jody

The Patanjali Yoga Sutra talks you are talking about were delivered by SSRS in English only & they are not translations.A friend of mine gifted me the 12 VCDs on Diwali.They are talks with questions also & I have no reason to believe they are spoken by a man who does not know anything about the Yoga Sutras.Besides SSRS is Hindu caste royalty himself.He is a Tamil Iyer Brahmin by birth-the top of the top caste.A lot of Shankaracharyas would willingly perform a thousand yagnas just for that caste.

At 12/24/2007 6:35 PM, Blogger CHUCK said...

Anonymous said... Kindly do not superimpose the Christian idea of poverty & self-denial on Indian Sanyasis.

Anonymush, kindly kiss my red necked, southern baptist batooty!

At 12/24/2007 11:59 PM, Blogger Global Purple Orchestra said...

ANONY said ... Besides SSRS is Hindu caste royalty himself.He is a Tamil Iyer Brahmin by birth-the top of the top caste.A lot of Shankaracharyas would willingly perform a thousand yagnas just for that caste.
Yea Tamil Iyer! Im one too. Now I realize where does all the smoke come from. I just built a designer chimney to send all the smokes to heavens for those angels. But let me also tell you that I still wipe my ass with toilet papers. Does 'she she' do the same ?

You are a caste fanning bastard. I know you are shudra and it comes naturally for a shudra like you to glorify the iyers, like you always did for thousand and more years.

Let me burn my iyerhood with the goldenweeds, the smoke that escape my designer chimney is my message to the world on this holy xmas day. But dont mistake me for that old dude, 'Pope the beenaddicted XII' who stands on the balcony and huff and puff, which even the lord might find abusive.

Why dont you visit me Anon ? I can show you how an iyer ass can taste like ..sene me a mail please.

At 12/26/2007 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...A lot of Shankaracharyas would willingly perform a thousand yagnas just for that caste.

That would make "a lot of Shankaracharyas" the same kind of douch bags that Ravi Shankar is."

At 12/27/2007 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, anon, Sri Sri makes it very clear sometimes, just how high caste he is! Like, for example, forbidding a western person to even eat with another Brahmin at his ashram (for fear that the western person would contaminate the Indian!) Fortunately, that particular Brahmin was raised better than Sri Sri and basically told his royal foolishness to get lost, and not to impose his outdated bigotry on others. SSRS has embarrassed himself many times with high caste Indians who visit the ashram, who just think its nuts to consider caste comparison anymore. Tsk Tsk that the Shankaracharyas are so backward to this day. Time to move into the 21st century and leave all that worn out crap called caste behind.

Respect yourself, anon. Whatever caste you are, don't compare yourself to others, and don't bother comparing SSRS with others. It's a waste of life, and a blot on Beautiful India.

At 12/28/2007 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Semblance

I am the same guy whom you called a shudra.Came back to tell you I am a Suryavanshi Rajput from Jodhpur in Rajasthan-the land of Kings.And now reading your comments,I want to cut you in a thousand pieces.Give me your address.I will come alone & walk out with your head & play Polo with it.Or better still,you can visit me at Jodhpur & we can play Polo with your severed head.Incidentally that is how the Royal game of Polo evolved.Kings played with their troops with the head of the enemy.

At 12/28/2007 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you write of Indian Gurus you write from the Western perspective where Gurus are not mainstream (Christianty is) but where these Gurus come from,Vedanta & Vedas are the mainstream,they guide the society & it's leaders & like all ruling philosophies (and Vedanta unlike Christianity is quite an Elitist phikosophy,it favours an "Enlightened/Sophisticated/More Intelligent few" over the "Ignorant Masses" & hence is higly administration friendly) so it is bound to have the same corruptions like other philosophies.In India,it is a matter of religious & social duty to visit saints & a prestige issue to give donations to as many saints as one can.The Rich & the Powrful make it a prestige issue.Thankfully we do not have a Christian system of ordaining saints so people have a right to choose who is a saint or not.It is the most democratic system in the world.YOU choose your God & nobody else does it for you.And since it has gone on for at least 6000 years so people are not insecure about it anymore.As Swami Vivekananda said "Many waves arise from time to time in the form of Gurus in Hinduism.They cleanse the religion of the old & archaic flotsam of ideas & after their job is done,return to the Ocean of Hinduism".This is nothing new & everyone of the Gurus you make fun of are doing the same at least in India.Everything is Vedic here.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has started Sanskrit training centres & Veda Schools on a very large scale in 3 staes of India.Anyone can enroll there & study the scriptures themselves.Amma is doing the same in her home state of Kerala.I see it more as a Hindu regeneration than anything else.As far as regarding them as God is concerned,most Hindus grow up reciting the famous Vedic Shloka saying the Guru to be Brahma,Vishnu,Shiva & the embodied form of the One Divinity.Also another Shloka which says "The Truth is One The wise say it by many names" & "God is there for those who believe in him & also those who do not believe in Him".Combine the three & you have the most democratic & tolerant faith in the world which sees divinity in all living forms.Of course you being Christians (& the Indians who post here-the Westernised Indians),this is unacceptable as the day Christianity & Islam start seeing divinity in humans,their faith would be finished.It is by propagating the guilt-complex of man being a sinner that these reigions survive.

