Handsy Swami Goes Down With A Smile
File under: Hands Where They Don't Belong and The Siddhi of PR

Dear brothers and sisters, dear friendsThe cause of this dissolution? According to anonymous tipsters, it went down something like this:
I decided to dissolve the Bhakti Marga order.
I hereby release all Brahmacharis/inis and Jal-Brahmacharis/inis from their vows. People often get caught up in positions and titles. If someone really wants to live for God, one doesn’t need a title.
My love is always with you.
I feel sorry from the bottom of my heart if someone feels hurt. This was never my intention...
Emails were being sent out about Swamiji having illicit sex with his Brahmachari’s (the boys), which prompted a conference call last night lead by the national coordinator, Shrihara, and the US Brahmacharis.Wow! It kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term 'space-daddy'. We're almost sorry to have seen this happen. As much as Sri Smile was little more than an actor playing a role all-too-many people confuse with the real thing, we sort of liked him in action. And believe it or not, his having sex with his celibate followers—while time and space-warpingly hypocritical—still doesn't preclude the possibility of real spiritual transformation occurring. Indeed, the sex could have very well been the font for most of it.
Well, the “rumors” are true. Swamiji has been having sex with his Brahmacharis for years. Questions that were asked were was it consensual? Yes, in some cases. Anyone under age? No, as far as anyone knows. Were any Brahmacharis tramatized? Yes. Hari, who became a Swami recently (Swami “VK”) renounced his vows and ties to Vishwananda and is now living back with his family in London. No one knows what happened with him. Was he having sex with Vishwanada? And if not, he surely must have known what was going on.
However, when people believe you are God, you just can't diddle in the back room with impunity, especially with those who have declared themselves celibate. But Swami Smiley might easily turn these turnips into truffles if he can just recast himself as a transgressive tantric aghora swami. We're quite sure there's loads of legal-age space-daddy orphans out there who would love to make sweet music with this maestro.
In lots of similar groups, when the guru is caught lying or misbehaving, everyone around him closes ranks. The followers deny or justify everything the guru's done ("It must have been for the devotee's spiritual benefit!"), and move ahead with blinders. Look at the history of Swami Muktananda, Satya Sai Baba, etc.
In Vishwananada's case, at least there were people high up in the org who were clear-minded enough to question whether the swami's actions were divine. In this case, the swami didn't lie or sweet-talk his way out of his karma, but dissolved the org with apologies. Who knows, maybe this shows some respect for Truth that's missing in some other orgs' scandals.
I simply couldn't believe my eyes when I read you saying, about "spiritual transformation": "Indeed, the sex could have very well been the font for most of it." Whoa, you mean if I'm celibate and then I have sex with the person who's suggested the celibacy as a way to reach God - then I get to reach God, or something like that? What kind of arrant and perverted nonsense is that? I do hope you meant something different than what I'm understanding because you've been trustworthy so far - but this remark seems to suggest you have a major blind spot.
you mean if I'm celibate and then I have sex with the person who's suggested the celibacy as a way to reach God - then I get to reach God, or something like that?
What I mean is that if you come to believe that no sex is the way to God because someone told you, and then that someone has sex with you, you will find yourself in a deep and transgressive quandary. It is the transgressive nature of the act which contains its spiritual power to transform, not the act itself.
this remark seems to suggest you have a major blind spot.
I'd suggest the 'blind spot' is in your knowledge of the nature of tantric psychological dynamics.
I thought Bramacharis vowed to avoid females only. They do not have to avoid men, least of all their own Divine Guru!
Actually Vishwananda is very charming, I agree, I had 2 times private interviews with him, and felt very elevated. I also agree with Stuart that it means something that he apologizes and dissolves the order, even though I must say, this is somewhat half hearted, as Springen , his main center in Germany,for which they do big fundraising, bhakti-bricks quite a big building complex, which they aquired from a big German trade-union- verdi, will go on. It is only the recluse part that he dissolved and probably much of the UK center.
