The Indian Press Is On To Sri Sri
File under: The Siddhi of PR

The quote marks say it all. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is back in Jammu & Kashmir acting holy and expecting everyone to fall at his feet over the majesty of his "brilliantly rendered" plan for peace. But this time some folks appear wise to his PR shenanigans. It's as if a bit of light is starting to peek out of that dark hole known as Indian press coverage of gurus.
Will Sri Sri bring peace? Has he ever?
But his "tireless sacrifice" in its name will polish his plaques and perhaps even fill the coffers a bit... but only for the world's downtrodden masses, of course. [Ed.note: As if!]
Labels: The Siddhi of PR
This pretty boy better hurry if he wants to bring peace to Kashmir before his daddy Maharichi Myass Yogi brings peace to the whole world barn yard. This fellow didn't listen well to his guru talkin about the "hole being bigger than the sump of its perks". Why waste time bringing peace to Kashmir by the power of his own personality when he could do the same for the whole globe? This boy needs to get mule kicked!
What don't you people understand. SRi Sri has a plan for peace and it will work. YOu watch and you will see. He is doing some very good work and I cannot believe you guys are criticizing him. If there were only more Sri Sris in the world, we would have peace by now. Sheesh!
If there were only more Sri Sris in the world, we would have peace by now. Sheesh!
Mmmmmmm. This Kool-Aid tastes goooooooood.
anonymuscle-head said...SRi Sri has a plan for peace and it will work...
1. She She becomes a multi millionaire! check!
2. She She becomes world famous and has weak minded people thinking that he is God!
3.She She says, "I'll show him!" and tries to make his poor old daddy guru take a back seat to his peace accomplishments! check!
4. She She gets to dress up like the bearded lady, only more feminine! check!
5. She She actually brings peace to anywhere.... still waitin!
If there were more She Shes in the world, She She would be driven mad by the competition.
I got the shakti mule if you got the ass needs a good kickin!
LOL at chuck! Really funny.
to "anonymous" who has definitely been on the Kool Aid ride with SSRS:
Why don't YOU people understand: Sri Sri has plans for his own future, and you'd better not get in his way, or look out buddy...... Other people are doing some very good work, in the name of his organization. Ravi Shankar has never worked a day in his lazy life. Check out his background and you'll see. This is the poster child for pyramid schemes, and all other things that allow a person to sit on their backside while others make them rich and famous.
If we only had more Sri Sris in the world we would all be destitute and crazy by now!
quote: Ravi Shankar has never worked a day in his lazy life.Check out his background and you'll see.
Yeah RRRighttt!!
As though looking at the "background" is gonna tell you whether he has worked or not.
Maybe you should try to go n see what '1day in his life' looks like. because then your arguments will have 'some' sense at least. he he.
have fun!
Agent_SheShe said...
Maybe you should try to go n see what '1day in his life' looks like.
My mule, Da Free Jack told me that while true that this fellow spends many hours a day preening in front of the world mirror, and strutting like a barrel racing cowgirl in a pink sequined dress, all his efforts equate to those of a 13 year old boy jagging off in his clothes closet. Why? It's all about putting She She on a throne 6 inches higher than the one Maharichi sits on!
to agent 5ri 5ri:
Not at all surprised the paranoid little freak has "agents" looking out for his on-line interest -- haha.
A day in the life: hmmmm
A midnight call to his "favs". "hmmmm? (in his high voice)" And then, who knows...... Little sleep for the little guy. And that makes sense -- his conscience should be bothering him with all the mischief he has caused others over the years. Strenous meetings with guests coming to ask him questions. Poor thing. Food brought by his worshiping minions. Travel first class on to the next place, welcomed in high style and housed in luxury. Poor guy! He must be so tired by now! Afternoon nap. More food brought by worshipping minions. Evening satsang. Sitting, swaying while others sing for some time. An hour talking (oh my, that was very tiring!!). Whisked away in comfort of a private car. Sit around and do the famous "gossip session", putting down with laughter anyone who doesn't believe in him, and some of those who do. (Have you not been in those sessions 5ri 5ri? tsk. Hope you are not fat or ugly or sincerely affectionate -- everything is up for grabs with good ole Sri Sri -- he'll make a joke at anyone's expense! And everyone just LOVES it!!! They gush with giggles and join in the bashing fun without any embarrassment at all! Lovely bunch really.) Retire to bed with or without company.
What an exhausting schedule! The man is truly an overworked fellow, all in the name of Peace On Earth.
Grow up 5ri 5ri. The man is a con man. If you don't know or don't like to admit it, that's your problem.
He claims to be "working" by removing all the karmas of the people and so is always exhausted, worn out, suffering immeasureably due to his constant contact with the public. It's all bunk. The man is a huge fraud who has raked in the bucks claiming to be saving everyone. His "sensitivity" is just so famous to anyone who knows him well. He never stops reminding those close to him how he is suffering, and needs rest. Yet, I maintain -- he has never worked a day in his life.
Du(h)ck said...
Maybe you should try to go n see what '1day in his life' looks like.
yes u bet chuck. gonna go there for tomorrows b'day celebrations. thanks for the push.
Anonymous said...
Not at all surprised the paranoid little freak has "agents" looking out for his on-line interest -- haha.
ha ha.. i know... aint it really funny ? :-DD
Grow up 5ri 5ri.
so sweet anon.. point noted, and i'll definitely remember that.
His "sensitivity" is just so famous to anyone who knows him well.
oh finally! this is the moment. i knew one day i'll find a guy who knows guruji really well. all thanks to blogosphere for showing him to me. now am gonna get lots of up, close and personal info abt him from u rite, anon ?
have fun.
Agent_SheShe said...
Du(h)ck said...
Maybe you should try to go n see what '1day in his life' looks like.
Agent_SheShe, you have gone and mixed me up with "anonymous". I only met She She twiced, never shared a bed with him, etc... Howsomever, I do find the words of mr. anonymous--who has previously posted here as "on the other hand" to be authoritative, even though the fellow has even said some unkind things about yours truly in the past.
I once saw Mr. She She back in 1976, when he was just another arrogant kid. Even then he was puttin on quite a bit of airs. But if you'd spend much time in the TM cult where She She learned his licks, you'd know he's competing with his daddy, the Maharichi. That's how She She got his start, of course, drainin off some of the rich folks from that cult and bein willin to give hugs to the poorer ones as well. It's no accident that the little fellow tries to look, walk, and talk exactly like his daddy.
The worst of it is that he acts like he has created something which he ain't. Even the local Dime Box yoga teacher can teach a mule how to breathe fast, and you don't even have to worship her ass to get the knowledge!
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