Guruphiliac: The Mostest Specialest Person In Oz

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Mostest Specialest Person In Oz

File under: Gurubusting and The Siddhi of PR

CAUTION: You may feel a strong desire to wash the eyes right out of your skull with Clorox and Drano after watching this:

We're not sure whether to thank him for the tip or put a price on the head of our gurubusting colleague for scarring us within an inch of our life with this pastiche of self-help un-helpfulness and ignorance-reinforcing, occluding concepts about nondual truth, all wrapped up in a pink bow of "Look at how special my enlightenment has made me! Oh, and aren't I pretty hot for a sage?"

Hot? Yes! Sage? We think not!

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At 7/20/2008 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't know Stevie Nicks had her own religion.

At 7/21/2008 5:32 AM, Blogger Chi-Ting Master said...

jody if you think this ia vomit inducing check out Miranda(formerely Miranda Holden!!?)
Numero Uno bottle blonde from Sydney who has recently relocated to orange county, california. ..Known as Satsang Barbie on the streets of Tiruvannamalai.........

At 7/21/2008 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"fair indigenous"...that has GOT to be the most self-serving euphemism for "white" that I've ever heard in my life....lololol! geez. Apparently, she is "beyond shamelessness"....well, I was an oppressed minority in former lives...does that make me eligible for a new. hipper, racial designation? or do I have to dig up my quarter Native American to qualify?
and I don't get her "ordination" by the Dalai Lama? is she a monk? (she IS pretty though).

At 7/21/2008 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about embracing the ones that are awakening? I do not have a need to doubt someone who claims themselves to be enlightened, unless they prevent people from finding truth for themselves. That is what some gurus do!! And there are a bunch of ignorant people who think that it is all due to the gurus grace!! - waiting for a future day where the guru will bestow the grace upon them. The problem is, they are waiting..

Why shouldn't there be more and more people getting that!!this!!! I would be more doubtful towards someone who is loaded with religious baggage, scriptures, knowhows etc. - and if they continue to be doers with cunning ambitions, seriously doubt..

I think she looks beautiful..

At 7/21/2008 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that was the spear-chill discourse equivalent of a Yanni CD! Oh, and I suppose she's cute enough, but then she opens her mouth -- I can't imagine what her (seemingly rather lengthy) book is like...

At 7/21/2008 1:14 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I do not have a need to doubt someone who claims themselves to be enlightened, unless they prevent people from finding truth for themselves.

By spewing self-help pollution scented with a bit of nondual truth, she is preventing folks from finding the truth themselves.

Why shouldn't there be more and more people getting that!!this!!!

Because their heads are full of the nonsense employed by the likes of this lady, all seemingly to prove to her students how fucking special she is just because she happens to know herself.

if they continue to be doers with cunning ambitions, seriously doubt.

Or just a need to be queen for her students. Even if she doesn't come off that way in person, the presentation of her personality online literally SCREAMS: LOOK HOW FUCKING SPECIAL I AM BECAUSE I'M REALIZED.

Guess what, folks, realization makes you the exact opposite of special, because you see you aren't anything more than anyone else is in any moment. But that doesn't give you or your dupes the warm fuzzies they're all craving, hence the creation of abortions of truth like this satsang.

At 7/22/2008 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree to you on this Jody.. The dupes are increasing as the message gets twisted, because the dupes do not want to get it anyway. They want to become special and missing the whole thing in the becoming.. irk!

Then there should be a sobering up for all these so-called realized people, - I mean in the name of dignity and responsibility.

I met a wonderful swami teaching Kriya Yoga not too long ago, and he use to tell his students: - if you are looking for anything else but learning Kriya Yoga, find it elsewhere.. That carries dignity.

And yes, the thing about ordinariness is highly misunderstood.. : )

At 7/22/2008 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To use a great Aussie-ism, "What a wanker"

At 7/22/2008 10:29 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

the thing about ordinariness is highly misunderstood

And that is the great abortion of nondual truth being performed by these "gurus," because enlightenment brings nothing but a recognition of what we have in common with everyone. Why on Earth would you be special for knowing you have something in common with everyone?

As a good friend, mentor and guru told me last night, people aren't going to gurus to be common, they're going to feel good about themselves, to "jack-off all over someone." And there are Aussie blondes everywhere willing to sell shit on a cracker, calling it spiritual truth in their rush to distribute their own pathological narcissism. At least they make decent material for the jacking-off part.