At 12/28/2007 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Chuck

Dear Chuck the Al Qaeda & the Taliban are already "licking" your "red-necked,south baptist batooty" & your Mamma's Boys pretending to be soldiers are raping Iraqi & Afghani Women & Young Girls,killing children & beating the old & the infirm to death in their frustration(& angering the locals more & more).Moreover,your understanding or lack of it of the Islamic mind has opened another front called Pakistan yesterday when your puppet Benazir Bhutto was murdered & now there is no option for you but to deploy your already streched & war-weary troops to another but bigger & more horrifying Vietnam.I don't need to kiss your ass.Your relatives & family members will do it for you (if at all your ass survives an RDX blast-my experience as a war correspondent tells me it does not,though the mangled head minus the face does) when the war on terror comes to your doorstep-if not tomorrow then within a few months.

At 12/28/2007 1:34 PM, Blogger CHUCK said...

anonymusclehead said...I am a Suryavanshi Rajput..

I met some of these Rageputz guys in N India and they were just a bunch of arrogant assholes, like yourself. Must run in the family!

At 12/29/2007 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anonymous Rajput said...Dear Chuck the Al Qaeda & the Taliban are already "licking" your "red-necked,south baptist batooty" & your Mamma's Boys pretending to be soldiers...

Granted, anonymous, Chuck is a blow hard. He was born and raised and lives eternally in one of the most ignorant parts of the US, ie Texas. Chuck himself has said that "Texans are the lowest form of white man there is..." quoting, I believe, Robhert Devall-- also a Texan-- from the movie, "Geronimo".
Although I will agree that Chuck is among the lowest forms of white men, I do not believe he is the lowest. You seem to equate poor Chuck with the Doer, ie God, since you have him responsible for everything that is done in the name of the American people. If this be true, that would make you, my Rajput friend, responsible for setting fire to train loads of folks as part of a Hindu regeneration. The knee deep trash and polluted waters of India are your responsibility, as are the millions of yearly murders of female children killed in the womb just because they are female. You are also responsible for the millions and millions of poor living in the gutters while you play polo with poor semblance's head.

At 12/29/2007 11:28 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

Betty said...Although I will agree that Chuck is among the lowest forms of white men...

Kind words, Betty! This humble son of the red East Texas sod says, "Thanky"! I do believe howsomever that you have misspelt the name of Mr. Robert Duvall, one of the brightest stars in the crown of Waxahatchie, Texas!

I've said it before and I'll say it again...if only I had met Betty 37 years ago before simple pudginess blossomed into me bein the son and father of blubber!

I can't hardly hold this lustful hate of Americans against this here poor Rageputz. Howsomever he should know that a born Texan is always a Texan first and an American last!

