How Cracked The Kracki Really Is
File under: Satscams and Wackadoo Gurus
Anyone who claims to be the only living God is either one fucked up individual, or a straight-up, unrepentant criminal. Surround a nutbag like this with thousands upon thousands of duped patsies all over the world, and you've got the makings of a global social disaster.
Such is the ken of Kalki Bhagavan and his Oneness Movement. Read for yourself just how deluded this hideously successful loony conman actually is:
One can see that Bhagavan says he is not just God in flesh and blood, but also the one and only and only he will save the world. If we do not follow his will we will get into big trouble, and mankind will probably die. And the highest thing to do in this life is to become a monk in his order (called Dasa=servant of Bhagavan). Bhagavan once said that he did not want people to get Enlightened, as they were run-away-slaves. He wanted instead all to get total devotion to him instead, to realize he is God.The real insanity is contained in the jpegs of the Mahavakyas of Kalki, the Kracki's very own, personal Gospel. Apparently kept under wraps lately so as not to scare off the rich Westerners, these 57 aphorisms are all the evidence any reasonable person should need to determine just how off-the-deep-end this global rip-off wackjob really is:

Absolutely chilling. It's unbelievable that anyone smart enough to operate a toilet would actually fall for this insane nonsense. God help us all... the real One, not the cracked-in-the-head-and-ready-to-rip-you-off one.
Labels: Satscams, Wackadoo Gurus
Words FAIL(incuding jody's). Guess we have to invent a word to abuse this chap. Meanwhile I have this funny question that tickles my funny bone.
Because, i find, he speaks
similar language as Shri Krishna.
The first person singular style.
Krishna in Bhagavad Gita has a similar 'avtar tone'. If it took many thousand years to accept(by most)Krishna as a world teacher, why not Kracki. He might appear
like a nutbag now. But what after a few thousand years?
Besides jody, Chuck is my Gita specialist. I value his words a lot which he knows.
Chuck Uvacha....
Jeez...I forgot about another dude similar to Krishna. Jesus Crisis. Similar lingo. He rubbed his donkey and a lot of other people in the very wrong side in his days. But today after 2000+ years i dont bother to think if what he said and did was true. But see him everywhere doing that acrobatics on the wooden piece all the time.
Good many crowds watch him doing it too.
But surely our contemporary
'Avtar Krackpot' makes
chaps like SSRS look like
a high school drop out.
Btw, Alex you have a pretty face.
Hope you are female. Probably the only face i have seen on this side of the blog.
Alex said >>>>>>>>>Kalki's Mahavakyas strike me as being tools of enslavement rather than tools of liberation.
~~~~~ Yes Alex ! I feel the same.
But am compelled to think that we dont take his words serious, only because he is alive and krackin'?
Will your perception be the same
after many years he kicked bucket
and became a thing of past but his 'wisdom' still lingered???
Just my futuristic silly thinking !
I have this funny thing, when ever I read one of the "big guys" statements, then I tend to forget that we are more than one, and then feeling one it is myself talking to myself, and liberated from the limits of the form it reads the truth from me to me.
But then I wake up and see that some actually links the words to a form, and the words themselves are form and there for instead of being truth of liberation, it becomes untruth that blocks.
But still there seems to be some fear in these words and in my experience fear limits the meeting of the self with the self, so I atleast believe the fear should be droped.
Personally I chosen not to teach anything that gives fear, also to teach I stick to the belief, that I am not important, my perspectives are not important, my opinions and my knowledge is not important, the only important thing is to help people to start listening to them selves, if it is at all possible to teach anybody anything.
His wording is very similar to Sai Peadobaba and every spiri-shi-tual dumbass that wants to control your body and wallet. He is basically grooming everyone with hypnotic words and promises that makes you feel good and fuzzy inside and a stick to control you. The guy is also retarded to promote every bloodthirsty, manipulative mind-controlling religion as his own.Wonder what Sai'Paedo'Baba and nirmala'bloatedwalrus'devi will say about this new avatar kal'krackpot'ki because i doubt they will all join up and take over the world because each one says they are the final avatar.
semblance s and orchestra said...
