Guruphiliac: Inside The False Amma & Kalki Scam

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Inside The False Amma & Kalki Scam

File under: Satscams and Gurus Clockin' Dollars

Recently gleaned from the GuruRatings list, an insider with the Amma/Kalki satscam supplies an all-too believable exposé of their fund-raising techniques:
From a private correspondence, with identifying details omitted:

I have been associated with the cult of Sri Kalki Bhagavan (and his wife Padmavathi Amma), who positions himself as the Vishnu Avatar, and a God - although in recent years he has made his claims a little indirect, perhaps due to media criticism, and fear of ridicule.

I have served this cult for 2 year[s], attended their Deekshas, and [have] done a lot of promotion for them. I would like to bring to your notice that this cult is pressurizing its INDIAN devotees to donate large sums of wealth, if they want to remain in the good books of the disciples (dasas) who run the show, and progress further. We have even been asked to take loans (the last case was Rs 100,000 [$2,220.50 US] which is a large amount), and donate, if we don't have the money. We have been told that we can repay the loans over a few years!

From the day we join we are pressurized to bring in new people and send them for the initial 3-day deeksha (costing Rs 5000 [$110 US]). This is because to qualify for the higher level we must send 60 (now 30) people for the program. First we are told that the 3-day program will enlighten us (for only Rs 5000!), then we are told - sorry the higher process will enlighten you. So we have no option but to talk others (family, friends etc) into joining and going for the 3-day program.

Once we have sent so many people, and we find no change in us, it is very difficult to step out. I have still not told my family that I have left, for loss of face. In order to convince 60 people to go, we have to exaggerate and make tall claims. We have to create a miracle out of each little incident that happened to us (such as getting a green light on the way to work) etc. We have to keep talking of unending grace, and say things like "our whole life has changed". We are all basically sincere people, but we start telling lies without realizing it, and a time comes when we are stuck.

New people are lured in by promises of unending "grace", and then after we tell them lots of stories (most of them are just heard from others, no one has any evidence of them actually happening.), then the disciples ask them to make donations, or go for paid darshans in order to get that "unending grace". These darshans are expensive and the latest one is that we can touch Amma's feet for Rs 100,000. Prior to going for the higher process we were all told that in order for the higher process to be a great success we should make this donation. Many of us are very ordinary people, some have left our jobs to pursue a spiritual goal, so the amount is no small order.

Even the higher process (two weeks) has made no difference to anyone. Although it does seem to us, that the program for foreigners (21 days, USD 5500) has resulted in some enlightened people (such as Freddie Nielsen and Kiara Windrider - we have heard they are enlightened), however in India there is not even an attempt at spiritual growth of devotees. It is only talk of great "celestial" miracles, and enlightenment is always round the next corner, after the next darshan (donation).

Because of all the stories we perpetuate, the number of devotees has really gone up dramatically, each wondering when his turn for endless grace will come. They claim over 30 million devotees, although I don't know how this figure has been computed.

Sarlo, I write this to you primarily because I am concerned that large numbers of poor and low-income people in India are being fleeced by this cult, each hoping that his string of problems will magically vanish after a darshan or deeksha. When nothing happens their suffering increases.

We actually convince ourselves that we are happier than even before for a while after the deeksha. In that short period we are pushed to recruit more people and share our great experiences with others.

The experiences we narrate are always the tales we were told by the disciples about others who got great grace.

Please keep my name under wraps. It is not safe for me, since I have been working very actively promoting this cult, and they know that I can negatively affect them through the internet.
As nasty and dishonest as this pyramid scheme sounds, it's completely understandable. False Amma and her Kalki have got a monument to their monumental egos, the "Oneness Temple," to complete. Plus, we imagine they're in a race to establish world peace before the Maharishi gets to it first with his "Peace Palace" real-estate profiteering scheme. Being able to claim that they're the one true, peace-bringing world savior(s) will go along way toward attracting even more patsies willing to believe that psychotically grandiose "gurus" have something to offer, besides the fellowship of similarly-duped patsies with black holes where their bank accounts used to be.

Update: Looks like the miracle-mongering Sri Kalki's magic is beginning to backfire.


At 2/16/2006 2:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This blog of yours caught my eye today. I had been in the Kalki 'movement' some couple of years back - thankfully, not seriously involved in it. I had some bad experiences therein. Just because I had been going thru some personal crisis at that time, one of the 'highly placed' monks suggested that I should convert myself into a monk. When I didn't show much interest, I was told that it was the will of the 'Bhagavan' and was also repeatedly asked to change my decision. Finally, I got fed up with it all and decided to leave the movement once and for all. My point is, no matter how good the teachings are, what use is it being in an organization that merely adopts an attitude of escapism? The very beauty of life lies in its problems and hurdles - solving them and getting over them is what makes life worth living. Running away from them in no way grants 'mukti' or freedom from them. Makes one wonder if the monks are in it too only because they're too scared of staring life in the eye.

Secondly, this whole thing of paying for enlightenment and then 'paying more for more enlightenment' is utterly ridiculous. Ultimately, the only thing that gets "enlightened" is the pocket of the devotee of the so-called Divine Avatar!

At 4/29/2006 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well dear author,
there r a few clear things i can see from ur blog, u have been in the dharma without understanding it, what happened to ur inner integrity and ur authentic self.
you have acted ur self through these days in the dharma,and the reason u havent grown spiritually is definitely ur fault my friend, try to be true to ur self and then complain about others

At 4/29/2006 8:32 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

what happened to ur inner integrity and ur authentic self.