At 12/30/2007 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Betty

The only burning trainloads of folk that I know of were those Hindu pilgrims whose coaches were locked from the outside,kerosene poured inside their coaches & set on fire by a Muslim mob incited by Mullahs simply because they were Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya & chanting Rama's name in a Railway platform in the Muslim dominated city of Godhra in Gujarat in 2002.
As far as women are concerned,the Chief Minister (equivalent to Governor in the USA) of my state is a woman-Vasundhara Raje-Princess of Gwalior-elected by the people & given a two thirds majority-worshipped here as a goddess,& to the frustration of her other female political rivals who put up a show of simplicity,quite revels in her diva status.The chief minister of our neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh is Mayawati-belonging to the lowest of the low Shudra caste-ruling with an iron fist (some say the only democratically elected dictator along with the Late Indira Gandhi-the Lady famous for keeping a "file" of each of her opponents as well as supporters & jailing them on framed charges under draconian anti-gangster laws, & the alive & kicking Ms Jayalalitha Jayaram of Tamil Nadu-famous for getting her critics-both men & women,in the public,burnt alive by "emotionally charged supporters"-usually outside their own houses with the Police preferring to watch the show & picking up the charred body & registering a murder case after it's over & of course,never catching the culprits until the government is voted out of power & a new party's government is there).Mayawati was elected with a two thirds majority by bringing the Brahmins & the Shudras together to vote for her.The highest of the high caste & the lowest of the low caste are her core supporters.The President of India is a woman-Pratibha Patil,while the country's power is in the hidden hands of a woman of Italian origin-Sonia Maino also known as Sonia Gandhi.In the past,Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister in the 80s.Sarojini Naidu was Governor of 3 states in the 50s,Vijaylakshmi Pandit was Ambassador to the USA.Jayalalitha Jayram has thrice been Tamil Nadu's CM in the last 20 years.Why do we not see so many women in the American Politics ? And all you seem to have is Hilary Clinton as a Presidential candidate.

So many prominent women are there in India that one loses count.Women are now 50% of our workforce & head Ministries,Companies,Governements,Government Departments,Police,Air Force & Army Units-the list is endless.Yes we have a big problem of female foeticide but it is not so big as to run in millions of deaths per year-that is a classic case of Western exaggeration.Incidentally,Narendra Modi,the newly re-elected Chief Minister of Gujarat whom you people like to vilify as some fanatic,campaigned with his achievements in women's education & prevention & control of female foeticide & drastic improvements in Gujarat's female is to male ratio (up from 815 girls to every 1000 boys to 900 girls per 1000 boys - as per a UNDP sponsored study) as one of his major poll planks.I pity you people.You are so out of touch with the real India.

At 12/30/2007 11:42 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

The only burning trainloads of folk that I know of were those Hindu pilgrims

Modi murdered thousands of Muslims. It's a known fact. He did it with the help of his own police force. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that the Hinduvta are as evil as any racist organization the world has ever known, including that organization they admire, the Nazis of WWII Germany.

At 12/31/2007 3:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Modi murdered thousands of Muslims"

Certainly not. The reaction was spontaneous and contrary to newspaper reports of dhimmi India , were NOT engineered by Narendra Modi.

In your eyes, Lord Rama, Krishna and even Narasimha who dealt with hiranyakasipu might appear impeachable.

At 12/31/2007 3:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Jody

I am well aware of the fact that quite a few of the Hindutva leaders admire Mussolini (If you did not know,Mussolini invited RSS leaders to Italy in the late 1920s along with freedom fighters from the Congress & other parties as a show of solidarity against the British) & also Hitler.

Also,Modi did not murder thousands of Muslims.What he did was that he gave 72 hours to the RSS & VHP footsoldiers & streetfighters to avenge the unprovoked & uncalled for Godhra Carnage (the 2002 train incident I referred to earlier).The targets were Muslim neighbourhoods with known Jihadi & Al-Qaeda sympathisers.Even the CIA now lists the addresses of some of the deadliest Jihadis as these Muslim enclaves in Gujarat. This ia because Gujarat borders Pakistan & has a very large Muslim population.Also Mahmood Ghaznavi,the Muslim king of Ghazni city in Eastern Afhanistan,also known as "the biggest iconoclast & killer of infidels" in Islamic literature of Medieval times,raided Gujarat 10 times,killed & converted thousands to Islam & destroyed the temple of Somnath dedicated to Lord Shiva in the 11th Century A.D.He is a favourite Jihadi/Muslim fanatics' hero & they like to think that by hiding & carrying out strikes in Gujarat they are xarrying forward his legacy.
Modi simply did not deploy the Police & the Paramilitary forces for 72 hours in 2002 & let the rioters take surgical strikes at those particular Muslim neighbourhoods.Of course,since that was a riot so a lot of innocents also were killed.But when after 72 hours,Modi deployed the forces in full strength,not one incidence of violence was reported.In Pakistani primary school text books & in Indian Jihadi Madarsas they teach that all those who follow Vedanta & the Vedas or Hinduism as "coward bastards" or "morally weak & decadent people who can be defeated easily".Gujarat changed that as for the first time in the history of India the Hindus paid them back in the same coin .

