Sri Sri's PR Kink
File under: The Siddhi of PR

Imagine our surprise, when after reviewing this blog's traffic this morning, we came upon a link to the Art of Living – Pune, India, branch's website. In the news section of that site, our most recent Sri Sri Ravi Shankar send-up was featured as legitimate news about the fame-lusting guru.
Actually, we're not surprised at all. The dude is so full of himself that he's seemingly lost all ability to discriminate between good and bad press. We imagine the little fame whore locked in a room, surrounded by computer monitors and television screens, laughing maniacally as he pleasures himself in the warm glow of his reflected self-adulation.
Labels: The Siddhi of PR
Why is it that any posting about SYDA or Guru Mai always generates a ton of comments especially pro Guru coments ( which is ok with me; the more the merrier!) While very few arguments are generated by postings about Maharishi or SriSri. Whether disowned, disgruntled, or fully enfrachised Guru Mai seems to have a lot of watchdogs. Doesn't any one want to defend yogic flying and breathing to the death or are they actually too busy saving the world? Let's get this party started!!!!
"any posting about SYDA or Guru Mai always generates a ton of comments especially pro Guru comments"
Not sure if this is true. Did you mean to say anti guru comments, perhaps?
Sri Sri's is a fairly new yoga. The followers looking for an easy way out of life's challenges will awaken in their own time and in their own space. Ammachi's followers are beginning to wake up. In the meanwhile, Jody and others need to plod along. Keep up the good job Jody.
yes that's right , they are not all pro guru comments, i guess the point i wanted to make is that threads about guru mai and her homedaddy muktinanda seem to be long and they attract more dialog , argument, gnashing of teeth etc. maharishi has been around forever and not much cross fire there. but i think you might ditinguish between gurus who really F-up and those who are basically wily even inspired bussiness men, who believe that what they are doing is ok. maybe they don't generate as much bad Juju as the psycho mommies and daddies. of course they aren't as interesting, they don't appeal as much to our dysfuntional patterns. We have to look to ourselves to see what keeps these folks in bussiness.
SSRS has been pushing his brand for 25 years according to his organizations PR. He is making big bucks doing so. He doesn't have the problems that Muktananda had, which passed on Guru Mai, probably because the nature of his foolishness behind closed doors is quite different from Muktananda's. Young girls grow up and don't seem as reluctant to say "I was raped by this creep and my parents stood by and did nothing..." But SSRS, in spite of the company claims of 25 years of service, really only came into his own pool of exploitees recently. And those he exploited, due to the nature of the exploitation and culture involved, would be loathe to "go public". Their parents in some cases have written real hate mail to the Master himself, threatening him and his family. (I have seen one such letter, which SSRS quickly claimed was written by some disgruntled western follower. I pointed out to him that it was written in "Indian" cursive, quite distinctly different from the letters coming from abroad -- I left shortly thereafter, having confirmed the complaints that had been brought to me by several people.) What SSRS stands accused of will take many years to come out, if ever. Most involved would rather protect what is left (in shreds) of their self esteem destroyed by him, and their family's honor. Even accusing him openly of what he is doing (maybe he's stopped? Who knows) casts aspersions on those around him who may not be involved. They would be humiliated to be associated. So I believe SSRS will have to try his "techniques" for "removing *** karmas" on westerners before the public will ever find out. Westerners are less embarrassed by the subject, and more willing to prosecute. They don't have to live in a place where the police are bought and paid for, ministers and mlas and movie stars are there to front for the Master and hence make their claims seem false. It could take decades for anyone to come forward. I mean, who wants to ruin their own life to expose this little creep? No one I know.
Dear Anonymous
I feel that we can do a bigger favour to the world by telling the world exactly what SSRS has done instead of talking in riddles. There maybe many people out there who may want to speak out but may not out of fear or harrasment. Maybe if you start the ball rolling, many more will feel encouraged to share and we may even have a ex SSRS blog where people can share freely.
Just my 2cents worth.
Guruji is doing such good work for the world.Which is why you will never hear anything bad about him.Unlike other Gurus he is not involved in sex scandals or misuse of money and funds.The disgruntled followers who post comments on this blog are just upset that they never got their share of importance from him or the organization.Their accusations are so feeble.The only accusation seems to be that he seeks publicity-what's wrong with that?He needs to generate money to do good for society.Lets be fair-in the case of Guruji,his deeds are not half as ugly like SathyaSai,GuruMai,Osho or Maharishi.