They're still right here.

the reason u havent grown spiritually is definitely ur fault my friend

Who is there to grow? Where would "he" grow to? A place where he accepts the emo-trance trash con man Kalki Bhagavan is selling as enlightenment? Not likely, my friend.

At 5/22/2006 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well....i agree with what has been said in the expose....being very actively involved with the dharma i too have faced all of these situations......and have been wondering about them since a while now.......but its different when i think of doesnt feel that he can do such a thing...but again....the lies and empty promises stand so true....oh what a conflict.......

At 5/22/2006 11:22 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

when i think of doesnt feel that he can do such a thing

Believe it. He does. He is a con man, not a living God.

At 5/22/2006 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear people,

as long as people need gurus, gurus will appear! As long as people believe they can get enlightenment for money, someone will be there to sell it.
"DEEKSHA" is there for everyone everywhere, we just have to open our heart for it. But who would believe that? Who would really dare to follow her/his own heart?

At 5/22/2006 1:16 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

"DEEKSHA" is there for everyone everywhere, we just have to open our heart for it.

You mean realization is there for everyone, everywhere. Deeksha as the Kracki is selling it is nothing more than a flim flam which seeks to replace enlightenment with an addiction to an emotional trance.

At 5/24/2006 9:14 AM, Blogger doruk said...

diksha is working.

At 5/24/2006 9:23 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

diksha is working.

Sure it's working, as a way to flim flam folks into paying for an 'enlightenment' that is utterly false.

At 5/24/2006 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can imagine how upset you may feel if you have paid a lot of money and not enjoyed what you have received. I can also guess how hopeless it may feel if the problems are still there and the money you spent to receive the Oneness training has brought neither inner peace nor financial solutions for you. And i can guess that you feel very angry that what you expected to receive you have not received.
I really love receiving and giving Deekshas. I feel tremendously grateful to Freddy for introducing me to this and feel so much gratitude for the Oneness University which has brought great peace and happiness into my life; more than was every there before.

At 5/24/2006 11:34 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I feel tremendously grateful to Freddy for introducing me to this and feel so much gratitude for the Oneness University which has brought great peace and happiness into my life; more than was every there before.

You have given yourself that "great peace and happiness." The OU training was merely a placebo. Your joy could have come from an almost infinite number of courses and ideologies. Deeksha works the same way that faith healing does. Its power lies with the devotee, not with those scam artists running OU.

At 5/26/2006 7:23 AM, Blogger sachin shetty said...

dudes, looks like too much of ups and downs, true or false, hey wait a minute..... does anything matter untill we are aware when we are alarmed of facts and of our thoughts or emotions.
A&B hardly matters whether they are true/false, they are there, if we are cautious in our decisions(may be money wise or getting carried away with others experiences)afterall we are living in a practical world, we can cautiously receive what benefits us without any dependency and live independently, what do you say, but ofcourse can be gratefull to nature...

this is a very interesting blog to have serious conversation tlike this may be we can be benefitted and become aware of certain facts that we try to ignore or runaway from. right? thanks for creating this blog

Guys, what do you think!!!
is there any sense that you can see in this .....

At 5/26/2006 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, friend you are wrong..

You finaly caught with mind, it thinks a lot. What you gain, with puting such questions???

Listen to your inner heart it will say what is right, what is happening..

There is a lot understand in spirituality, First find yourself who are you? Search what is happening within you?

Seeing "Inside" is important!

After you will definitly get all the answers, what are happening arround.

Without trust on your God how will you get God`s help!

I wonder how you spent 2 great years without understanding fundementals.

My prayer to Lord for you to get Mukthi early.

At 5/27/2006 5:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freddy Nielsen claimed many personal experiences and 10s of thousands who followed him also expressed 1000s of profound experiences on the other website, I wonder people comment so silly about oneness movement now. I did personally experience many which are neither dreams nor some sort of emotional related. I too have seen many miracles in my life. All the comments seem childish to me.

At 5/29/2006 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Freddy,
May be amma and bhaghavan have put u on trust.. even i was introduced by my cousin sister to this dharma, but bhaghavans teaching and Ammbhaghavans grace have been very helpful to me.. my inner world is completely changed...i would love to have more of such amma bhghavans in the universe.. what i feel is freddy, u are not forced but ,dissappointed due to ur expectations.,,thats all...

At 5/29/2006 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether people are getting their money's worth in an endeavor as subjective as spiritual growth is a little hard to quantify. Calling it a fraud is a little extreme given the context of our society.

1) Is the war on drugs a fraud?
2) Are almost every single one of our politicians frauds?
3) Is the tobacco industry a fraud?
4)Is spending 4 years in a drunken haze and calling that a college education a fraud?
5)Drugging people with prescription drugs, even children, is that a fraud?
6) U.S. border policy, is that a fraud?
7) Is psychiatry a fraud?
8) Is psychoanalysis a fraud?

I could list the societal frauds all day and if I prioritize them as most dangerous first, Kalki ends up towards the bottom of the list.

At 5/29/2006 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

see Anandagiris comments about what happened to Freddy Nielsen:

Ask your heart who is stuck in the mind, and who is speaking from the heart... Freddy Nielsen or Anandagiri and Bhagavan.