There are more stories around him, one is that he cannot enter Switzerland because he was convicted there for about 4 month because of stealing relics.
If he would just have stayed what he was, when I met him first, because he can help people. But the way he makes some people depended on him, persuades them to go to Springen, donate everything they have,..,
What an immature way this guy has of apologizing... "I feel sorry from the bottom of my heart if someone feels hurt." IF? Of course they feel hurt! This is the way my 10 year olds used to say they were sorry so they could quickly go back outside to play. Reading his full statement, it seems he gets to maintain some kind of ashram which we are all encouraged to visit. We can email him and he will very likely continue to accept donations. This mutt has already set up a new organization. He is still Swami Vishwananada and his "love is always with you."
chuckji - should we ropedrug him in UK or Germany or in Dimebox ?
Viswananda need to learn some tricks from another young swami: Nithyananda.
On several occasions, Nithyananda asserted that the actions Enlightened Master are beyond our comprehension. Their words truth absoluteand their actions are always dharmic (righteous), they can do no wrong.
We (the unenlightened) are never to judge the actions of such an Enlightened One.
The bramacharies/bramacharinies had taken vows of surrender and obedience to their Guru. It is wrong for them disobey or refuse the guru anything!
Aren't these brahmacharis conflicted about their celibacy and obedience vows?
May be their Guru was helping them to overcome their hang ups regarding celibacy and obedience to the guru by putting them in a situation that is not possible to do both. They simply have to break one vow or another. That is how the guru frees them of foolish vows. hahaha!!!
The unenlightened simply do not understand the crazy wisdom of the enlightened gurus. Go ask young Nithyanada to explain this to you if you still don't understand. The two young swamis are quite a pair.
jody said...
What I mean is that if you come to believe that no sex is the way to God because someone told you, and then that someone has sex with you, you will find yourself in a deep and transgressive quandary. It is the transgressive nature of the act which contains its spiritual power to transform, not the act itself.
We get attached to all sorts of things, and each attachment ultimately causes suffering. Maybe we start out attached to possessions and good feelings. Then we meet some guru who offers a teaching about purity, and that helps us release those attachments. Wonderful.
But now we have new attachments, clinging to ideas about the purity of the guru and his teachings. When the guru transgresses, maybe that'll help us release attachment to him and his words. Also wonderful.
When we stop clinging to the teacher and teaching, it's gotta be authentic. "When you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. When you meet eminent teachers, kill the eminent teachers." If the teacher transgresses, and the student responds with, "What a wonderful Tantric master, demonstrating his spiritual powers!"... that's hardly killing him. It's just a new kind of attachment, clinging to the teacher according to a new set of ideas.
When a guru transgresses, and the student is thrown into a quandry, another possibility is to use the experience as a wake-up call to stop holding onto the teacher and teaching. Then, the sky is blue, the grass is green, sugar is sweet: all things are teaching at all times.
taodancing said...
We (the unenlightened) are never to judge the actions of such an Enlightened One.
This teaching is extraordinarily convenient in 2 ways.
(1) Someone who claims Enlightenment can tell everyone not to judge his actions, in order to gain power. If people really believe they can't judge him, there are no "checks and balances" on him pursuing his desires.
(2) Someone who claims Unenlightenment can blindly accept this idea that he can't judge the guru's actions. That way, he can follow the guru as Perfect, regressing to a child/parent relationship. This allow the self-proclaimed Unelightened One to avoid independent thinking and adult responsibility, which can sure be burdensome sometimes.
These conveniences are so powerful, that I imagine they're intimately connected with the popularity of this idea that "the Unenlightened can't judge the Enlightened." I don't think it's a mere coincidence that this idea suits the desires of both parties so nicely.