The Quran says "Thou shalt not make any friendship with the infidel & if ever you do,know it to be for thy convenience & as soon as your interest is served,employ all means to get him & his family to Islam & if it does not happen peacefully,do so by force,rioting,fighting wars,harassing their women & children.This is Jihad.Because there is only one God called Allah & Mohammed is his only Prophet".So no mercy is required for Muslim Fundamentalists & Jihadis.

At 12/31/2007 4:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also I would like to add.All the Muslims in India , Pakistan & Bangladesh are converts from Hinduism whose ancestors were mostly forcibly converted by invading Muslim rulers.That is why to draw parallels with Nazis are wrong.They are our own people who have been brainwashed so much that most of them nowadays do not salute the Indian flag or sing the Indian National Anthem as "Islam says worship of anything other that Allah is a sin".
Today's newspaper headline in India says that the Govt of India would give financial incentives to all Minority (read Muslim) Madarsas (numbering around 1,00,000) to hold flag hoisting & National Anthem singing events n the Indian Independence day & Republic Day.
Now what does that indicate?Why should the government pay a section of its own citizens to sing their own national anthem & hoist their own national flag ?This "minority appeasement" & "minority dictatorship" is what strengthens the hand of the Hindutva brigade.
Sample this,the education reforms committee of the Indian state of Kerala (the only 100% literacy rate state in India) recommended that all schools in Kerala be co-education to enable gender sensitisation.All Muslim organisations protested against this,indulging in widespread violence & arson throughout the state,as they think it is "against Islamic culture".The proposals were shelved immediately & the government dismissed the officer who headed the committee & also tendered a written apology to the Mullahs saying sorry for "hurting their sentiments".
What bullshit is this?And we in India have to live with this bullshit everyday.And this bullshit is not by any foreigners,it is our own people whose ancestors were once converted to islam by foreign Islamic rulers & now after so many generations they have become so brainwashed that the Muslim Ummah (brotherhood) is more important to them than their own country.
They refuse to use condoms for birth-control as the Mullahs shout from the Masjids to "increase the population of Muslims by making more babies".They stall any Indo-US agreement on any issue along with the Communists to protest "American Imperialism".
A couple of realy sick Mullahs had launched a campaign in the 80s,exhorting Muslim youth to "Entice Hindu girls into marriage & convert them to Islam to make Hindus into a minority" which was one of the major reasons for the rise of the Hindutva forces in Western Indian states like Gujarat.
Furthermore calling great Indian Yogis & Gurus like Ramana Maharishi as "Devils" & threatening to blow up their Ashrams along with the many heartburns these people have given without any provocation.They are converts from our own but most of their minds now belong to the Saudis & the Pakistanis.

In the light of these circumstances,the rise of the Hindutva forces is necessary & inevitable.

But since Hiduism is a democratic religion & perhaps the only one which recognises atheism as a valid spiritual path & also recognises that there can be more than one ways to happiness & joy in life,so it can never be as fanatic as Islam & Christianity.

The rise & immense popularity of Gurus like Swami Ramdev & Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who have followers from all religions in India & who actively promote religious harmony by word & deed is a latest testimony to this.

At 12/31/2007 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...I pity you people.You are so out of touch with the real India.

Dear anonymous,

Please consider yourself pitied by me as well.

At 12/31/2007 9:44 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

he gave 72 hours to the RSS & VHP footsoldiers & streetfighters to avenge

He is a murderous monster, and you are apparently a racist pig follower of his.

At 12/31/2007 9:45 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

In your eyes, Lord Rama, Krishna and even Narasimha who dealt with hiranyakasipu might appear impeachable.

They are already impeached due to the fact that they are mostly pure myth.

At 12/31/2007 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Jody,Betty etc.

I guess our lives & viewponts are quite opposite to each other.So I'd leave you to your own worldview & I will follow my own & let time decide who was right.

And yes Mr. Jody,there is no racism in fighting my own people who were mentally sound before they converted to Islam & after their conversion turned on their own brothers & their own culture.At best it is a sort of intra-family conflict. There is no racism in India.Racism is a product of the West.

Anyway, I have no time for all this as I am quite busy in my own affairs.This blog was an interesting discovery during a well-earned vacation.It only shows the need to realize the dream of an Indian Century more than ever so that India is resurrected as the most prosperous & Spiritual of all nations on Earth.That also means that I should focus more now on my business & do my bit for the same than replying to your stupid posts on this stupid blog.