Nobody is forced to believe anything, just bringing some clarity and different perspective then what is shown on Just listen to the heart and follow it, or just be whatever you are, everything is fine, and soon the golden age will be here... sorry, the mind's days are counted, the mind will soon be gone from this planet.

At 5/29/2006 4:24 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

soon the golden age will be here... sorry, the mind's days are counted, the mind will soon be gone from this planet.

That is the ridiculous lie being sold to you by the Kracki.

At 5/29/2006 4:29 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Calling it a fraud is a little extreme given the context of our society.

To say that any of the "phenomena" being experienced as a result of taking deeksha have anything to do with self-realization and enlightenment is fraud. To say that deeksha is an "energy" transfer is fraud. To claim that you must pay for something for it to have value or be spiritually effective is fraud.

At 5/30/2006 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone,

Please carefully read what the scriptures have to say about who is an avatar how to recognise him, what is Diksha.

First topic is recognition of an Avatar.

An avatar is classified into two categories, when the Personality of Godhead himself would like to descend to perform certain activities is called a Leela or Yuga Avatar these are the integrated expansions of the Lord. These Avatars can be recognised by their superhuman deeds which are not within mans reach like Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhana hill for example these avatars are eternal forms of the lord residing in Vaikunta Loka which is the name of the spiritual realm as per the Shastra or Vedic Scriptures.
The other avatar is the Shakti Avesa Avatar in this avatar a human being is given the strength by the lord to perform extraordinary tasks for the benefit of mankind, these avatars are like Veda Vyaasa, Madhvacharya, Ramanujacharya, Vishnuswami, Vallabacharya, and in recent times Srila PRabhupada. Shakthyavesha avtars are basically human beings who are blessed by the lord to perform great deeds.

Now coming to the self aggrandizement by this Kracki that he is Vishnu avatar or purna avatar the supreme being is a big hoax this guy may have some yogic powers anyway these powers do not even measure to 1/1000,000 million the power of Viswamitra a sage in the previous ages who could create an planetary system. Visvamitra never claimed himself to be God. Look at this guy he is getting old and bald and looks ugly these are not symptoms of Bhagavan.

Parasara Muni father of Vedevyasa says you can call a person Bhagavan on earth or Purna Avatar if he possesses all these categories in full

Sriya-Beauty-everlasting beauty and youth
Bala-strength beyond ordinary human conceptions cannot be measured
Virya-He should be victories under all circumstances
jnana-Complete knowledge
Samagrasya- Should possess all riches
Tyaaga-having all the above should be complete renunciate
Anyone who possesses these above in full is considered to be a Purna Avatar on Earth. Nobody now can claim to have any one of the above in full what to speak of the others. Reason people fall for such Idiots who claim to be Gods is mainly due to ignorance not knowing what is true power of God.

Secondly I will address what are the symptoms of a person who is liberated or self realised. Second chapter of Bhagavad Gita deals with this in detail.
1) Control over the urges of the Tongue.
2) Control over the urges of the genitals
3) Not affected either by situation for happiness nor does a situation of sadness affects them.
4) Tolerant to external factors like extreme heat or cold
5) Even though discharging the duties are not concerned with the results of their work, work is performed as a sacrifice to the Lord.

What I have mentioned there are some of the symptoms of a liberated person, now coming to the people who claim to be liberated duy to unending grace in the form of energy by this Kracki is a hoax since not even one person I have met have shown these symptoms, externally when they meet new people they talk in a manner as though they are not affected by the dualities of material nature and are in a higher state, however one of these Kracki disciples is my sister-in-law even though by nature a nice person is totally illussioned she does not display any of the qualities of a liberated person, she gets affected by any small situation, gets worked up easily, has craving desires for food with onion and garlic and other tamasic food stuffs, gets very emotional and sentimental. When she meets a new person she is a different person trying to show she is very balanced and in a higher state and she claims that she can give this transfer of energy/diksha.

Diksha or Initiation is the beginning of life for a person living a vedic life he starts his journey towards self realisation performs strict sadhana to achieve the state of tranquility, during this process the sadhaka starts acquiring the qualities as enunciated by the scriptures by following the orders of the spiritual master. Initiation is given to the disciple based on his service attitude and not sold for money. Anyone who says he will provide the diksha mantra for monay is a hoax.

Please people wake up read the scriptures have a yearnign desire to know the absolute truth you will find a Guru who is authorised as per the scriptures not these cheapsters.

At 5/31/2006 9:27 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

My personal experience after being intiated to Amma & Bhagwan's following is the Peace and happiness that has started prevailing at my Home and Work Place

All you got was the idea that you were getting something. You have done all the rest yourself. Wake up and smell the coffee. Kalki and his rip off consort are scam artists taking you for a ride.

At 5/31/2006 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wake up Pramod, if you are feeling of peace is like the camel chewing cactus with thorns and drinking its own blood, being totally ignorant that it is hurting itself same is your position resulting from your so called initiation into this Kracki movement. Further your experience is like Aswhattama who was very happy drinking barley water thinking it is milk you speak like this because you have not tasted milk. You are also not aware of what joy of being connected to what the absolute truth is. Anyway as long as there are people who want to get cheated are available there will always be cheaters around.