I met Viswananda the first time he came to new york. I had a private audience with him in his hotel room. I didn't feel any sexual vibe from him . I would have run out of there if I did. I just didn't feel any kind of elevated energy from him either. He seemed like a pretty pretender to me. My boss at the time met him. My ex boss was a big obese guy with fat odd shaped fingers. Viswananda rubbed his palms together and produced a ring that fit the ex boss perfectly. It was made of white gold and amythist. I told my boss that if it was a true manifestation it would eventually disapear. He argued that it wouldn't. About a year later he told me the ring had vanished. The point of the story is that sometimes peole do have siddhis , like the ability to manifest objects but that neither makes them holy or pure. The corrupt have also demonstrated siddhi's.
The point of the story is that sometimes peo[p]le do have siddhis
Or, there's one born every minute...
A sorcerer's apprentice?
Obschon Vishwananda erst seit wenigen Jahren Schülerinnen und Schüler um sich schart, erheben Aussteiger aus seiner Gefolgschaft schon heftige Vorwürfe gegen ihn. Vishwananda Although only a few years pupils to schart, collect outs from his entourage already fierce accusations against him. Er zerstöre Ehen und Familien, indem er einzelne Menschen völlig vereinnahme. It destroys marriages and families by individuals completely vereinnahme. Seine Materialisationen erinnerten an Taschenspielertricks. His Materialisationen recalled sleight. Sein Umfeld werde immer wieder von Intrigen heimgesucht. His environment will always haunted by intrigue. Wegen seiner Vorliebe für Reliquien, die er zu magischen Zwecken missbrauche, versuche er sich durch Diebstahl Reliquien zu beschaffen. Because of his fondness for relics that he will have to abusing magical purposes, try it from theft to procure relics. Diese Vorwürfe sind nicht einfach aus der Luft gegriffen. These allegations are not just plucked from the air. Im Juni 2007 wurde Vishwananda zusammen mit zwei Anhängereinnen vom Baselbieter Strafgericht in Liestal wegen Sachbeschädigung und Störung der Glaubens- und Kultusfreiheit zu vier Monaten bedingt verurteilt. In June 2007 together with two Vishwananda Anhängereinnen of Basel in Liestal for criminal damage to property and disturbance of belief and worship to four months conditional sentence. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass er zusammen mit zwei Anhängerinnen aus mindestens 25 Klöstern und Kirchen Reliquien entwendet hat. The court found it proved, that he together with two supporters from at least 25 monasteries and churches stolen relics. Die oben erwähnten Vorwürfe und das Baselbieter Urteil wecken im kritischen Beobachter die Frage, ob nicht Vishwananda als eine Art indischer Zauberlehrling durch die spirituelle Gegenwart reist, Geheimnis und Charme nach allen Seiten verbreitend, und in all dem trübe Geister beschwörend und skurrilen Neigungen sich hingebend? The above-mentioned allegations and the Basel area in the critical judgement arouse observers question whether Vishwananda as a kind of Indian sorcerer's apprentice by the spiritual presence travels, mystery and charm to all sides verbreitend, and in all the gloomy ghosts and bizarre beschwörend inclinations are hingebend? Spiritualität ist heute einer der beliebtesten Tummelfelder für jugendliche und ewig jung gebliebene Selbstinszenierung jeder Couleur. Spirituality is now one of the most popular Tummelfelder for young and young at heart forever Selbstinszenierung every hue. Aber nicht alle, die sich auf diesem Feld herumtummeln, sind noch wirklich Herren ihrer selbst. Manche verkommen zu Sklaven ihrer eigenen Botschaft. But not all are active in this field herumtummeln are still gentlemen really verkommen Some themselves slaves to their own message. Sie verkünden universale Göttlichkeit und müssen dann um jeden Preis Gott sein oder Gott mimen. They preach universal deity and then must at all costs God or God mimen. Ihre Meisterschaft ist ihre Tragik. Their championship is their tragedy. Sie überfordern zuerst sich und dann alle jene, die sich ihnen hingeben. They overwhelm first and then all those who devote them.
Georg Schmid, 2007 Georg Schmid, 2007
I finally thank God That Truth Was Discovered.
Anonymous said...
Viswananda rubbed his palms together and produced a ring that fit the ex boss perfectly. It was made of white gold and amythist.