Jeep...I forgot about another dude similar to Krishna. Jesus Crisis. Similar lingo. He rubbed his donkey and a lot of other people in the very wrong...
You are correct my dear semblance in that the language is similar. This is because Sri Krackpipe has been reading his Gideon Bible, the King James version, primarily the Old Testament, in preparation for fleecing his followers from the rich West. He reasoned that a lot of us had already already been given the enema of religious training which would be good for what he wants to do to us! The Good Lord guilts his devotees first, then scares them shitless, then makes a lot of big promises, none of which come true unless you are willing kill whoever The Good Lord says to kill with one hand while throwing a few pennies to the poor people with the other. This is all a preparation for taking the rod and the staff up the ass.
Krishna's "Kill em all and let me sort em out..." is very refreshing by comparison. Personally I prefer Hanuman to Jesus, although I like the son of Man. Jesus rode a donkey while Hanuman rode the wind. Love that monkey!
Chuck ! Your wisdom after the 'Big Thicket' days are quite telling.
But then i love the monkey too.
Horse,ass, donkey, mule, now monkey.. you have a way with them all..
semblance s and orchestra said:
"I forgot about another dude similar to Krishna. Jesus Crisis. Similar lingo. He rubbed his donkey and a lot of other people in the very wrong side in his days. But today after 2000+ years i dont bother to think if what he said and did was true...."
I don't really know what similarities you find between Jesus and Kracki, man....
I don't know much about Khrisna, but regarding Jesus, what masses know about him is what the church ivented to create a big time martyr that could serve their interests... in that sense , is St. Peter (founser of the church) and not jesus, the one who seeked power, fame, control, and saintity. And Jesus as you said, took the way of simplicity, and that donkey that you mention is an example of the simplicity that he lived.
semblance s and orchestra said...
Chuck !
Horse,ass, donkey, mule, now monkey.. you have a way with them all..
Thanks, semblance. This wisdom of the Thicket is also the basis of my relationship with you. To the list above, add "semblance"!
that donkey that you mention is an example of the simplicity that he lived.
~~~~~ But had the similar arrogant tone as kracki whenever he declared that he is the only begotten son of his only (begotten) father. Even at the face of death? Donkey was a utility animal in arabia even those days and it was not a sign of simplicity.
In any case simplicity is not essentially makes someone God like.
If all the money kracki has had come from people without his asking
or his fleecing them, I think it is perfectly OK to HAVE THEM.
Jesus of yore perhaps did not have the time and imagination to fleece
and exploit. He had just pennyless people surrounding him.
Im no way supporting kracki but im no way glorifying jesus crisis.
While one has opportunity now the other did not then !
semblance and orchestra said:
"But had the similar arrogant tone as kracki whenever he declared that he is the only begotten son of his only (begotten) father. Even at the face of death? Donkey was a utility animal in arabia even those days and it was not a sign of simplicity"
I never heard , nor I believe, that Jesus said he was the Only son of his only father.... this, dear, you are making it up. As the church made up so many other stupidities.
Jesus did not lived in Arabia, but in Galilee, ruled by Rome.only more than 600 years later, the Arabs would conquer that land.
In our day, you can tell some things about a person by what kind of car he drives. If you saw a man driving a minivan with two car-seats in the back, you would know he was a father. On the other hand, if you saw a young man in a small, rusted, old car, you might assume he was a poor student. Jesus did not enter on a horse; He did not enter on a charger or a stallion. If you enter on a stallion, that symbolizes war, power, might, and military victory. You do not wage war against your enemies while riding on a donkey. A donkey is an animal for labor; it is an animal for helping somebody who does not want to walk or cannot walk. It is an animal of peace.
So when Jesus enters on a donkey, He is saying, “I am entering in peace.” It is, further, a sign of humility because the donkey does not even belong to Jesus. He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey He has borrowed from one of His disciples.
you also said:"In any case simplicity is not essentially makes someone God like."