At 6/02/2006 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe one should not let another person or God become ones guru. Only throu selfrespect and inner peacework can one find true enlightment and be of any real help to near ones and the world. Yes, I do believe one can find a seed in certain movements or enlighted people but so can one also in any sincere fellow man/woman/child. I have had great pleasure and joy in recieving dikshas this last year and yes, I was somewhat overwhelmed too at the first storytellers satsangs... but followed my inner conviction that I should not be a member of any movement but just benefit from the parts I found corresponded with my own thoughts. So, I´m thankful for this blogg, thank you Freddy although I´ve never met you, as well as I´m thankful for the dikshas I´ve recieved and some wonderful meditations I shared at the satsangs. I wish you all find what you are searching for.

At 6/04/2006 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pramod,

You need to know what ignorance is what knowledge is, what you say should have scriptural validity if it doesnt there is no use pursuing the discussion, because you are pursuing a path of illusion. I do not have anything personally against this guy and his wife, i am only against their false preaching, like i already said if you dont know what true spirituality is you will think any damn thing is because you do not have the taste of it, there is no ego in what i am saying i just pity you and your false guys who claim to be God. No matter what he does the moment he says he is God and he is displaying the limitations of a human being is fraud number one, if you have had received true spirtual grace you will not even address your reply the way you did so ponder again to know who has to really wake up read the Bhagavad Gita, understand the nature of God, human and their relationship is your effort to know what is there should be sincere not half hearted that is my only advice i will not reply to your comments until your discussion is constructive.

At 6/13/2006 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been in various groups ranging from christianity to forms of eastern religion and have seen deception and fraud in all of them. It is an unfortunate aspect of human nature when it allows the ego/mind to rule without truly being submitted to the Source, as happens with some of these leaders and followers who become deceived.
The truth is all around and inside, each person has to come to it on their own. Even the Bible says to beware of false prophets that are wolves in sheep's clothing, and to pay attention to the still small voice within. And the book "If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him" speaks volumes to this issue. The truth is available if we only dare to go within to find it. The problem is the mind continually looks outwardly for truth and confirmation. Our educational system has taught us to look outside of ourselves for answers and solutions and to rely on external authority instead of relying on our intuitive voice within, which is the voice of God speaking to us.
The human condition is subject to limitations and frailties, failings, clay feet, because of the maya and illusion that veils our sight. There may be moments of divine revelation and insight, but because we exist in a world of duality, there are moments of illusion also. It's the age-old interplay of light and shadow, the divine lila, or play.
None of us, regardless of how enlightened we are, are impervious to aspects of the human condition until we leave this realm. "Man" will always fail "man"...this is further teaching that we are to only go straight to the Source for our truth.
Yes, community and fellowship are important, teachers and leaders are needed, we can love and serve and share with others, just do it from a perspective of your own inner connection to the truth.

At 6/15/2006 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Its absolutely perfect..i agree with you. It should come from the core of your heart.....that is true to ur self and it is true always.

What ever you receive externally it may be help, spritutal awareness or any kind of thing you seek from externally will not last lang with time and fade way...soon

At 6/16/2006 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who r condemning Amma N Bhagavan will have to face the consequences

At 6/16/2006 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If U cant do good to d society pls dont stop others doing good

At 6/16/2006 10:59 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Those who r condemning Amma N Bhagavan will have to face the consequences

Bhagavan and Amma are two of the most egregious contributors to spiritual ignorance alive in the world today. They are like Hilter and Medusa against the Truth, and their activities amount to 100 concentration camps worth of occluding nonsense.

They are the ones who will face the consequences. There is a very hot room waiting for the both of them in the deepest pits of the worst Hell that exists.

At 6/20/2006 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I perfectly agree with Jody any Human Being who claims to be God and manipulating their ignorance will definitley be punished even those who follow them cannot claim ignorance they have the guide books to know who is God he may be a Hindu/Muslim or Christian he has to read their respective scriptures Bhagavad Gita, Quaran and Bible, will know what is God and his nature. Just like anyone who jumps a traffic signal cannot claim ignorance that he doesnt know the law, in the same way a person cannot claim ignorance saying O how can i be punished now to think he is God.

All those who follow him will also be punished they cannot plead ignorance because they cannot claim they do not know the existence of Bhagavad Gita/Bible/ or Quaran which ever background they belong to.

In Bhagavad Gita refer chapter 4 text 5 Lord Krishna says
"ajopi sann avyayatma bhutanam isvaropisan
prakritim stham adhistaya sambhavami atma mayaya"
Translation -
Krishna says he comes through his internal potency (Yoga Maya) even though he is unborn and Lord of all existences.
This means he doesnt change his body like any of us birth/disease and oldage.
You will not find any of the incarnations of the Lord going through old age this Kracki is getting old getting bald and his wife is also ageing, anyone who reads the scriptures will get the intelligence to understand these guys are frauds.

I read one of the pro Kracki saying look within, the method of looking within is also in the scriptures please do not think that people who are trying to expose Kracki to be a fraud are not looking within, because of their genuine concern that more people should fall prey to this false Kracki character this site is existing I congratulate them for this. The Lord situated in their heart has made them do this.

I only pray to the almighty that he forgives this Kracki and his wife and somehow make them true devotees of God in the true sense atleast in their next life.

At 6/20/2006 1:12 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

All those who follow him will also be punished they cannot plead ignorance because they cannot claim they do not know the existence of Bhagavad Gita/Bible/ or Quaran which ever background they belong to.

Nah, I don't think so. All scripture is relative. There is no such thing as inerrant scriptural truth for all.

