Kids, Throw That E Away, Kriya Will Save The Day!
File under: The Siddhi of PR

Appealing to national pride, Sri Sri spoke of the "correctness" that India can bring to the world. As much as we love the mother of Vedanta and all that she has to offer, there's quite a bit about India that is far from correct, beginning with Sri Sri's grasping at name and fame wherever he goes... in addition to the blinding superstition, caste discrimination, anti-Muslim riots and the various other ethnic conflicts raging around that country.
Always the self-promoter, Sri Sri tells us that "only Indians can open the world's quality management institutes" just as he announced the opening of his own Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Foundation Management Training College in Goa, taking a page from both the Madharishi and the Kracki in his lust to establish yet another revenue stream.
We find it amusing that a guru who attempts to emulate Shiva is anti-drug and pro-business, the veritable opposite of where the Lord of Destruction is coming from. But that's the way the wind blows right now... and whichever way the wind blows, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is sure to go.
After being skeptical of gurus and godpeople for a long time, I was very impressed with the Aol courses a few yrs back and believed that this was it, a genuine path. But after visiting the Bangalore ashram, it was obvious that AoL was not what it seemed during the basic course. The hype and the publicity were way too much. The ashram was a commercial hub of marketing spirituality. It was weird when people touch Sri Sri's feet and he never bothered to even look at them.
But I and my friends enjoy reading his books and discussing texts like the yoga vashista. And some of the ashramites are genuine, wonderful peopel and I do know the courses have helped many people, so have mixed feelings about the whole thing.
Hi Jody,
Did he really drink opium?
And why is there never anything about ISKCON on your blog? Or does it just go without saying?
Did he really drink opium?
A commenter here told a story about Sri Sri drinking bhang on Shivaratri. He didn't say if it contained opium. As I understand it, bhang is a concoction made from the marijuana plant. It's not unusual for swamis to take bhang during Shivaratri, but it's hypocrisy to then go and condemn drug use for others.
why is there never anything about ISKCON
ISKCON stays below the radar. Plus, their divine guru is dead.
This blog's objective is to relay the truth that everyone is as divine as they will ever be, right now, making those who present themselves as especially divine its primary target.
Why whould you not promote something beneficial for humanity (keep low key) while violence, drugs and corruption are being promoted through marketing. Is that ok because we are used to it? Times have changed and spirituality needs to reach every human soul on this planet today, while so much conflict is in the world. One cannot keep human values, peace and love low key, the sound of peace has to be louder than the sound of violence.
One more thing. Not everything you hear or read is necessarily true.
foolish..this blog is another case of he says, she says bullshit!..... ssrs teaches that habitual use of anything will lead to self destruction, he gives clues to overcoming self destructive behavior, such as drugs and even warns that overuse/misuse of meditation can be just as harmful as drugs. dont judge an entire organization because of a few hippie cult freaks joined aol, and prance around taking his message and fucking it up. just like you people cant get your facts straight! also the AOL organizations main objective since the beginning has been to spread indian spirituality worldwide, the Profits made by Aol are going to spreading humanitarian values, rebuilding communities, ect. Also I've never heard Sri Sri Ravi Shankar claim to be krishna, or any other incarnation of a deity, there will always be some yogi cult freak claiming that their teacher is the incarnation of jesus, or buddha, or krishna.. branding AOL with such labels, you people let yourselves become confused by a few rumors spread by yoga cult fanatics...and therefore blinded yourself to the whole point of AOL . you hear little rumors, and you go spreading them like a disease.
ssrs teaches that habitual use of anything will lead to self destruction
Does he include the use of food in that list? It's another of his exceedingly simplistic pronouncements. His dumbing it down to mere sloganeering is one of the secrets of his success.
he gives clues to overcoming self destructive behavior, such as drugs and even warns that overuse/misuse of meditation can be just as harmful as drugs.
But sometimes, it's got to hurt to get through.
Sri Sri's take on drugs is exactly what is expected, but as usual he takes a stand based on what will make him more popular. Were he really an incarnation of Shiva, he'd know that in some very specific ways, it's all about the drugs.
dont judge an entire organization because of a few hippie cult freaks joined aol
There are plenty of other available reasons to do so.
taking his message and fucking it up.
And that's hard to do, considering the state of it so far. As I see it, Sri Sri's message (in terms of the product of his PR department) is mostly designed to make you believe he's special. This makes him false among the real true gurus of the world.
the AOL organizations main objective since the beginning has been to spread indian spirituality worldwide
Making them India's equivalent of imperialist missionaries?
The problem with spreading Indian spirituality is that it comes entangled with superstitious nonsense. Sri Sri uses the superstitions about gurus to present himself as divine, when he's just a very ambitious seeker after his own fame, afaict.
the Profits made by Aol are going to spreading humanitarian values, rebuilding communities, ect.
You have no idea where the money is going unless you keep the books yourself.
Also I've never heard Sri Sri Ravi Shankar claim to be krishna, or any other incarnation of a deity
He's doesn't have to make the claim for himself to enjoy the benefits of being seen that way. He is a repudiator-cultivator space daddy. He acts humble and denies any special divinity, and then he lets his crack PR squad pump him up to supreme being status.
there will always be some yogi cult freak claiming that their teacher is the incarnation of jesus, or buddha, or krishna..