Sure, but your Divine essence, when is expressed, and is not blocked my your mind, is pure Simplicity, and Love, and Authenticity.
and u said: "Jesus of yore perhaps did not have the time and imagination to fleece
and exploit. He had just pennyless people surrounding him".
one of jesus closest friends, a disciple, and very probable member of his family was Joseph of Arimathea, was a honorble counsellor, respected, and with excellent economical status, and he was not the only. Jesus was not interested in any fame, in creating any religion, and less in making any profit by preaching around. He was actually not preaching, but he would just attire, like a magnet, people around him who would ask him things about life.
I don't pretend to glorify Jesus, but I can't stand ignorance. And comparing Jesus to Kracki, shows the stupidity and ignorance of most human beings.
"Donkey was a utility animal in arabia even those days and it was not a sign of simplicity".
I have read that Jesus rode the donkey because he was following the messiah protocol. It says in one of the books of the prophets that the messiah will come riding into Jerusalem on a white donkey. So, I doubt it has anything to do with wealth or simplicity. it was purely symbolic. I like the fact you all are back to the subject of mules, though. Wonder what happened to mule puky.
durga said...Wonder what happened to mule puky.
When the Blade got tired of carving me up to make dog food for chuck's bloody hounds, he left and by that time I was so used to being abused around here, I had no identity left unless Blade was there to beat me. So if there's no Blade, there's no mule puky :} Thanks for asking, Durga. I was also wondering where you were...
you are right Durga,
in fact i was not literally meaning that riding a donkey would be simbol of simplicity.
Rather I was meaning that Jesus was not making himself appear as a king or as a messiah. Others did.he was a simple man. if he wanted to behave like such a God, he would not have ride a donkey, but a horse, or a stallion. This wasin response to orchestra's: "Jeez...I forgot about another dude similar to Krishna. Jesus Crisis. Similar lingo. He rubbed his donkey and a lot of other people in the very wrong side in his days."
Anyways seem that here there are some of u who knows a lot about donkeys, history and geography. And about right and wrongs.
The trouble with having Bugabuns Krackpipe riding a donkey is that you wouldn't be able to tell jack from ass. Put Nirmala Devi on a donkey and you wouldn't be able to see the donkey at all! The poor beast would be covered by sheets of hanging flesh. Picture Jabba the Hut on a burro! Put She She Ravi Shankar on a donkey and he's liable to sart feeling like a stud Shetland Pony. He might try to take that donkey from behind! Put Muktananda on a donkey and he still wouldn't be able to get it up. Put Semblance on a donkey and he'll start rubbing the little guy the "wrong way", then they could both toke up and ride home to look at re-runs of Hee Haw!
That shit sure cracked me up, Chuck!
Chuck, I thought you were gone for good. I'm glad to see you are back to full speed on guruphiliac.
I do like your latest disquisition on donkeys and their riders, but I am at a loss cause I still haven't done my research on the who's who in the world of gurudom. I have lately been mired in endless arguments about the new wage sensation "the Secret", which is the next best thing since the Kracki krewe hit the scene .
durga said...I have lately been mired in endless arguments about the new wage sensation "the Secret", which is the next best thing...
Thanks Durga for the welcome back. I went out to the Big Thicket to contemplate but it started to feel more like a sulk than a spiritual experience and when a rotund fellow like myself is covered in chigger bites it's not pretty. The coarse denim my overalls are made of rub against that highlighted skin around the bites and the closest I can get to the lotus posture is prone. I was getting to where I couldn't even stand the smell of my own self, so why, I thought, inflict that on the good citizens of guruphiliac. But I guess one man's stink is another man's purfume, so I'm back! Thanks for asking!
PS Don't talk down about the Secret until I get my triple-wide. My faith is limited and I'm trying to upgrade from double to triple.