Bad gurus can work for good people. There's no doubt that people feel helped by their devotion to Kalki. But the truth is their happiness comes by way of their own sincere love. It has nothing to do with Kalki – and he knows it. That is the seed of his sin, and now it has grown into an immense forest, and who knows when it's going to all burn down...

At 6/20/2006 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/20/2006 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had serious suspicions about the movement right from the get-go. The movement didnt convice me, neither did the acharyaji's or dasas. I forced myself however to attend deeksha's and oneness gatherings on request from my parents and brother who were deeply immersed in the moevement. since i lived in a country far away from India where the rest of my family lives, their ideologies were obviously different from mine. I think it was my 5th deeksha in California one night, that completely changed and i glimpsed enlightenment, in as pure of a form as i possibly could. the very thought that drove me to smoke a cigarette or drink alcohol, was seperated from my psyche and i could observe this process of thought formation and the carrying out of a thought sometimes subconsciously, as if i was viewing myslelf from outisde of my physical body. i felt a loss of seperation and a global paradigm shift from within. for those of you who havent been convinced, maybe you should identify the very thought that drives you to reject such a movement becuase you are not responsible for it. thoughts arise and dissipate, its the human mind that chooses to grapple with them and make them a reality. You are never in control of a thought that flows thru your mind, but you can control the effect that thought can bring about if you chose to indulge in it. Enlightenment is easy. No enlightenment is the real difficulty.

At 6/20/2006 6:39 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I think it was my 5th deeksha in California one night, that completely changed and i glimpsed enlightenment, in as pure of a form as i possibly could.

You cannot "glimpse" enlightenment. You merely generated an idea of enlightenment as an artifact of your epiphany. It has absolutely nothing to do with the "power" of deeksha, and everything to do with your underlying state of readiness for a kundalini event. Unfortunately, this results in an overlay of meaning as the mind attempts to interpret the event according to what they've been brainwashed to expect.

i felt a loss of seperation and a global paradigm shift from within.

Anything you feel is not enlightenment.

you should identify the very thought that drives you to reject such a movement becuase you are not responsible for it.

Yet lives become repositories of experience, pages in the book of knowledge for each life. This construction of fate is designed by God, including all its actions... in everyone.

Enlightenment is easy.

You mean: Enlightenment is easy to imagine when your head is being stuffed full of nonsense about it.

No enlightenment is the real difficulty.

Your "enlightenment" is a blight upon the Earth, a dark body eclipsing the true light of jnana, which has as much to do with any of this as my dog's ass.

At 6/21/2006 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog.I have loads to say abt the movement which is why iam planning to launch my own website on this movement.I had been in this movement for 9 long years and was introduced in to it with my mother's miraculous experiences.The last two years were really heady and i was just floating around since i believed i had actually been enlightened.I was appreciated encouraged and given a lot of respect because of my higher status from youth deekshas and other mukthi deekshas.But all this while i had a gnawing feeling this somehow is not true or its not the ultimate truth iam after.also i could not get foolproof answers for my questions even tho i was supposedly to be enlightened(their website says its only partial enlightenment and not complete but all the devotees believe its complete!!).But i have got out of this mess eight months ago all due praises and glory to god.I have finally found the truth abt life,the purpose of our existence,who is our creator,what has he commanded us to do and what really happens to us after death.That my dear friends is the best miracle of my life cos i can honestly and truly say that once i state openly what has happened with me you can see for urself what delusions you devotees are living under(which is not by the way ur fault entirely).Just ask urself these questions-

1.Does God have to be a human being to solve all his problems?thats like saying you need to be a computer urself in order to repair the computer!!

2.Does god need food,water,shelter,family etc on this planet etc and worst of all money to survive???isnt god is the one who provides us with everything and he needs it back from us?? another person has stated on this blog...does god need security guards to protect himself??i have been to three personal darshans so far and all the time i was checked 100% before i was let in(huh????).when he is not confident enough to protect himself how is he going to protect you and ur family???

Its very sad but its true and u just need to be a tiny bit sensible to realise whats going on.But of course that can happen only if god wills and he wants you to be guided and be in the right path.

My prayers are there for all of you that you realise the real truth one day and not just succumb to gimmicks and so called miracles which are not a work of god but the work of jinns.

may peace be upon all of you.

At 6/22/2006 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, I don't think so. All scripture is relative. There is no such thing as inerrant scriptural truth for all.

Jody All scriptures according to time place and circumstances and even though i strictly follow the Bhagavad Gita, I am not claiming mine is the only scripture I only told that one should read his scripture to the back ground he belongs and if he is a little broad minded and have the time he/she can also see what all three have to say.

Anyways I again congratulate you for your effort to expose Kracki and his Wife. I have been advertising this site to everyone i know so that everyone reads it this site will definitley provide enough information. Anyway I am sure The Lord Has his plans to ensure this guy is punished properly for his activities.

At 6/22/2006 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Vijendra,

You are speaking with half cooked knowledge, Lord Krishna before he ended his activities on this planet when the hunter Jara shot the toe of Krishna, do you possibily think the lord can die if some one shoots his toe, he spoke to the hunter Jara and in his self same body rose up flew to the Vaikuntam Planets you have neither read the Mahabharata nor the Bhagavatham and you are simply speculating, please do not speak without proper knowledge.

