Guruphiliac: Comediguru Blesses With Laughs And A Message
Monday, March 28, 2005
Comediguru Blesses With Laughs And A Message
File under: Gurutainment
While we've yet to catch his act, Arj Barker sounds like our kind of guru. Because doesn't mirth make the truth that much more fun? We think so. Those watching his performance have been known to cough themselves silly as well.
It looks like Swami Beyondananda has got some good competition now, but it will probably take Arj a while to catch up to that website.
.... An appropriate name for your blog could have been Neti Neti. — Rama
While we understand that gurus are held sacred by many, they
are also public figures deserving of scrutiny. Our primary aim
is to inject a little humor into what can be an excessively
self-righteous enterprise, and to illustrate the primary truth that
no matter how divine their devotees believe them to be, gurus
poop on the same pot we do.
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