Hey Chuck,
I have noticed that Nirmala Devi is so fat there is no point where one part of her body stops and another starts. She has what might be called a chin to chest continuum going. My fear is that when we put her on a donkey, with all that bouncing fat, it will set up a vibration that could spread through out creation and bring on the destruction of the visable creation. What are your thoughts on this?
mule puky said...bring on the destruction of the visible creation. What are your thoughts on this?
Puky, I would say that your fears are understandable but not necessary. If this Big Gal is God, as she claims, surely she would have sense enough not to try to ride on a donkey. Being all knowing she would see the need of a twenty mule team to carry that much Borax. These photos of Nirmala Devi with her husband made me wonder if she were really from East Texas herself because it is traditional here for really big women to marry men so slender they can be smothered if rolled over on in the night. My own marriage is the reverse of this situation.
Hoopla Hoo !
Waky waky !!
I felt sleepy this past cuppla days over Gphiliac and and was wondering if jody's missives were like a lullaby. But am happy my comment woke up a few stalwarts elsewhere. My man Chuck, Mule puky, blade, durga etc.
Im happy to see them come from their hideouts. Does not matter even if my 'ignorance' about jesus was exposed comprehensively.
Including Mr.Anonymous who sounded like my school chaplain...who enlightened me with history and geography and theology too.
However my question still remains unanswered. After 2000+ years will kracki be known as an avtar? And why jesus or krishna was persecuted despite their so much goodness 2000+ years ago??
Kracki claims he is avatar.God himself. Excepting us a handful here, the rest of the world wants to beleive this and his deeksha business.
According to the kracki freaks, he does not travel anywhere, he does not eat much and lives a life total austerity.
I may be lacking the necessary wisdom and emotions involved in these sensitive matters. I think Im simply an jobless onlooker and perhaps little stoned. Quite content playing the fool with chuck.
But i'd be disappointed if guruphiliac has a bunch of people who thrash only eastern or
non-christian gurus and safeguard church and christ even very remotely.
Chuck! you are the saving grace here..
Blade said>>>>>>>>>, if they were deluded they had more of an excuse to be deluded those many centuries ago, long before the 'Age of Reason', when most people believed all sorts of things we now consider crazy superstitions.
~~~~~Thank you blade. This was my exact thoughts of solace each time i forced to beleive back in my school chapel about jesus !
"For writing extreme, insane, self-apotheosizing scripture, this guy Kracko compares with Adi Da."
To tell the truth, I couldn't get past the 1st line of this, well, what should it be called, apotheoshit? This guy is not worth the lower back pain I am getting from sitting in front of a computer too much. I am wondering, did he make a comeback while I was off of guruphiliac? I thought he had been deserted by his most ardent followers.
Ps: Chuck, if you go to cosmic connie's blog, she'll teach you how to become a professional manifester:
Plus, she has a sexy picture of some woman's ass, which, kind of, in a round about way, relates to the conversation that's been going on here lately.
"in fact i was not literally meaning that riding a donkey would be simbol of simplicity.
Rather I was meaning that Jesus was not making himself appear as a king or as a messiah."
Anon, some guy I know turned me on to a book by a sociologist named Marvin Harris. In it he says that the lowly figure on the ass was not a peaceful messiah and that he and his disciples were deliberately invoking the messianic symbolism of the book of Zechariah. Harris came to this conclusion cause of the military-messianic significance of everything else in Zechariah. After his messiah appears, the "sons of Zion" devour and subdue and engage their enemies in battle. I myself have not read all of Zechariah, and don't know much about the significance of white donkeys, but just thought I'd mention it to spice up the converstaion here and respond to your post.
Durga said...the significance of white donkey...
This just shows how much has changed in the last 50 years. Even in East Texas, everybody is always riding the white man's ass...
except semblance who blows smoke up it!
Chuck>>>>>except semblance who blows smoke up it!