You have read so many school books in your life have have seen all the authors, you have read Newtons Laws have you seen Newton, if you are engineering student and have you seen all those people who wrote those books no... Mr Vijay anyway your lines of argument is very naive and shallow.

Next you say that Advaita Philosophy says everyone is God have you read the Brahma Sutras of Sripad Shankaracharya, have you read Dakshina Murthy Stotram, have you performed Nirvikalpa Samadhi, if you have not read or even heard what these books are please do not speak.

And for this Krack and his wife, they have not done anything to me personally that does not mean I stay quiet when they claim to be God when they arent because he is fraud and a fraud needs to be exposed.

For that matter Lord says in Bhagavad Gita in chapter 5 text 19 a learned man sees everyone as a part of parcel of the Lord from a dog, an elephant a dog eater and a brahmana, so there is no question of personal hatred against Kracki and his Wife so I personally dont have any hatred against them I only want to expose that they are not GOD thats it and people should follow the religion truly through authentic scriptures.

Christianity is an Authentic scripture so is Islam refer Bhavishya Purana written by Vedavyasa more than 5000 years back it was already predicted these religions are considered authentic.

You dont even have the idea what God is, if you are God can you lift the Govardhana hill on your left hand little finger no.. forget it can you lift a table with just your left hand no you cannot if you cannot please do not say that everyone is God.
In terms of philosophy you are not even born yet, anyway there is a beginning for everyone if you seriously try to enquire and need guidance I will write to you however please address your query properly do not challenge what I say please enquire with humility that is the right approach.

At 6/22/2006 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raj Said:
do any one of yo have guts to say i am God?(even as kidding)

One should feel ashamed to say he is God it is not the question of Guts, yes I can say with humility that i consider myself a servant of the servant of God but not God.

Devotees of the lord are humble but at the same time are ready to fight not exactly with weapons but with knowledge and devotion to establish who is true God through the words of God again not speculating but by just re-presenting what is mentioned in the scriptures.

At 6/25/2006 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can´t believe in anonymous discrediting of anybody. I´ve been to India 4 times to Amma&Bhagavan´s ashram, to 4 diferent retreats. I am not going to deny what I experienced there. Try with them and experience peace of mind. Diksha works well.

At 6/25/2006 11:06 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I am not going to deny what I experienced there.

You don't have to deny it. Your experience comes as a result of your sincerity. It has nothing to do with them and everything to do with your faith. They try to take advantage of that faith by asking you to get people to join, to give more money, to believe that Kalki is God.

In essence, they are trying to step in between you and God and extract a "tax".

At 6/26/2006 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juan The Lord says in Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 5 text 29'

Bhoktaram Yagna Tapasam
Sarva Loka Maheshwaram
Suhrudam Sarva Lokanam
Jnatva maam Shantim rrchathi


One who knows that I (Lord Krishna) is the enjoyer of all sacrifices, austerities, and I am the controller of the planetary systems, and knows me to be eternal well wisher of all living entities truly attaiins peace.

This knowledge is enough to attain peace you dont have to spend thousands of dollars to come to India and pay those guys that money to attain peace. Atleast Jody says its your sincerety that makes you experience peace but I am saying you are just convincing yourself that you experienced peace since you spent so much money and you dont want make a fool out of yourself.

Sorry I do not mean to be harsh.

At 6/30/2006 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear All

I amazed and rather shocked to read all this.

No one has clearly understood the basic. Lord Kalki has never considered or proclaimed himself as a God.

It is true that we devotees, cos of the inexplicable and incredeble experiences have started addressing HIM as God with utmost passion and sincerity.

He is only an Avatar and i am sure you friends DO understand the difference between an Avatar and GOD.
It is sad that most of us donot understand the existence of God and this is Kaliyuga.

What HE is/has been preaching and trying to do is helping everyone to REDISCOVER the God within oursleves, which has been in the earlier yugas. That is to reestabilish the relationship with the GOD within which has been lost in all of us.

As to the money part, there are innumerable devotees, atleast in India, who have not even spent single paise, but only thro chanting of Moola mantra have benefitted.

And no body in this world can force to do something which is aginst your wish. Then why cry on the money spent.



I pray to those who have
written against my Lord Kalki, do nothing but try chanting the moola mantra alone as many times as possible and pl do it with faith and without any fear or inhibitions.


As one gentleman has written-2012 is not far away and the whole world will experience,realise, relish the presence of my beloved LORD Kalki and Amma. They also regret for not having estabilished a relationship with my AMMA BHAGVAN.

Amma Bhagvan Sarnam.

At 6/30/2006 8:40 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

As one gentleman has written-2012 is not far away and the whole world will experience,realise, relish the presence of my beloved LORD Kalki and Amma. They also regret for not having estabilished a relationship with my AMMA BHAGVAN.

And pigs will fly, cows will talk, dogs will love cats and all humanity will rejoice as one in the divinity of Kalki and Amma... NOT!!!!!

You live in a fantasy and believe in fairy tales. Wake up and realize that 2012 is nothing more than the flimflamming device of your beloved criminal avatards.

At 7/01/2006 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sadagopan...

You have become sentimental, please retain your composure if that mantra of yours really can do wonders you would reply more on the basis of realisation and less on sentiment.