A simple explanation is that Vis has some skill at sleight of hand. Lots of people around the world, and throughout history, have been able to do magic tricks. If that has any great meaning, then we should be worshipping Penn & Teller.
The complex explanation is that Vis has "siddhis," even though such things have never been proven, even once, in all of history.
When we choose a complex explanation over a simple one, there's always a reason. If we choose, we can look into our own thinking to get some insight into why we choose to make complexities.
s e m b l a n c e said...chuckji - should we ropedrug him in UK or Germany or in Dimebox ?
Actually it is my studied opinion that this fellow is not worth the price of the rope, semblance! Let him live out his squalid life in the sorry ditch of his own making, sir!
Jody, your snarky citation of "tantric psychological dynamics" completely skips over the issue here, and suggesting my blind spot is a lack of knowledge of these dynamics reminds me of the McCain campaigns reactions to the 'lipstick on a pig' remark: these are people, Jody, not lab rats having their dynamics tested. Situational or cognitive dissonance can certainly trigger powerful experiences, but when such dissonance involves deep access to both the heart and genitals, the wounding potential is huge, even should it bring about 'spiritual transformation'. This "tantric psychological dynamics" BS skips over the moral issue here, as if you're espousing an "anything-is-justified-for-higher-consciousness" position of the very kind your website [I thought] is dedicated to debunking.
suggesting my blind spot is a lack of knowledge of these dynamics reminds me of the McCain campaigns reactions to the 'lipstick on a pig' remark
I'm sorry you got a blast of the old Jody, but you mentioned 'blind spot' first.
when such dissonance involves deep access to both the heart and genitals, the wounding potential is huge, even should it bring about 'spiritual transformation'.
Based on what I've come to understand, often such is just the thing, once recovered from. IOW, we find ourselves wounded for whatever reason, and if we are lucky, we recover from that, stronger than we were before.
This "tantric psychological dynamics" BS skips over the moral issue here
You're absolutely right. The ongoing moral insult of Vishwananada's actions are front and center in this thing, no two ways about it. That's why I decided to throw a light from the other side on it.
as if you're espousing an "anything-is-justified-for-higher-consciousness" position
In this case, I'd characterize it as a "anything-can-help-for-higher-consciousness--even-and-especially-the-bad-shit.
the very kind your website [I thought] is dedicated to debunking.
I debunk the idea that being God makes you special, or any more supernatural than we all are already. Additionally, an idea that I hold is that gurus can be pretty fucked up individuals, that self-realization does not preclude the presence of neurosis, or psychosis, although this case I'd chalk up to garden-variety narcissism.
It's a very old tale: guru abuses the boys. I was just trying to put a different spin on it.
There is no such thing as tantra in hindsight--that is, a powerholder having sex with students for reasons of lust, and then, in retrospect, justifying this as 'tantra' and a shaken student trying in retrospect to rationalize it as 'transformative.'
No. Both parties have to be aware, in advance that they want to do tantra. And this is not something for beginners, either.
For background on genuine tantra, get and read Agehananda Bharati's book, 'The Tantric Tradition.'
Tantric rites may have be practice in secret, if in an area where the authorities disapprove. But the participants are all fully aware, before they arrive at the ritual center that this is what they all plan to do--and have been trained to do.
(Bharati's descriptions, BTW are very un-sexy. He goes to great lengths to provide the technical terms, and mantras and each stage of the ritual. How to stay mentally and emotionally steady and do all this while in a state of sexual arousal is not something a beginner could hope to do.)
For tantra to be the real deal, both partners have to be aware that they are practicing it.
And if a student is to benefit from tantra, he or she has to be able to practice steady meditation and be able to hold and contain powerful emotions and energies and be completely conscious.
A true tantric teacher is not secretive about what he or she does. A secret ridden community is highly debilitating at the emotional level and this alone would be incompatible with genuine tantric practice.