Yea fatso! besides that, an ass as wide as yours, I may be tempted to cork it up after blowin' the smoke. That way a lot of gas is prevented from polluting this
But show me a good roundabout
east texan she ass, I may gently spank it for all its worth. Hell, it looks like the ass saga continues..(durga must be credited
fondly since she reminded the blog of the round mound of gas and gasping) !
Btw Durga ! when a wandering bedouine gets tangled up with a comp, lower back ache is what one gets...
semblance s and orchestra said...
Chuck>>>>>except semblance who blows smoke up it!
Yea fatso! besides that, an ass as wide as yours, I may be tempted to cork it up after blowin' the smoke.
While it is undeniable that I have a double-wide ass, I remain a gentleman where ladies such as Durga are concerned! You are on the verge of desecrating this guruphiliac place of worship. The GL (Good Lord) doesn't care much for that type of behaviour, any more than Kracki does. Read the man's 57 assorisms! Beware my friend, I say this for your own good...
"But show me a good roundabout
east texan she ass, I may gently spank it for all its worth. Hell, it looks like the ass saga continues.."
Semblance, you must go to Cosmic Connie's blog. we were having a discussion about ass slapping over there. I use a different moniker but you'll probably recognize me anyhow.
Somehow I am all caught up in this Secret business.
Durga>>>>>>Semblance, you must go to Cosmic Connie's blog.
~~~ yes DurGa ! I had ventured on few occasions much before your promos. Somehow her blog and
-other goodies she offer- appeared
little cluttered. Not easy reading. GP(guruphiliac)has been my mainstay forawhile for the classic look of its layout, despite prominent islamic green pages. Jody has certain class I could never ignore. He is biased, silly, crude and attimes very immature. But he is single pointed.
That makes him special and right on top amongst all the slapstick guru blogs. That said, I may want to visit connie another time whenever i find jody getting little mediocre.
What i shudder to think is the day when one more self righteous texan by the name 'Chuck' would start a blog and i have to read it.
Hope atleast chuck's blog will not demand a word verification to send a comment. Tough on guys who are stoned and unmindful.
Durga, you are not only caught up with this Secret business, but also with the vaste ocean of ignorance and "the one who knows about all" 's business"
I don't think it's worht to answer to the comment about Harri's marxist theories based on what the church put up together in form of "gospels" and other son of god's exaltations...
and to orchestra, I really can't believe that you received any light at all from your school chaplain.
And probably yes, Kracki might be remember in 2000 years as the biggest scam on the spiritual biz of this times.
Anyone wanting to reffer to me can do it to my name, Valentina
anon, seems like I tread in a minefield with you. What is wrong with speculation about Jesus? The folks who wrote the dead sea scrolls were ascetic hermits who were ready to defend themselves until death in face of Roman aggression. There is a connection between Jesus' theology and these guys. He may not have been as peaceful as we think, but that doesn't invalidate everything he said. Jerusalem was colonialized during those times and there were many groups who were fighting for cultural sovereignty. However, I haven't read enough about the matter to say more.
Jody, I have a question about the "mahavakyas of Kalki". Did he write this himself, or is it some kind of standard scripture lifted from somewhere else? Also, isn't this kind of thinking common in Indian gurudom, where the guru symbolizes God for the devotee so that he/she can come to know god through a living human form? Or is kalki REALLY deluded even as compared to other gurus?
I am just wondering because I don't understand the cultural context well enough to be able to make sense of it.
Also, isn't this kind of thinking common in Indian gurudom
Not at this ludicrous level. This document is clearly designed to engender control in anyone stupid enough to believe it. It's clearly beyond the pale and the work of a substantially devious mind.
anonymous said>>>>>>And probably yes, Kracki might be remember in 2000 years as the biggest scam on the spiritual biz of this times.
hello valentina ! Is this your wishful thinking or just some prediction? If kracki is having a heavy price tag for his deeksha makes him a business man and suppose if he makes everything totally free, do you mean to say that he will be ok ?
dear Durga,
u said: non, seems like I tread in a minefield with you. What is wrong with speculation about Jesus?