Even an Avatar has certain symptoms which is mentioned in the scriptures this guy doesnt display any of these, this again an advertising gimmick, I have so many cousins and relatives who follow this Kracki and chant his mantra for eons of time but do not display any symptoms of a realized person only thing i notice in them is they are very sentimental, which is not a characterisitic of a sadhak or a Muktha like he claims in he interviews he says sadhana only takes you to one point he says he can give instant enlightenment, he talks all bullshit and people want to follow it because they think this is so easy but enlightenment is not so cheap.

According to me he is doing the greatest harm to mankind because of his stupid teachings he is talking people more into nescience rather than actually showing light.

I always knew he is a fraud now your comments doubles the proof that he is the biggest fraud.

At 7/02/2006 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

watever bhagvan is......enlightment,moksha,mukthi can be achieved through constant sadhana niether through paying thosands nor by attending homas . in the whole indian philosophy there is no where word like instant enlightment
COME OUT of this fraud

At 7/04/2006 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Friends, Let me join the discussion. I have few things to speak.

Firstly, any human being senses the presence of an object through one of his senses and confirms its presence. I am yet to know an object which existed and can not be sensed by anyone of our five senses. To say, anything that is not accessible to one of the senses we have can not exist in the world.

The object GOD, is such an object which is not reachable by any of these senses. If one claims he/she has experienced GOD, he or she must have experienced the same with one of his/her senses. And if one in this universe can sense or experience the same, it is naturally possible for any human being to sense the same as everyone (almost everyone) has same set of senses. Am I making my point clear? It means there is no such object called GOD. The word GOD means an illusion and just does not exist.

No human being or most of the human beings are basically insecure on one or more aspects and hence look for a person/thing/object to get out the same. In the proces, one chooses one's own way to feel the false sense of secuirty. GOD is such an illusionary object, who is not there, not seen, not felt is the perfect thing to develop security and lead a comfortable life. Here, there could be a question. What is the harm then? The harm here is not from the thing GOD but the object which poses it to be a GOD. How can one be an object or a thing which does not exist?


At 7/04/2006 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Mukti first came to Sweden (I got in contact 2002) it was very cheap to join their courses. I payed 40 Euro for a weekend and got the opportunity to sleep for free in the school where we were having the classes. This was called Mukti 1. Then I went for Mukti 2 and it was a little longer weekend - but about the same price. I think around, 60 euros. I do not remember exactly - but it was well underneath 100 Euros. That is not much for teachings during a whole weekend. Most other teachers take 240 Euros for the same endurement. I went to courses with Palle, Freddies younger brother. I found the teachings grounded, and I learnt a lot about different techniques of getting rid of "pain" and awakening you own "higher self". It was very nice experiences - and I was especially touched by that Palle gave healing for free (once per week - outside the courses). That "non-capitalistic" thinking was what made me interested in Kalki and Amma. I took part in Mukti 1 and 2 again, as an assistant. Then I went to Mukti 3 - one week in silence. It was also cheap, 300 Euros for one week in a hotel shared room, and all meals included. I learnt a lot and experienced rising Kundalini-energy in my spine - but also saw that the program was made to exhaust people. Waking up at 5 -doing mantras and yoga and only drinking tea in the morning. We didn't speak during this week. It was a very interesting experience not to speak - but I also got aware of the "passion" or "obsession" of Freddie. In my eyes - he was looking for "lovesoldiers" who wanted to go to India and get enlighted to spread this all over the world. I was very tempted, cause I have a deep longing for helping myself and others - but I hesitated and thought it was too much money (I believe 1200 Euros). Then a lot of people from Sweden started to go to Oness university in India for one week to get the enlightment. And they came home, and not many of them were enlighted... They had had nice experiences some of them, but not enlighted. But Kalki and Amma had promised this for everyone. Well, now they were told it was the 21-day procedure in India that was the "one" that would help you get enlighted. It cost 4000 Euros.... !! I thougt - my gosh this is going crazy. A movement I put my trust in to be "non-capitalistic". They told us - someone has to pay for the temple an the westerns are those who have the money...

Another feeling of the leaders in Mukti - was the need of being famous. The ones who knew a lot - was more cared for and devoted. People who thought they were not as far in their development "looked up" to them.

And I also saw that many people after being in India started to make money out of their experiences. Money heling for example. Pay a lot of money and get better economy. This has of course not anything to do with Kalki and Amma - but is an example of how different people, try to make a profit out of what they learnt and everyone has their own perception of what they learnt...

I'm not angry with Amma and Kalki. I feel - a lot of people will learn a lot about themselves due to the Mukti movement. For me this was a process to start listening more to myself and my own needs. Not to let anyone else decide. I'm happy for the experience when Freddie tought us about the sutras (the indian tradition has a ot to give) and also for the lesson of listening more to myself than him. I am also very greatful to Palle for learning me helpful tools for looking at myself in a different way, nice meditations from the Indian tradition and techniques to heal myself.

I also want to tell my appreciation to the person /persons who started this blog - and to Jody for being honest and telling us your thruth. We really need to talk about theese things. The "guru" trap is always there and will always be.

I have great trust in every single persons own way and choices and I'm sure we all learnt a lot from this. I still do not take deekshas, but I do not condemn those who want to do it. I did warn them before - but not any longer. To condemn others - makes both your own energy and the energy of the ones you condemn lower. That is my experience. And that is something I have found out all by myself. Not with Muktis help. And that feels great. Understanding comes from the inside. And every single person can get in contact with it. Thats my thruth. And everyone has to work with their own insides. No one can do it for you. that is my opinion. This is why I stopped taking part in deekshas. Forme it is not the right way.

