File under: Sri Sri's March on the Prize and The Siddhi of PR
Sri Sri in Cape Town, South Africa last week. We can't decide if the slogan is more racist than our seeing it that way. Africa may need a lot of things, but a hyper-ambitious Peace Prize chaser is not one of them.
God forgive Jody, for she knows not what see Blogs.
"Lead me From Darkness to Light" is an ancient Indian Sanskrit prayer. (Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya )
Jody reminds me of the characters like Sisupala, Hiranyakasipu who in their single minded hatred towards the Lord have in fact merged in Him ! As Sri Sri says where else can Ravan go but into RAM.
Jai Gurudev. ( Translates to 'Victory to the Big Mind', just in case Jody thinks it just means Salutations to Guru )
"Lead me From Darkness to Light" is an ancient Indian Sanskrit prayer. (Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya )
In the context of being in Africa with Sri Sri being the white-robed space daddy supreme, it's at least tangentially racist.
Jai Gurudev. ( Translates to 'Victory to the Big Mind', just in case Jody thinks it just means Salutations to Guru )
You've been nicely brainwashed and now accept Sri Sri's spin as something more than his self-serving opinion. He feigns a rejection of adoration even as he plays Shiva for those dumb enough to think he's in it for anything other than his own self-glory:
Jody, Guru bashing based on facts is good, in fact need of the hour but just based on gossip is in bad taste. I do agree that there are a number of false Gurus in this world. As a discerning person we should not blame the entire lot for the faults of few. You seem to look through the same colored glass at all the Gurus. Before you make judgement on a Guru first do a lot of homework. Try to find for yourself what exactly is Guru's message, because the Master is his message. Does he walk his talk ? Observe his disciples and see for yourself if they live according to their Master's message ? Most importantly check if the Guru's message works for you at the experiential level, not just in theory.
Sri Sri's message is one of universal inclusiveness, sadhana and seva. In fact in his satsangs he always enquires if we are doing seva, only rarely he asks whether we are doing sadhana. This is because we do sadhana for our own well being, but doing seva needs some prodding. Sri Sri's life is the proof of his message. AOL is one of world's largest voluntary based charitable organisation. His gift of Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi meditation are to be practised regularly to know its efficacy. Jody, I suggest you don't jump the gun in judging Gurus.
As Sri Sri says "everybody has the right to be ignorant and if they want to be ignorant, nobody can stop them". That includes Jody.
In fact in his satsangs he always enquires if we are doing seva, only rarely he asks whether we are doing sadhana. This is because we do sadhana for our own well being, but doing seva needs some prodding.
Not quite... It is because Sri Sri uses the idea of doing seva to promote his own impact as a big time guru. If a Sri Sri has a million people doing seva, it will bring him much more glory than if they were all just doing sadhana.
Sri Sri's life is the proof of his message. AOL is one of world's largest voluntary based charitable organisation.
All to increase the glory of Sri Sri and increase his chances of a Nobel Peace Prize.
His gift of Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi meditation are to be practised regularly to know its efficacy.
Just as any other meditation technique will be just as efficacious when practiced regularly. Sri Sri took a ancient breathing practice and packaged it as his own. More glory for Sri Sri on the backs of those who were the true innovators in yoga.
Jody, I suggest you don't jump the gun in judging Gurus.
Sri Sri is a hypocrite and unrepentantself-promoter. He knows he's got to appear humble to not turn too many folks off, so he feigns the sweet wise man act and pays lip service to "service," but it is all only designed to increase his name and fame.
Actually to spread light on the matter (excuse the pun) the banner was painted by an Afican artist Raymond who lives in a township of South Africa. The pic was taken in Khayelitsha townshop where Sri Sri was warmly recieved because of the courses and upliftment projects AOL is engaging in SA townships... While its good to have free speech but did you lot ever consider spending just a little of your time more constructively by helping out society in some way rather that all this bashing even when good work is being done?
did you lot ever consider spending just a little of your time more constructively by helping out society in some way rather that all this bashing even when good work is being done?
All the "good work" done by Sri Sri is to shine more light on Sri Sri. He's riding his charitable efforts to worldwide name and fame, which appears to be his ultimate goal.
And despite all the "good work" his organization is engaged in, Sri Sri rapes the nondual truth with every myth that forms around him. He's an ambitious political operator, not an enlightened guru and certainly not anymore God than anyone else.
