7 More Years For A Sexy, Sexy Baby
Gurus Doin' Time

We'd like to think that Paul is getting along fabulously in jail. We're sure he's a hit with the fellas in his sexy black Nazi nurse regalia, although he probably looks like a old leather bag full of bones in it. That's ok. The fellas can use their inner eyes while they're using Schafer's outer one.
hmm i guess i seem to have triggered the flurry of comments about two posts ago ! All ex grievers and dropouts jumped in the bashwagon! Looks like some one need to wake up the cookies !
No doubt you appear to be pepped up too with your past couple of postings after that. You seem to have punched keys more obnoxiously since then...ha ha! however Jody...! whats your take on some of the dead and gone gurus like Ranjeesh Osho, J Krishnamurty, and Ramana Maharishi considering the influence they have exercised amongst humanity during their heydays!
I may want to hear your comments on them! even though many times you sound immature, vulgar and cheap but you still seem have a point there !
i seem to have triggered the flurry of comments about two posts ago !
Don't flatter yourself, buddy.
whats your take on some of the dead and gone gurus like Ranjeesh Osho, J Krishnamurty, and Ramana Maharishi
Osho: experimental but ultimately failed as a leader.
I like all the Krishnamurtis and feel that Ramana is the epitome of nondual sagacity.
many times you sound immature, vulgar and cheap but you still seem have a point there !
Thanks for that perfect description of my style!
Below some links to extended debate under this Jody's blog.
Mistletoe, I would really like u to answer my question in the 2 entry's before debate. If u blame commenters because of their anonymous name, or lack of identification, I am really curious to see some of ur identities. I think it can be fun. And u seem to want some attention, so please, let us decode u!
Or rather become a simple anonymous, with less self importance.
And if posible, we leave this entry's comments space to comment about that sexy nurse.
Mistletoe, I would really like u to answer my question in the 2 entry's before debate. If u blame commenters because of their anonymous name, or lack of identification, I am really curious to see some of ur identities.
~~~~~ I never blame anyone here but just state the fact ! I think my identity is as clear as yours
considering you have just the name -which heaven only knows is true?-. Buddy ! I think you cant challenge me much on this one...
I think it can be fun. And u seem to want some attention, so please, let us decode u!
~~~~ Ha ha ! Decode hmm!
But who does not seek attention ?
Then why in the hell you start a
frivolous blog of this kind and screaming foul? Some attention there eh? But then honestly speaking my dear jody ! er..anonymous! Im not even a seeker. I have realized that there is nothing to seek and what I had been seeking is already there waiting for me and I just have to walk in and embrace. The seeking alone has made the gurus and ashrams stand so mighty and important. I have never been a disciple to anyone and no one had ever considered me a disciple too(thankfully!). Still worse, i dont claim myself to be a guru because i seem to have smelt Truth or demand others to accept me as a guru. Ofcourse im not interested in the gurubusting too !
May be im a little curious about the gurubusters ! hehe !
Or rather become a simple anonymous, with less self importance.
And if posible, we leave this entry's comments space to comment about that sexy nurse
~~~~~ Ah ! that sexy nurse..
She deserves her own parking lot in the courtyard of the five elements.. I dont stop that!
But the truth is no one here is interested about individuals unlike you ! Your obsessions and fixations of gurus individually,
drives you nutz but people dont care. Observe their comments..!
But all said and done Jody the courage you have to shock the system impresses me. Infact it gets me to do the same to your blog
because your blog is slowly getting in to a systematic attack on gurus no matter even if they mean a lot to the millions of people. I appreciate your guts to publish comments without 'editing' them. Ofcourse i must give credit to your photoshop experise too for
those funny superimpositions.
Dear Mistletoe Jam,
"have smelt Truth"
You smell of the same kind of "Truth" that leaves skid marks in your loin cloth.
You're either a buffoon or someone pretending to be one. Either way, you wear it well!
C'mon CHUCK ! The Truth i mentioned does not leave any trace behind and definitely do not hide behind the loin cloth or the lingerie. (i consider loin cloth too glamorous anyways !) But looks like you seem to have smelt the skid mark somewhere! No wonder you fume like this buddy. Must have been a task to go down on your knees to do that ????
Perhaps jody can explain this phenomenon of the smell of the skid marks which you smelt !
and Yo! im a bafoon and i feel that way everytime i drop in here and guess what I like it buddy !...it is a bit of a bafoonery everytime !
CHUCK ! tell me which Guru dumped you ?
I am curious, how old are you?
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