Sour-Faced Devi Defiles India's Flag
File under: Gurubusting
Nirmala Devi is not one of our favorite gurus. Besides always looking like she's just eaten a whole bag of sour lemons, she's a well-documented ego-maniac who quite possibly suffers from borderline personality disorder.
So, when these photos and accompanying outraged message appeared in our inbox this morning, you could say we were more than just a bit tickled:

These pictures show the gross disrespect and insult to the Indian National flag by this so called "spiritual leader" and self-proclaimed "GOD", Mataji Nirmala Devi. This disrespect to our country's flag shows that she has definitely no respect or love for the country that gave her so much and her husband who was an IAS officer and chief of the SCI (he is seated next to her in the pics). Such a shame. I do urge and plead with all Indians who deeply love their country to forward the photos to as many people as possible so that it does catch the eye of someone higher up in the Indian Govt. who can really take some action against this cult.Seeing as this "mataji" lives in Europe now, this missive making the rounds is probably not going to sting too much anyway. We imagine the old bat probably feels she can step on just about anything she feels like. After all, she is the goddess of the universe, according to herself and the pinch-faced devotees who have to put up with her everyday.
Here's a few more photos just in case you haven't been sufficiently outraged yourself:
[Ed.note: In India, feet are seen as rather unclean, so to have something next to your feet is to degrade it and make it less holy. Unless you actually are God, which this lady is most definitely not!]

Labels: Gurubusting
I met this gal in Houston 25 years ago and she already looked like something out of a hog lot. Now her face looks like a pool of half hardened lard with all that fat and tissue draped over her face bones. I didn't like her. I could never worship a woman as ugly as her.
PS I forgot to mention I look pretty much the same way!
[Ed.note: In India, feet are seen as rather unclean, so to have something next to your feet is to degrade it and make it less holy. Unless you actually are God, which this lady is most definitely not!]
..........Yet at the same time touching the feet
of the guru is a form of blessing. When offering prasad it is usually placed at the gurus feet and there are even ceremonies around worshipping the gurus feet and images of the guru's feet.
The flag was probably placed there to be blessed.
It would be different if her feet wre on top of it and in the close up they aren't even touching it.
The flag was probably placed there to be blessed.
It's one thing to bring your little altar chotchkies for blessing, but quite another to bring the national flag of a major world power.
Matthew said
It would be different if her feet wre on top of it and in the close up they aren't even touching it.
I can't tell if you're taking up for this gal generally or just saying that she isn't defiling the flag of India. If she was horse faced rather than hog faced it might make a difference. But mainly she acts as ugly as she looks!
JODY said>>>>>>>>>>>but quite another to bring the national flag of a major world power!
~~~~ While India really is a major world power is questionable,
I think the real powers like america has enough people who make a lingerie out its national flag.
I went to look at the FULL faced photo of this old gal- - and was reminded of my childhood playing with my brothers in the hog pen with the high wooden fence.
Baby pigs are a hell of a lot of fun but when they get up to 250 pounds, they become dangerous. We had one old sow almost as big as this Nirmalus Devil and she was quick on her feet. Take a look at this photo of her and you will see how a sow looks who is just about to eat her own offspring. Sure am glad she isn't really God or she might try to sit on me!
I guess she is 'wearing the trousers' under that sari. Look at her compared to her husband! She looks like a bloated walrus wrapped in 9 metres of blue silk. She also says sai peadobaba is a false messiah, well so are you nirmala devi.
While India really is a major world power is questionable,
I think the real powers like america has enough people who make a lingerie out its national flag.
It is one of the instances where sensibilities are defined by cultural context. Making lingerie out of national flag is acceptable in the US but will be considered outrageous in India. I am sure we can come up with several examples which are considered acceptable in one culture but unacceptable elsewhere.
Keeping national flag at the feet is definitely outrageous as far as Indian sensibilities are concerned.
omg..this really is outrageous.. wht the heck was tht lady thinking? and com on...flags are never meant to kept at some so called Devi's feet to get blessed!
I jus hope that nirmala or whtever tht lady is better understand tht she is no more than a normal human being..WHAT-SO-EVER!
This is a shamful work done by that lady and I hope goverment take action on this issue and no poltical issue arise .
The country is always supreme to any damm god ...... more so any stupid fat mortals like this one. The flag is a symbol of the people of the country, and no one ..... not even god ..... can have authority over the people's will.
gurus are saints. they lived many thousands of years ago. they are equivalent to God, ok. get your facts straight. Also India is a major world power.
This is a very bad gesture… GURU don’t mean all powerful… the nation is more powerful that any thing in the world even god… "janane janmabhoomitha…” this is what lord Rama told…
No saint has ever tried to hurt the very people they would like to serve. Stiff action should be taken against people who think they are above the nation.
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