Jody, there is somethin bout this here "transgressive" idea, with or without the sex... Havin been raised in the Dime Box First Baptist Church, I could have used a dose of the transgressive to break free! The closest I came to it in high school was bein groped by a fat girl under the football stands but it weren't enough! When I was in the Children of God we all figgured it was OK with Jesus if we stole for the cause. Given the opportunity we would have robbed a licquor store for Christ! Just thinkin about it was enough to help break me free of a lot of my East Texas conditionin! Then ther was Maharishi and at first it seemed cool that he was teachin sidhi techniques. That was really breakin the rules even though they didn't work! But it opened a mighty big door for lunacy within the old coot hisself and within his org which really went off a cliff! All in all, the transgressives I have delt with drove me back to the greasy arms of Dime Box, Texas where I have remained surrounded by inbred Baptists and penecostals with warts on their eyelids so big it's a wonder they can see at all! I imagine that some folks who weren't raised with all the christian morals I was beat with could use this here transgressive idea to become lock steppin nazis!
This here Smiley Swami Vishwananada is a poster child for the straight and narrow!
Thanks Jody for the wonderful work you are doing to enlighten fools in search of true Gurus.
For The case of Vishwananda, he contradicts himself fully.
I was a close disciple of him,he made lots of mistakes since the beginning,his life is made of up lies, manipulation, money sex, casino.
Some years ago he was proclaiming Satya Sai Baba as his Guru & Told people that he Was God.
Then He proclaimed that only Jesus was the true God.
Now he is auto proclaiming himself swami & (yogananda, nrshimha,babaji,krishna).
He Create the Bhakti Marga to converted his discples into Brahmacharis,brahmacharinis.
Does he really know what implies to be a brahmachari;
You have to be pure,in words, thoughts & actions.(taking vow of celibacy)
While his disciples is following complete celibacy, serving him,he is enjoying himself with the males.
Hope the fools disciples have finally learned their lessons & run away from this cheap guy.
A true tantric teacher is not secretive about what he or she does. A secret ridden community is highly debilitating at the emotional level and this alone would be incompatible with genuine tantric practice.
Well said. And while not to excuse a sleazy guru from his sins, I believe favorable transformation can be engendered by illicit acts as much as the long-practiced, above-the-board traditions.
Were any Brahmacharis tramatized?
Just a typo: Traumatized
What A Hot News
Most his websites are being shut down.
Many people were already warned about the malpractices of vishwananda,his horrible past.
A guru who autoproclaimed himself Yogananda,A guru who used The Name Of Mahamuni Babaji to make his marketing & publicity.
What a shame for all his disciples , who most of them got the tile of swami.
He should be behind the bars rite now for abusing his bramhacharis(males)
Stuart had the audacity to say: In this case, the swami didn't lie or sweet-talk his way out of his karma, but dissolved the org with apologies.
Yeah, he 'apologized' in a general way without mentioning what he was apologizing for specifically, and only after he was busted! Really sincere.
As for Jody and his backpedaling, when some other guru whom Jody doesn't like gets busted for screwing, he doesn't get the Tantric Transformation/Profane Is Sacred defense from Jody. Do you fancy this guy, Jody?
If Vishwananda's techniques were legitimate transformative techniques for enlightenment, why is he apologizing? Or is that also part of the great Maya?
when some other guru whom Jody doesn't like gets busted for screwing, he doesn't get the Tantric Transformation/Profane Is Sacred defense from Jody.
A complete and utter projection of what you are terming "defense" is noted. I was not defending him, and anyone reading my post without an agenda against my positions will know that.
Do you fancy this guy, Jody?
I go for opposite sex partners (when I can get them.)
If Vishwananda's techniques were legitimate transformative techniques for enlightenment, why is he apologizing?
Again, Mr. or Mrs. Ignore What Was Written In Favor Of Their Own Agenda, nobody was legitimizing the creep. I was only pointing out that the hurt which can result can be helpful to some, if and when that hurt is overcome.
Or is that also part of the great Maya?
What isn't? Certainly not this blog or your opinions about it.
Wow, listen to this. Only in India, folks!!