And previously u said: ....don't know much about the significance of white donkeys, but just thought I'd mention it to spice up the converstaion here and respond to your post.
So, I thought you wanted to keep the conversation, but I am ok if we give it for finished. I will just answer what you are asking me in your last post.
Speculation is always mindfuck. Wether if is wrong or right, you decide. For me is neither wrong or right is just lack of wisdom.
Kracki says that those Mahavakyas were revealed to him when he was a child , by the "divine golden ball" aka deeksha. He would sit in meditation and keep repeating all that nonsense. then as an adolescent told his best friend that he was god. and then both of them started the bussiness. I don't know wether if that guy is still involved or not... but according to Freddy, he became also a trouble for Kracki's dharma.
orchestra,... what do you mean , if I think that he will be ok, even if he would make it all free? I don't get the question.
I think that man is playing the avatar role of saving mankind from total destruction, and worse, saying he is the only one who can enlighten the whole of humanity. Making it more surreal, he charges what he charges.... and with what he charges, he plays in Hollywood, opening studios, and actually building up an empire on media and new technologies entertainment.
He is playing big, but it seems that this is a phenomenon going on with all these hindu reincarnated superavatars and superdivine, with superpowers, and superbankaccounts.
It would be nice if in 2000 years, people remember those times when in the name of spirituality, criminals used to disguised on avatars costumes.... it would mean that humanity would have recovered intelligence, and selftrust.
sorry for my english, is not my mothertongue.
ttdbkdo you know the latest, jody????
Now, the so called deekshagivers, will have to renew their contract in order to give deeksha every one year. And we don't know yet how this contract will be renewed.... another pilgrimage to Golden City, to fill the temple with gold?
And it seems that they might or might not be able to renew their contract. The dasaas will decide...
And , I wonder, how are they going to decide? According to what? How would they know the reason for not renewing the "power" to transfer enlightenment?
"Speculation is always mindfuck. Wether if is wrong or right, you decide. For me is neither wrong or right is just lack of wisdom."
If no one speculated about these things, and just took everything at face value, it would be a bigger mind fuck. Christians have taken Jesus out of his social context and turned him into what they want him to be, IMO. There never was supposed to be any separation between Old testament Jewish law and early Christianity, for example. But because it was transferred to Rome, it took on another guise. there is so much about Christianity that people take for granted without knowing much about its origins. Despite all of this, I like his teachings, I just don't like the cult christians created afterwards.
the so called deekshagivers, will have to renew their contract in order to give deeksha every one year.
Could you get me a link or document, Valentina? Then I could make a post about it. Thanks. Send your tip to
valentina said >>>>>>>>>>sorry for my english, is not my mothertongue.
~~~~~ Neither it is mine valentino. Infact i have to translate every time from my native to english on my mind and give words to it and the result is an indescribable mess.
But i found yours, one of the most direct and precise without any fancy words strewn around here.
Jody, I am afraid this doccument if exist is not yet in my hands.
It is fresh news from the deekshagivers themselves, but I think I can research on that and come with something "official"
I will send it to you at "tips"
"Now, the so called deekshagivers, will have to renew their contract in order to give deeksha every one year. :
That's interesting that you say that, cause in Austin, there is actually someone who is doing a deeksha workshop like the one in India but teaching it herself and charging a lot of money. She has changed the name, though, calling it divine openings. I wonder what the dasas would think about that! Would they sue her? Maybe they should copyright deeksha so Kalki doesn't lose any money.
About the Jesus thing, Valentina, I didn't mind keeping that conversation going. I get the sense that I am offending you, though. That whole subject is interesting to me, but is not in the range of issues covered here on Guruphiliac.
I am definetly not getting ofended at all.
If there is a place i could get in touch with you, we can deepen in the subject if it interest you.
About deeksha givers making up their own new scam, there are a few.
I know Kracki, had no problem if you don't mention that what you are giving is deeksha, actually he decided to change the name, and they calll it now oneness blessing. He doesn't seem to bother if deekshagivers don't mention about him, and actually he even encouraged that, at least some time ago.