And there will always be gurus who'll deny it to your face while their PR minions elevate them to the level of world savior.
you hear little rumors, and you go spreading them like a disease.
Fighting fire with fire, as they say. Sri Sri makes it all about him, and those underdeveloped individuals who want a space daddy in their lives flock to him. Thus, his cult grows only because the world is in great supply of people who are easily duped by a pasted-on smile and a ludicrously facile imitation of wisdom.
Jody, breaking down my statements one by one, and reflecting your opinion on each statement as bieng researched fact, shows that you believe your opinion to be fact researched or not. currently the only religeon bieng spread worldwide is imperialist christianity. I would rather see someone like sri sri, spreading a less fearfull message, Jody, what is your definition of wisdom? is it a message locked away in a gurus closet in some cave in the himalayas? wisdom should be accessable to all in search. Not locked away under political chastise. and what is a repudiator cultivator space daddy? if your going to have an intelligent discussion, refering to a yogi as some sort of milkyway pimp? it sure doesnt reflect upon the down to earth wisdom of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, I think whats happened here is your so used to reading some militant hindi text thats so complex you dont understand it. maybe you DO need wisdom to be dumbed down to your level. Ive seen him honored among most gurus, and rarely criticized, so what do you mean real true gurus? who is a real true guru? is it you? did you come to this blog to prance around and say "my gurus better than your guru"?
Jodi, maybe you should speak from experience my friend, and then you wouldnt need to wag your tongue on a internet blog, trying so desperatly to sway public opinion of a healthy and beneficial worldwide movement.
Jody, breaking down my statements one by one, and reflecting your opinion on each statement as bieng researched fact, shows that you believe your opinion to be fact researched or not.
Black is white, up is down, cats are fucking dogs. Oh. My. Gawd!
currently the only religeon bieng spread worldwide is imperialist christianity.
Wrong. The imperial Sri Sri is on the move.
I would rather see someone like sri sri, spreading a less fearfull message
Sri Sri as God is about the most fearful thing I can imagine.
Jody, what is your definition of wisdom? is it a message locked away in a gurus closet in some cave in the himalayas?
It sure has nothing to do with self-aggrandizing fame whores prancing around in white robes spouting bullshit.
wisdom should be accessable to all in search.
Too bad Sri Sri offers anything BUT wisdom.
Not locked away under political chastise.
Just employed as a means to wealth and fame, right? That's the Sri Sri way.
and what is a repudiator cultivator space daddy?
Sri Sri acts humble as his people fawn over him as a deity. He repudiates his status as God while he and his people encourage all around him to view his as God.
if your going to have an intelligent discussion, refering to a yogi as some sort of milkyway pimp?
Perhaps it's over your head, my friend.
it sure doesnt reflect upon the down to earth wisdom of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
His so-called "down to earth wisdom" is nothing more than a conceit designed to attract empty-headed cult members. It's kindergarden-level pabulum, pre-chewed and pre-disgested, designed to go down easy and fill heads with nonsense about Sri Sri and his cult.
I think whats happened here is your so used to reading some militant hindi text thats so complex you dont understand it.
It's all right there, plain as the nose on my face. Sri Sri only seeks adulation.
maybe you DO need wisdom to be dumbed down to your level.
It can't get any dumber than he's already made it.
Ive seen him honored among most gurus, and rarely criticized
That's because people suck up to those with more money, fame and power than they.
so what do you mean real true gurus?
A person who doesn't turn their spiritual understanding into a circus of ego-inflation.
who is a real true guru?
Those who quietly exist as jnanis without any of the ludicrous hoopla of a Sri Sri or any other big-time guru.
is it you? did you come to this blog to prance around and say "my gurus better than your guru"?
I came to make sure people understand that self-realization and attention-seeking fame whores like Sri Sri have absolutely nothing to do with one another.
Jodi, maybe you should speak from experience my friend, and then you wouldnt need to wag your tongue on a internet blog
Maybe I already am speaking from experience.
trying so desperatly to sway public opinion of a healthy and beneficial worldwide movement.
I am in contact with former AoL teachers who would strenuously disagree with that assessment.
Go baba DHONGI!!!!!
Someone I know well knew Ravishankar from his childhood as well as his parents Ratnam and Vishalakshi. He was highly effeminate from his childhood and failed to complete even basic college. There was one Bala Sai Baba who was popular that time who visited Ravishankar's place. Ravishankar and his parents promoted him big time then. Ravishankar would go behind closed doors with Bala Sai and before long half of Bangalore was talking about the gay relationship between Bala Sai Baba and Ravishankar. I don't remember too well what exactly happened (it was probably a fraud case that was exposed), but a whole lot of devotees turned against Bala Sai Baba who was arrested for a while and then went absconding. Ratnam and friends decided it was not safe for Ravishankar whose association (or whatever more) with Bala Sai Baba had raised many eyebrows as well as earned the ire of Bala Sai's victims and packed him off to Mumbai. And then began his short term association with Mahesh Yogi's group. The talk of Ravishankar being gay (remember, it was several decades ago and homosexuality was a big big taboo then) was doing rounds all over the city and one fine day, Ravishankar's family announced that he had attained enlightenment at Sholingur, close to Madras. For some reason, this place was later changed to Bhadravati in Shimoga district of Karnataka. Nothing wrong that he is gay, but a real saint would probably acknowledge his own truth rather than run from it.
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