.... An appropriate name for your blog could have been Neti Neti. — Rama
While we understand that gurus are held sacred by many, they
are also public figures deserving of scrutiny. Our primary aim
is to inject a little humor into what can be an excessively
self-righteous enterprise, and to illustrate the primary truth that
no matter how divine their devotees believe them to be, gurus
poop on the same pot we do.
sri sri looks tired and bored with the whole world-touring peace-guru deal. time to retire!
God forgive Jody, for she knows not what see Blogs.
"Lead me From Darkness to Light" is an ancient Indian Sanskrit prayer. (Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya )
Jody reminds me of the characters like Sisupala, Hiranyakasipu who in their single minded hatred towards the Lord have in fact merged in Him ! As Sri Sri says where else can Ravan go but into RAM.
Jai Gurudev.
( Translates to 'Victory to the Big Mind', just in case Jody thinks it just means Salutations to Guru )
"Lead me From Darkness to Light" is an ancient Indian Sanskrit prayer. (Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya )
In the context of being in Africa with Sri Sri being the white-robed space daddy supreme, it's at least tangentially racist.
Jai Gurudev.
( Translates to 'Victory to the Big Mind', just in case Jody thinks it just means Salutations to Guru )
You've been nicely brainwashed and now accept Sri Sri's spin as something more than his self-serving opinion. He feigns a rejection of adoration even as he plays Shiva for those dumb enough to think he's in it for anything other than his own self-glory:
Jody, Guru bashing based on facts is good, in fact need of the hour but just based on gossip is in bad taste. I do agree that there are a number of false Gurus in this world. As a discerning person we should not blame the entire lot for the faults of few. You seem to look through the same colored glass at all the Gurus. Before you make judgement on a Guru first do a lot of homework. Try to find for yourself what exactly is Guru's message, because the Master is his message. Does he walk his talk ? Observe his disciples and see for yourself if they live according to their Master's message ? Most importantly check if the Guru's message works for you at the experiential level, not just in theory.
Sri Sri's message is one of universal inclusiveness, sadhana and seva. In fact in his satsangs he always enquires if we are doing seva, only rarely he asks whether we are doing sadhana. This is because we do sadhana for our own well being, but doing seva needs some prodding. Sri Sri's life is the proof of his message. AOL is one of world's largest voluntary based charitable organisation. His gift of Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi meditation are to be practised regularly to know its efficacy. Jody, I suggest you don't jump the gun in judging Gurus.
As Sri Sri says "everybody has the right to be ignorant and if they want to be ignorant, nobody can stop them". That includes Jody.
Jai Gurudev
In fact in his satsangs he always enquires if we are doing seva, only rarely he asks whether we are doing sadhana. This is because we do sadhana for our own well being, but doing seva needs some prodding.
Not quite... It is because Sri Sri uses the idea of doing seva to promote his own impact as a big time guru. If a Sri Sri has a million people doing seva, it will bring him much more glory than if they were all just doing sadhana.
Sri Sri's life is the proof of his message. AOL is one of world's largest voluntary based charitable organisation.
All to increase the glory of Sri Sri and increase his chances of a Nobel Peace Prize.
His gift of Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi meditation are to be practised regularly to know its efficacy.
Just as any other meditation technique will be just as efficacious when practiced regularly. Sri Sri took a ancient breathing practice and packaged it as his own. More glory for Sri Sri on the backs of those who were the true innovators in yoga.
Jody, I suggest you don't jump the gun in judging Gurus.
Sri Sri is a hypocrite and unrepentant self-promoter. He knows he's got to appear humble to not turn too many folks off, so he feigns the sweet wise man act and pays lip service to "service," but it is all only designed to increase his name and fame.
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Actually to spread light on the matter (excuse the pun) the banner was painted by an Afican artist Raymond who lives in a township of South Africa. The pic was taken in Khayelitsha townshop where Sri Sri was warmly recieved because of the courses and upliftment projects AOL is engaging in SA townships... While its good to have free speech but did you lot ever consider spending just a little of your time more constructively by helping out society in some way rather that all this bashing even when good work is being done?
did you lot ever consider spending just a little of your time more constructively by helping out society in some way rather that all this bashing even when good work is being done?
All the "good work" done by Sri Sri is to shine more light on Sri Sri. He's riding his charitable efforts to worldwide name and fame, which appears to be his ultimate goal.
And despite all the "good work" his organization is engaged in, Sri Sri rapes the nondual truth with every myth that forms around him. He's an ambitious political operator, not an enlightened guru and certainly not anymore God than anyone else.
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