Sri Sri's Art Of War
File under: The Siddhi of PR

...a weak person’s sacrifice has no meaning.Maybe we're not completely up to speed, but isn't the Peace Prize for folks who help the weak and suffering?
Sri Sri said this in a speech to army cadets in India. The Nobel Peace Prize nominee giving a pep talk to the future brains of a war machine. But, it's classically Sri Sri, who never met a hypocrisy he didn't like if it advanced his interests for name, fame and political gain.
Sri Sri seems to think he'll stay off the hook by quoting the Gita. As a Hindu guru, perhaps... but as a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, no way. Sri Sri needs to leave the war-mongering to somebody else if he really wants to win the thing. lt looks like he just scotched his chances for this year's prize [Ed.note: As if he were actually ever a serious candidate.], and maybe next year's and the year's after that. We imagine it will take much more than a couple of trips to grandstand in places of ethnic conflict to undo the damage he just did with this little attempt to perhaps cultivate a political base in the Indian Army.
Ah, arming them with spirituality...
This is great as well:
"Billionaires Invited to
Make Their Nations Invincible
Employ 500 to 1000 Yogic Flyers to
Create Coherent Collective Consciousness for a Problem-Free, Sovereign Country
“You Will Be Crowned as the
True Ruler of Your Nation”"
I like the new hat -- it suits his nature. Besides, he's gonna need a helmet when the real stuff starts to fly, and it will eventually. What comes around goes around -- isn't that also part of scriptures? Haha. Guess Sri Sri Sri 1008 Sri missed that part. Never fear, people like him get found out in the end and are disgraced, not to mention taken to jail for tax evasion.
Well Well...
Jody, I appreciate your motive of exposing the shams. Your intention is very good. Day by day more and more people are starting this Guru Business, and surprisingly everyone of them gets a sudden huge following! I wonder, can't people use their intelligence?
But I also hope you approach this topic with an open mind. While most of them are shams, some might be genuine. If you have a pre-concieved opinion of somebody, you'll tend to interpret it the way you want to, rather than the way it was intended to.
For one, you have just taken out one sentence, and started attacking it. It has to be taken in proper context to understand the purpose.
Another thing is, I don't find anything wrong with the statement that "compassion is borne out of strength and a weak person’s sacrifice has no meaning". Isn't it true? And it is very much motivational for the cadets. He is there to encourage them in becoming strong. Different people need to be instructed in different ways.
And regarding what he's "supposed to do", his organization is anyway doing that.
So I think you have got a twisted interpretation this time, mainly because of your anger for his Nobel Prize nomination. If you look with open mind, you can see it makes sense and it is in proper context.
And it is very much motivational for the cadets.
A Nobel Peace Prize candidate motivating cadets for war by telling them to be strong. What's wrong with this picture?
I think you have got a twisted interpretation this time
My interpretation: Sri Sri politicks whenever and wherever he is able – hypocrisies be damned – as long as he can score points with people in power.
A Nobel Peace Prize candidate motivating cadets for war by telling them to be strong. What's wrong with this picture?
See, this is what my point is. His nobel peace prize nomination is different topic altogether. Here I want to emphasize that there is nothing wrong in the statement he made to the cadets. The way you interpreted it is biased. This bias is similar to those blind followers who flock to the gurus. Whatever the Guru says appears true to them. Only difference is you are on the opposite side. All I am asking is a fair, open-minded treatement to this topic. Am I asking for more?
Sri Sri politicks whenever and wherever he is able
Again, see my point?
This "whenever and wherever" thinking is what I am against. Once you've formed such an opinion, anything he'll say will appear wrong to you. Just like anything he says appears right to his followers.
Why not use your reasoning?
Let's approach each of the topics without any such bias. Can you see what I am trying to say?
Regarding his Nobel Prize Nomination, we'll discuss that too.
Why not use your reasoning?
Because I am presenting my opinions on my blog. My opinion is that big-time gurus like Sri Sri take advantage of the fact that they are revered as God. Furthermore, Sri Sri appears to be one of the most politically motivated gurus active today, insofar as he'll attempt to score points with a monkey if he thought that monkey had connections.
If you don't like my opinions, you can leave. I'm not the AP or UPI, so I don't need to conform to anyone's idea of objectivity, including yours.
If you don't like my opinions, you can leave. I'm not the AP or UPI, so I don't need to conform to anyone's idea of objectivity, including yours.
That's so true... Nobody needs to conform to anybody's idea of anything. Sri Sri included :-)
Anyway, I am impressed by your writing (blogging) skills. I thought you are an intellectual and would be interested in a genuine discussion. It's not that I like your opinions or hate them.
If your blog is for entertainment value only, sorry I expected some use of reasoning.
But then, you are posting such comments on people who are revered by many, so isn't it natural to expect some reason behind it? Anyways...
Again, I appreciate that you allowed my comments at least!
If your blog is for entertainment value only, sorry I expected some use of reasoning.
My blog is to knock down the pedestals that big-time gurus build for themselves or allow their devotees to build for them. That's why I have no interest in a deconstruction of how I spin. I spin to debase and make fun of gurus. I'm fully aware of the skew and intend to keep skewering.
you are posting such comments on people who are revered by many, so isn't it natural to expect some reason behind it?
You will find my reasons here.
I should say you have a lot of energy but need some direction all your skills are getting wasted to bring people down. The same energy can be used to bring people up. So don't waste your skills do something good for the society and community because life is too short for these discussions.
I think you have some personal agenda against Sri Sri. Are you sponsored by one of the opponents to talk rubbish about him. What do you actually know about him. Have you seen what He is doing for the poor people. How he has transformed millions of people including terrorists, prisoners, tribes just to name a few. So better get your facts together and have a reality check before writing anything bad again because there is no point writing such things it shows a lot of anguish.
New Agenda " Make Poverty History"
Lots of love,
I think you have some personal agenda against Sri Sri.
I have a personal agenda against anyone who claims to be, or has others claim for them, to be more divine than anyone else.
What do you actually know about him.
There have been several regular commentators on this blog who were at one time close to Sri Sri and have seen his naked ambition and egotism up close and personal.
New Agenda " Make Poverty History"
As opposed to Sri Sri's agenda: make myself a world famous guru by riding on the suffering and poverty of the world.
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