And those he exploited, due to the nature of the exploitation and culture involved, would be loathe to "go public"
this is a public forum so it's a start. As awful as this is i think fears of this nature always exist no matter what culture or poulation you are in, and that is why so little is known about the truth of these outfits and their leaders, true there is more accountability in the west more openess about sexual exploitation , minor and womens rights and yet many of the kids molested by Catholiic priests had to wait many years for any results or restitution , Predators go after the weak and powerless, Sadly children only have their parents and their cultures to back them up and these often fail.
There are not many articles protesting the tantings against Sri Sri as his followers are busy spreading their Yoga along with Local Self Government,Organic Farming & tackling Social Issues throughout Rural & Urban India,silently but surely.
Guruji exploited no one.I know a lot of people from his inner circle in India.The so-called exploits are just their frustrations of not being given their share of importance.Yes,they feel that he used their contacts to take AOL to where it is today.And once that was done,when they had no more contacts to offer,they were"dumped"...that he moved to "greener pastures."But,he has never raped anyone,nor has he duped anyone off their wealth.He has not got anyone murdered.His only folly has been his hankering for publicity and fame.Nothing wrong with that.He is just a shrewd businessman,whose sole interest is to further his organization.And considering he really has no great skills(he is not the best orator,and I'v seen him fumble at large public meetings,making a complete fool of himself)he has managed to take AOL places.So,he is a good business guy.In fact business schools should use AOL as a case study to analyze the reasons of it's success.The Guru has no skills(just keeps smiling,and knows how to evade questions)the organization offers nothing new,the Guru's message is stale-in fact,actually he has no message at all,and yet creates this hugely successful cult,and a PR machinery that works over time.Without having done anything tangible,Guruji manages to get himself nominated for the Nobel prize,meet twice with the staunch Republican like Bush.....this truely calls for a case study.
The so-called exploits are just their frustrations of not being given their share of importance.
Or so your cult cronies would like you to believe.
Sri Sri has been exposed in the comments of this blog as a preening, fame-lusting narcissist. Just because he's picked social reform as his vehicle to ride to fame doesn't mean he's any better than a two-bit actress fucking producers for movie roles.
you are a lost compare Sri Sri to a fucking two bit actress!!!!Jody,go and meet HIM,surrender your ego at his feet,Sri Sri will show you the way...he is kind,compassionate and helps lost souls like you and those who write anti Sri Sri guys dont know him.he has a child-like innocence,he he has the wisdom of Buddha,the serenity of Christ and the halo of Krishna.May he bless all of you so that you overcome your ignorance about him.He is selfless in his work to uplift the world.he barely sleeps three hours a day working hard to make this world a better place.your only grudge is that he is a narcissist?shame on have overlooked all his good work he does in villages,in Iraq and Afghanistan.he has completely reformed the Kanakpura village,where his ashram is located.he is the supreme Guru
> you are a lost compare Sri Sri to a fucking two bit actress!!!
I know. I hereby apologize to two-bit actresses everywhere!
your only grudge is that he is a narcissist?
a Narcissist is someone who is totally involved in and about ego. So according to this last post enlightenment or god is all about enabling a complete egomaniac to do all the things we ourselves feel we are not empowered to do by whatever means . Many great men have done great things and they were consimate egomanics, but they had the self knowledge and humility to know they weren't god or krishna or ulti -guru. so yes an ego maniac can do great things and maybe even needs to be one in order to achieve them, but to my knowledge this is not the ultimate teaching or way of God.
In the film Perfume a young man learns how to distill the essence of purity and love,( he himself is a totally undeveloped desparate creature), He is able to make people go into total rapture and bliss and to completly overlook what he really is, in the end he realzes he didn't really get the love and connection he was seeking and he is devoured by his "devotees" who are so insane on his illusion, that they don't give a shit what the facts are.
I think we seek to bolster illusions about ourselves and we especially like to project them in those who seem to be really great at it. look at Hitler.
you can't justify questionable behavior and total Divahood just because someone has a few charities , every power mavin and corporation in the world has charities. Plus how do you know what they do exactly? you can probably only get statistics from them. i found a website that tells you what percent of each charitity's work goes to those in need and I made my decision to donate from that. Is there anything like this for religious organizations or are they exempt?
Anonymous said:
"Jody,go and meet HIM,surrender your ego at his feet,Sri Sri will show you the way...he is kind,compassionate and helps lost souls like you and those who write anti Sri Sri guys dont know him.he has a child-like innocence,he he has the wisdom of Buddha,the serenity of Christ and the halo of Krishna."
Typical of those buzzing around SSRS. Totally brainwashed and committed to blindness to his real nature and deceit. It's truly sickening. What to do?
Just luv luv luv what he's done to "transform" the busses in Bangalore with his big hideous photo.
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