On the other hand, all dasas, make sure that you bring lots of people to Golden City to follow the courses... as much as possible, and they would apreciate you more and give you special treatment, the most followers you bring.
"I know Kracki, had no problem if you don't mention that what you are giving is deeksha, actually he decided to change the name, and they calll it now oneness blessing. "
I wonder, though, what they would think if they knew someone was claiming to teach people how to transmit the same "energy" he is supposedly transmitting, and charging a similar price for it. Not that it matters what he thinks, I'm just curious how he would react to that.
BTW, did you so the 21 day program?
yes, at the very beggining.
durga said: I wonder, though, what they would think if they knew someone was claiming to teach people how to transmit the same "energy" he is supposedly transmitting,...
well, don't forget dear, that Kracki, is the "suprem" babaster,... so he would , or rather the dasas would say that there is no "energy" such as the "great" energy that transfers Kracki himself through the so called deeksha, since Kracki is the only one who can give mass enlightenment. So they would probably just say that there is nothing such as the kracki deeksha, since kracki is the "mukti avatar".... read again the mahavakyas of Kracki....
BTW, one of those who do their own scam, is a guy in Argentina called Esania, he is even creating an order of monks, and call the thing, Kosmic energy.
he also made some kind of statements, like: " I am that who has come to liberate you"..... and stuff like that.... he went to Golden City but never did the 21 days . He has created a University called Universidad por el despertar.
"he went to Golden City but never did the 21 days . He has created a University called Universidad por el despertar."
Despertar en español tiene sus ventajas. ¡Voy a matricular!
Pero, en serio, ¿cuándo te diste cuenta de que fuera una mentira?
Does he charge $5500. for a course? If so, lets stick jody on him.
I am assuming you are a Spnish speaker.
I dont know how much he charges, I don't think he charges 5650$ and not 5500 as u Kracki... He charges anyways.In Argentina that amount is too much, and actually the process for argentinans is cheaper in GC it cost only 3000$.
The problem, is that all his site is in spanish.And I don't think Jody wants to translate all that.... for now is not worth it.... and I doubt that he will go much further in his attempt of becoming the next avatar...
I do speak spanish among diferent languages. But I is not my mothertongue.
When I realized about the scam, is a long story. I started to have a clue of it even before going to the process.... then, like other cults, they brainwash u, and for a while u think that going through all those doubs is part of the process....
Then, arrives a moment where u cannot lie to yourself any longer. And when u start seing what's around ...and what's behind the scene..(I had close contact with dasas and Kracki himself, and with all coordinators...) and realize that is not that the process failed with you, but for every one who did it(although they would never admit)... and when you realize that the fucking deeksha does not enlighten any single person,..., and when u realize that all that money is going to personal funds, in order to build an entertainment empire in Holliwood.... and when you realize how inmature you can be to fall into such a scam.....
well.... after many things that u realize,.... u actually realize what IS NOT. And eventually a window to that what IS , starts to open.
I had the chance to go deep enough into depression, til actually cross the line of crazyness, that led to clarity and Self recognition.
So after all,.... dear.....going through that scam.....
was just so perfect for me. Though i wouldn't reccomend to anyone....
"jody said...
the so called deekshagivers, will have to renew their contract in order to give deeksha every one year.
Could you get me a link or document, Valentina? Then I could make a post about it."
LOL To "enew" each year you respond to an e-mail from the national HQ's...thats it. No money, no big deal. Sorry to bust up your little party :)
John Christian
Well, yes and no. To renew you write e.mail and then they decide if you get renewal or not.
Now this rule just came out, but soon will be modified. and looking to how things go in that movement, I am sure, that soon, they will give certificates for different degrees of deeksha transmission... the ones who payed the most( went to all the endless deepening process), will give more powerful deekshas... and so on....
And by the way the party just gets more hot when folks like u join in....
Please, tell us your experience with the avatards...entertain us a bit.How many did u enlightened already?
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