An article in the Times of India, Sep 21:
Magic lends godmen divine halo
T S Sreenivasa Raghavan | TNN
Nilambur (Malappuram):
Taking to sanyas once meant renouncing all that is worldly. But, these days, it’s being seen as a sure passport to prosperity. And where else would aspiring self-styled godmen head for but Nilambur in Malappuram district, which produces the largest number of magicians in the country.
Here, students, mostly aspiring godmen, sit in classes for their favourite subject called the ‘materialisation act’ or producing objects, preferably holy ash, siva linga and laddu, out of thin air.
Small time, upcoming godmen from Tamil Nadu and even Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are thronging Nilambur to take magic lessons from professional magicians here.
Kerala’s most famous magician R K Malayath, who caused a sensation teaching magic to superstar Mohanlal, told The Times of India that the trend of godmen coming to Kerala to learn the tricks of the trade started a few years ago. Malayath gets his ‘holy’ customers from Thanjavur, Madurai, Vellore, Erode and Coimbatore districts.
‘They’re regular visitors. Initially, I didn’t entertain them. But anyway they are being taught magic by others,’’ he said. It is learnt that magicians here charge Rs 5,000 per session that often lasts four days.
“They are only interested in the materialization act. Their idea is to astound their devotees by producing ‘bhasmam’ (holy ash), siva linga or laddu out of thin air,’’ Malayath said.
Another magician from Nilambur who has trained a dozen ‘sanyasis’ in the last four years said he now charges about Rs 15,000 per session. “They have lots of money,’’
chuckled the magician, who did not wish to reveal his identity. “The students stay in a lodge here during the course. Classes begin at 6.00 a.m. It doesn’t take long to teach the tricks. But, we make them rehearse several times. Otherwise, the act will look clumsy,’’ said Malayath.
Advising people not to believe in the supernatural powers of godmen, Malayath said it’s not possible to create something which doesn’t exist.
“We employ various tricks to materialize things. In our parlance we call it ‘loading.’ When godmen produce holy ash from thin air, you should know it’s already ‘loaded’ within his reach,’’ he explained.
Malayath claimed he was divulging such information since the atrocities of fake Godmen were on the rise in the country. “I may lose some money because of this. But, I don’t mind. It is for a good cause,’’ he said.
“I may lose some money because of this. But, I don’t mind. It is for a good cause,’’ he said.
hey i don't mind either, I feel like worshipping Sigfried and Roy anyway, at least they are openly gay!
My guess is Vishwa messed with wrong kid, someone who's family has money and wherewithal to sue, maybe the magic school could start the guru pimp daddy school, Vishwa needed a smarter pimp.
Enquiries from a bored ex-devotee:
Does anyone know if Swamiji is a bottom or a top? What was his favourite seduction tactic?
Was Hari (Swami VK) Vishwananda's first lover? Was Hari jealous of all Swamiji's other boylovers on the road? Which other devotees/ bramacharis were Guruji's boylovers around the world?
How brazen were Guruji's sexploits with his sexy young boys? What was Swamiji's favourite country to pick up boys?
Did Swamiji actually fall in love with any of his boylovers, or was it just sex?
How did Swamiji finally get caught? Which boylovers told all?
Extremely high standards are set for Guru's because of the common belief that one's spirituality is determined by the level of self torture, suppression, abstinence, self mutilation, etc one can withstand (with a smile).
Swami Vishwananda does not have to be celibate to effect change in people. Its the ancient belief system which was created thousands of years ago for a different time. Maybe we should concentrate on the good that people do - instead of crucifying them for what we think they shouldn't do...
Sex is a beautiful act - supported in the scriptures as one of the paths to Divinity - the first glimpse possible from this material dimension. Samadhi is love. Deep, loving sex gives you a glimpse of that Love State.
We judge by our own standards of experience - If we experience really deep levels of sex - we will accept the possibility of finding that glimpse of the Divine through it. If we do not know the levels one can reach through sex, we will obviously condemn it...