At 7/23/2008 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>"What about embracing the ones that are awakening? I do not have a need to doubt someone who claims themselves to be enlightened, unless they prevent people from finding truth for themselves"<<<

dear rebel heart,
exactly! "unless they prevent people from finding truth for themselves"...which is exactly what these people jumping on the satsang teaching circuit are doing: confusing and deluding other people! which is why they wind up being profiled here.
please be careful out there...if you "dont have a need to doubt"...perhaps there really is a tsunami of "awakening" happening suddenly for the first time in the history of the human race? Or it might be a tidal wave of delusion orchestrated by this new group of "satsang teachers". What ever happened to the idea of quietly establishing in awareness of the Self? even Ramana waited 25 years before "teaching". These days people declare themselves "enlightened, hang up a satsang shingle and begin to "teach" after a weekend with Gangaji, a "retreat" with someone who "got it" from someone who "got it" from someone who actually went to Tiruvannamali and spent 2days at Ramanashram, complaining all the while about the mildew in the rooms and hanging out at Ushi's. It's really a good idea to check the "creds" carefully and to take a good look at what is ACTUALLY going on.


At 7/23/2008 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody, if someone is " calling it spiritual truth in their rush to distribute their own pathological narcissism.", doesn't this nix the notion that they are self realized? Doesn't a realized person's experience of the self include all others? How can a truly realized person be narcissistic?

At 7/23/2008 3:18 PM, Blogger Chi-Ting Master said...

Actually it's Usha's and the food is shit and the conversation is even worse unless you enjoy the sight of Carl Renz playing with himself or James Swartz pontificating at great length to an entourage of mind fuck merchants.The food is much better at the roof top cafe.....

At 7/23/2008 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think her website changed. She used to promote herself as a master of just about every new age/alternative therapy/modality/whatever out there. I think that's her personality type - Enneagram Type 7s are the conceited instant experts and rationalisers, and they have no problem confessing their own wonderfulness to the world.

I'm an aspiring songwriter, but I'm thinking I might be in the wrong game. You only have to babble on for an hour about how potentially wonderful your listener is and get it on CD and sell it on the web for the same price as a properly written and recorded album - $30 plus P&H!

Jody, have you bought your set of 4 Isira photos yet? See: and click on Products. A no-brainer at only $12 each plus P&H! It will inspire you to rise to her level. Then you can open up your own satsang franchise.

Or you could get a make over and sell photos of yourself looking "spiritual" and sell them here.

At 7/23/2008 8:32 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

you could get a make over and sell photos of yourself looking "spiritual" and sell them here.

Egads! I'd rather cut my own heart out with a rusty can-opener.

At 7/24/2008 12:31 AM, Blogger Daniel P. Schreber said...

At least she is a home grown faux guru. I mean "she's even half aboriginal" to quote a local. Somehow I find the idea of a local feeding pseudo spirituality to the locals more palatable than that of importing some sham guru from India or thereabouts.

Its spiritual carpet bagging off the naiveté and largess of the locals when they come from afar.


At 7/24/2008 5:47 PM, Blogger Cosmic Connie said...

"And there are Aussie blondes everywhere willing to sell shit on a cracker, calling it spiritual truth in their rush to distribute their own pathological narcissism."

You said it, Jody. Ever since Rhonda Byrne'd the world with her Secret crapola, enlightened souls have been crawling out from Down Under.

Although I refuse to become a blonde, I do have the pathological narcissism part down pat. I am thinking of perfecting my Aussie accent and transforming myself into an enlightened phony guru-ette from Down Under too. Obviously there's big money in it; I'm tired of missing out.

At 7/24/2008 8:25 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I am thinking of perfecting my Aussie accent and transforming myself into an enlightened phony guru-ette from Down Under too.

If you do it, we will support you with many posts of profuse praise... for 10% of your take and a $10g down payment.

At 7/25/2008 2:10 AM, Blogger Chi-Ting Master said...

Very Good upfront corruption is what we want !!!!!

At 9/15/2008 11:38 PM, Blogger MixedBag65 said...

take it from me an old acquaintance Isira has no Aboriginal heritage. I suspect it is used in addition to other lies to make her appear as an enlightened being. Too bad her light burns so dim as to only attract the vulnerable and weak. I suspect her path in life is to con the weak and make a living from this.

At 1/02/2009 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She used to be a Tibetan Buddhist nun. She's a nice lady. I like her, but I don't know whether she is enlightened or not. What's the definition of enlightenment?
She used to sit on the floor like a true hippie in her see-through white dress. Now she sits on a guru chair and makes videos. I think this is because her business advisers (who are not her devotees) told her to. She plays the guitar and sings. It is quite nice hanging out with her, but she gives long waffly talks. The video camera upsets me -- I don't want to be filmed. If you're feeling down and want a hug, she might give you one.

At 2/08/2015 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isira is still out there promoting herself as "the Truth"
I worry that she is preying on the vulnerable, telling them what they want to hear and at the same time charging big money. They are so desperate that they believe her spin and pay whatever she charges. At the end of the day, she is a business first and foremost.

It is interesting that nowhere on the internet can you find any information about her early life apart from the carefully crafted one that has been posted by her.

At 9/04/2017 1:01 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

They are waiting indeed - and wait they will. Superstition abounds and this 'organisation' racketing profit is no more than a cult. Isira's narcissism knows no bounds - she'll step over and rake in anyone and everyone who will bend over backwards to be in hed presence. Oh, and by the way they do all the hard work while she sits in the counting house


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