Guruphiliac: Camp Profit For Prem

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Camp Profit For Prem

File under: Gurus Clockin' Dollars

An upcoming Prem Rawat retreat in the state of Queensland, Australia is going to bring in the big bucks. The cost to camp out for the weekend: $675US for a single tent and sleeping bag up to about $2000US for the deluxe double bed with electric blanket. 2500 devotees are expected to attend.

While a spokesperson claimed Rawat will be giving the lecture for free, we're confident that at least some of the money will somehow find its way into his organization's reportedly cavernous coffers. After all, he's got a Gulfstream V private jet and a few Bell helicopters to fuel and maintain.

Rawat is still on a tear around the world rehabilitating his image. It seems people have forgotten his past abuses despite the best efforts of his well-organized former devotees. Prem's PR minions are doing an excellent job and appear to have a good grip on the public's perception of Rawat, the protestations of those he allegedly abused notwithstanding. It's kind of like the Bush administration vs. what's left of the political Left in America. A few tweaks on the public's perception and you can get away with pretty much anything.


At 9/27/2005 10:23 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Got tired of Kali Mandir, worshiping the Divine Durga, sacred tantras and shakta, uh Jody?

Actually, the deity worshipped at Kali Mandir is Ma Kali Dakshineswari, and no, I didn't get tired of Her. What I got tired of was the Hindu superstition that was accepted with the same veracity as scientific fact.

See this

Trying to make yourself a name out of "guru-bashing"?

As I've stated many times in the comments and in the blog, I'm attempting to provide relief from all the occluding myth, superstition and speculation that surrounds big time gurus about their supposed divine powers and about self-realization and what that entails in general.

So, I warn you that you may be helping that hate group to further their agenda, unless this is exactly the purpose of your blog, that is.

Your attempt at pro-Prem Rawat propaganda is noted. I know an ex-premie personally who has laid it all out for me. The fact that a group of ex-devotees with an ax to grind even exists is at the very least an indictment of Rawat's former activities. The fact that he owns a Gulfstream IV and a couple of helicopters is an indictment of his current activities as well.

At 1/22/2009 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is this lisa character and why is she defending rawat with such ferocity? tell her to ask a less then fawning question to her darling and see the darling response she gets! rawat is vicious to anyone who doesnt lick his arse. rawat is about image only, thats the only thing he defends, and money and fame. not you or me. not long time devotees either, he talks to them viciously if they ever ask a decent question. ever wonder why there are only expression sessions? you can only express, not expect answers. noone ever has got a decent answer from rawat and noone ever will, no matter how hurt you have been through his organisation. so why people defend this armani wearing, donation consuming, parasite, i dont know.

At 1/22/2009 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if prem rawat took as much time counselling those he has hurt, as he does vilifying those who disagree with him, he'd be a saint.
but he isnt.
if prem rawat took responsibilty for his errors that caused hurt to so many innocent victims, instead of getting the victims to take responsibilty, he'd be a saint. but he isnt.
if prem rawat was a saint, he'd be going to heaven.
but he isnt and he aint.

At 7/11/2009 12:52 PM, Anonymous quackers said...

LIZA E SAID: "1. I am a competent adult over the age of 18, and make this Affidavit, under no duress or coercion"

so? what of the guru? he isnt a competant adult!

and if he isnt a competant adult, he shouldnt be issuing affidavits in the first place!

under no duress or coercion?
are you kidding? the cult stalked this guy to near breaking point.

yes there was coercion and duress and ironically from the idiot who issued the affidavit

meaning the person who was saying "you are under no coercion" was the same guy who was placing you under coercion with the affadavit!

if you think thats confusing, thats nothing, try making sense of the affadavit:
micromanaging to the point of:
youre damned if you do, damned if you dont!

its called justice in a kangaroo court, with the kangaroo judge, with the kangaroo outcome dear.

but with blind devotees like yourself, your master has further reason to treat people like this again and again.

welldone, with devotees like you, rawat has absoulutely nothing to worry about. you are his defence and arsenal!

At 7/13/2009 9:10 AM, Anonymous quackers said...

quackers said: ".....with the kangaroo outcome dear."

again i've got to stop calling people "dears", since i'm probably one of the youngest here!


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