At 12/31/2007 2:57 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

our lives & viewponts are quite opposite to each other.

Vivekananda would spit in the face of anyone who supported the atrocities of the RSS.

There is no racism in India.

You are correct, sir. India has caste-ism, which is much, much worse.

I should focus more now on my business & do my bit for the same than replying to your stupid posts on this stupid blog.

Please, sir, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

At 1/04/2008 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody you must stop talking about topics that don't concern you or about which you are ill informed. Anonymous's comment that Modi gave 72 hours for his hindutva foot soldiers to do their work is totally wrong. Modi called in the army the very next day but it took some time for them to come as they were deployed in the border. There are several anti Hindu forces in India and you have joined them to malign Modi. This thing about 72 hours comes from the erroneous belief that February has 31 days and has been spread by the press in India. The torching of the Sabarmati Express took place on 27th Feb 2002, the riots started on 28th Feb 2002 and Modi called the Army on 1st March 2002, the very next day. So how does that become 72 hours?

At 1/04/2008 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For someone who claimed a few posts back to be a "war correspondent", you don't seem very well informed, since you said:

"The only burning trainloads of folk that I know of were those Hindu pilgrims whose coaches were locked from the outside,kerosene poured inside their coaches & set on fire by a Muslim mob incited by Mullahs simply because they were Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya & chanting Rama's name in a Railway platform in the Muslim dominated city of Godhra in Gujarat in 2002."

Uh, dude, I guess you forgot the tiny detail that a tea wallah (happened to be Muslim) boarded the sitting train, and served these morons coming from pilgrimage tea. They refused to pay this guy until he would stand there like a monkey and chant "Ram Ram" like they had been doing. So the poor guy left unpaid, went out of the coach, shared his misery with other Muslims, who then, in fury, set the coaches on fire. That incident led to the bloodletting in Gujarat led by Modi (you must know this?) anyhow....................

At 1/05/2008 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so Anonymous, even if we accept your sequence of events, according to you it is ok to set a whole coach on fire if someone does not pay you for your tea?

At 1/06/2008 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous above:

A lie by repeated assertion does not become the truth. Are you saeed naqvi as he was the one who planted this story of "tea seller not paid ".

Even believing in your story of the ' aggrieved tea seller ' with a gargantuan willing suspension of disbelief, is incineration of them called for ? Something incorrigibly wrong with your notion of justice.

At 1/07/2008 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My intention was simply to show that both sides of this fanaticism are totally wrong. The muslims who react murderously to being taunted by the fanatical hindutva freaks, the hindutva freaks who react by raping women and children in front of their fathers/brothers, then setting their homes on fire, all at the behest of their Governor -- all are wrong. All are full of BS. All should be given their own little country to sit in and kill each other in and leave the rest of India alone. Most Indians are nothing like these people.

Read the wonderful book "Maximum City" to get another perspective as well.

The fact that people like Modi, Thackery and the ilk appeal to poor, disaffected youth, give them guns and money to go start and finish riots, is not a lie. It's a fact of India. Just as Pakistanis and even Saudis are appealing in the same way to muslim youth who feel they have no out, no way to succeed. All of these people are wrong.

You are wrong to defend Modi. You are sick. You need help. Go and get it.

The fact that there are not daily riots of this nature in such an enormous population proves that fanatics like you are in the minority.

Go get your own country, or get help, or shut up and stop inciting. India will be better off without people like you.

P.S. A Hindu made the "fake" film which exposed what Modi had done to the Muslims in Gujarat. They all stupidly bragged on film about what they did and who told them to do it. Are you totally out of it?

Sick Of All Hindutva and "Islamic" Terror And All Who Represent Or Support Either Side.

At 1/07/2008 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once walked in on one of my teenaged sons in the bathroom giving himself a hand job while looking in the mirror... Very tramatic for both of us! This is the mentality of religious zealots and fundementalists all over the world. They hold tightly to their own private beliefs and enjoy what puts the mind and its imaginations above everything else, even common decency.

At 2/16/2009 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point, we imagine the real sanyasis in attendance were wishing they were armed.

I just laughed so suddenly and so hard that my tea came out my nose. Thank you for this fantastic image and turn of a phrase!


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