Swami V should have had the gall to be open about his "private" practises - To me, that is his only crime. But how many of us can really be open about ourselves and what we do? How many can live their dark sides in the open?
Judge all we want, that is the truth. Sex is not the issue - Honesty is... He needs to know that he does not have to follow the path of suppression in order to be in the light - the light comes to those who are free to love & express - then only can we share it...
Most people knew Swami Vishwananda was gay, and didn't really care.
You are right, however, that honesty, not sex (no matter how divine) is the issue.
You simply cannot preach celibacy to your Order when you, the Guru, (Example) - are enjoying carnal pleasures yourself. (not that there's anything wrong with that- just don't lie about it)
That is hypocrisy of the highest order.
Just a note to say that my previous comment was signed Anonymous by mistake (first time using these blogs). I call myself Zorba The Buddha (South Africa). Oh and yes, I know your "Handsy Swami" well - No matter what happens , he means well...
Swami Vishwananda's duplicitous Ex-Devotees, led by ring leader Meenaski Devi, have launched a blog to crucify him. Ironically, it's called "Tell the Truth, 123"
Here it is:
Jay Gurudev,
How Pathetic you are with all your false accusations.
All what you all wrote is NONSENSE! Your mind is playing with you and you try to bring with you the most people you can. Swami VISHWANANDA Is a DIVINE Being and you can't do anything about it. All Divne Beings were " attacted " by detractors such as you are, look at the life of Christ, Mother Mary, Saints ( Padre Pio etc..), Prophets... At each period, there was, is and will be people like you, who are lost, full of hate and try to influence people in a negative way.
PEOPLE WHO ARE READING THIS BLOGS FULL OF LIES, I ask you to make your own experience about the DIVINE INCARNATION which Is Swami Vishwananda. Go, make your own effort to receive His Darshan, it's Free, and you are free to make your own decision after. To be behind his computer, reading nonsense things about Him is different than making your own experience by Recieving the Blessings from the Incarnation Of Love: PremAvatar Sri Swami Vishwananda. Do not believed stupid things that you read on the internet, keep a critical mind. I write this out of Love for you.
Send Love to all of you who are looking for their Master.
May God Bless you always.
Meenaksi was NOT the one who started the "Tell the Truth" blog. Meenaksi was too involved emotionally to get involved with the huge job of excavating the truth and the exorcism that needed to happen before people could see the light. I commend the person who did take the time to do the blog...It was someone who was trying to be impartial, not like the idiot who automatically assumed Meenakshi began the blog.
Grow up idiot...Vish is a fake guru but sure, a good actor. Obviously you are just a kid. Study the history of "gurus in america" since the 1970's...all fallen except for A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. ALL of them banging the ladies and in this freak Vish case...the little boys...time to grow up and face reality. This clown cannot help you or anyone...cannot even help himself. Now he is reviving the fraud in Vrindavan and other places. Soon will be gone again.
Unfortunately I had opportunity to meet s.Vishwananda and for some years to be completely dedicated to him and his mission . Till today I repent how blind I was to accept him as my master. He claims to be God and demands to be worshiped so. The followers must accept all he does as for good to others without criticism, often seeing his misbehavior and knowing about his homosexual acts and accusations .
I warn others from him and I pray that Vishwananda sect converts and stops cheating poor people.
May God save us frome false masters and evil.
with love and best wishes to all.
Vishwananda is a narcissistic Kali-yuga "Guru".He is NO real Sri VaishnavaAcharya.Link:koyil.de Sri Vaisnavam .spottink fake Acharyas.
A real Swami wears not earrings ,Jewellerys etc.
A real Swami is modest and humble.
This is not real Bhakti .The different between real Bhakti and what Vishwananda makes is like Day and Night.
I know from Ex-Devotees which he has attacked.
Why has he stolen Relics in churches?
No real Saint steals!!!
He makes only that the people are blind in Love with him!!!
From dream to Nightmare.
They are really brainwashed and under his controll.
Its very sad.!
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