Amma's Mind-Control TV Network Up And Running
File under: Amma All-Over-The-Planet

To recap: Stage One of Amma's global domination scheme was to strategically convert well-placed military personnel into Ammabots. Stage Two was a demonstration of Amma's remote-control over machinery in India. Now with Stage Three activiated, Ammachi can nourish the minds of the Ammabots in India [Ed.note: And soon everywhere else.] with her ideological replenishment service: AmmaThink™.
Fortunately, only minds already weakened by exposure to Ammachi's astral breast milk and the resulting infection of Amma-controlled brain cells are permeable to the ideas contained in AmmaThink™. Comprised mostly of Hindu superstition, coupled to a Victorian-era sexual morality and anything which can be interpreted to possibly indicate Amma's divinity—Ammathink™ is patently ridiculous to anyone with half a brain not already infected.
But if already infected, the mind of an Ammabot cannot get enough of Ammathink™. The desire to absorb it has been genetically programmed into the DNA of the milk-fed ganglia pulsing in their brains. Thus the success of Amrita TV is assured with this built-in market of breast-fed, mind-benumbed and critical thinking-hobbled automatons willing to take whatever pabulum their Mommy stuffs into their enfeebled minds.
I'd say TV in general has deteriorated since The Jackie Gleason show, "The Honeymooners".
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