With all the respect for anyone who has been, or has never been or are in the Mukti movement: Our goal are all the same. An inner longing for love, selflove, peace. trust and feeling of being accepted. Take care - and again thanks for this blogg that made it possible for me to express my feelings of being part of the Mukti movement for one year or two...

At 7/04/2006 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Please see my comments to your statement below:

Firstly, any human being senses the presence of an object through one of his senses and confirms its presence. I am yet to know an object which existed and can not be sensed by anyone of our five senses. To say, anything that is not accessible to one of the senses we have can not exist in the world.

Previously before the Microscope was invented no one would have seen electrons, protons neutrons etc., so people never knew about out, this tiny cells were outside the purview of our normal senses, however when a microscope was invented we could see it.

The object GOD, is such an object which is not reachable by any of these senses. If one claims he/she has experienced GOD, he or she must have experienced the same with one of his/her senses. And if one in this universe can sense or experience the same, it is naturally possible for any human being to sense the same as everyone (almost everyone) has same set of senses. Am I making my point clear? It means there is no such object called GOD. The word GOD means an illusion and just does not exist.

No human being or most of the human beings are basically insecure on one or more aspects and hence look for a person/thing/object to get out the same. In the proces, one chooses one's own way to feel the false sense of secuirty. GOD is such an illusionary object, who is not there, not seen, not felt is the perfect thing to develop security and lead a comfortable life. Here, there could be a question. What is the harm then? The harm here is not from the thing GOD but the object which poses it to be a GOD. How can one be an object or a thing which does not exist?

Now there are a number of saints who have seen God eg: Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya, Vishnuswami, Sakubai, Tukaram, etc., they have described God and his incomparable beauty in the same way as it is described in the scriptures, yes they have seen the Lord through the physical eyes. Just like how we can see the electrons and protons through the microscope if we follow the process laid out in the vedic scriptures on the path devotion eventually you will see the lord who is now not visible can make himself visible to same self same eyes.

Now it is very naive to say no i do not believe it until you actually make an attempt.

Now how can you say people who believe in God are insecure, I think it is the other way around, people who are in the process of Yoga are not out of insecurity more out of Inquisitiveness or Knowledge. What kind of insecurity can a person have-birth, death, old age, disease these are the primary problems a human being is supposed to search out permanent solutions to these problems because other things like eating sleeping mating and defending this faculty is there even in animals. So even if we have the biggest degrees and our purpose of life is to just eat, sleep, mate and defend better we are no better than animals.
Answers to the problems of birth, death old age and disease is already there in the scriptures and it is dealt with in great detail especially in the Vedic Scriptures. One more example say if there is no TV some one comes and talks about US president and you are staying in India, you have not seen him so are you going to say no I dont believe such a person exists because I dont see him, only if you were to go there or if he comes to India can you see him in the same way, if the Lord wishes to reveal himself to you , you can see him so you have to call him out through the process laid out in the scriptures, you can see him. If you do not believe it is your ill fortune thats all. Anyway I do not reply to such naive, ignoramus comments like this however somehow compassion overtakes and I feel like writing to you.

All the best
Your ever well wisher


At 7/04/2006 4:37 PM, /C said...

When Mukti first came to Sweden (I got in contact 2002) it was very cheap to join their courses. I payed 40 Euro for a weekend and got the opportunity to sleep for free in the school where we were having the classes. This was called Mukti 1. Then I went for Mukti 2 and it was a little longer weekend - but about the same price. I think around, 60 euros. I do not remember exactly - but it was well underneath 100 Euros. That is not much for teachings during a whole weekend. Most other teachers take 240 Euros for the same endurement. I went to courses with Palle, Freddies younger brother. I found the teachings grounded, and I learnt a lot about different techniques of getting rid of "pain" and awakening you own "higher self". It was very nice experiences - and I was especially touched by that Palle gave healing for free (once per week - outside the courses). That "non-capitalistic" thinking was what made me interested in Kalki and Amma. I took part in Mukti 1 and 2 again, as an assistant. Then I went to Mukti 3 - one week in silence. It was also cheap, 300 Euros for one week in a hotel shared room, and all meals included. I learnt a lot and experienced rising Kundalini-energy in my spine - but also saw that the program was made to exhaust people. Waking up at 5 -doing mantras and yoga and only drinking tea in the morning. We didn't speak during this week. It was a very interesting experience not to speak - but I also got aware of the "passion" or "obsession" of Freddie. In my eyes - he was looking for "lovesoldiers" who wanted to go to India and get enlighted to spread this all over the world. I was very tempted, cause I have a deep longing for helping myself and others - but I hesitated and thought it was too much money (I believe 1200 Euros). Then a lot of people from Sweden started to go to Oness university in India for one week to get the enlightment. And they came home, and not many of them were enlighted... They had had nice experiences some of them, but not enlighted. But Kalki and Amma had promised this for everyone. Well, now they were told it was the 21-day procedure in India that was the "one" that would help you get enlighted. It cost 4000 Euros.... !! I thougt - my gosh this is going crazy. A movement I put my trust in to be "non-capitalistic". They told us - someone has to pay for the temple an the westerns are those who have the money...

Another feeling of the leaders in Mukti - was the need of being famous. The ones who knew a lot - was more cared for and devoted. People who thought they were not as far in their development "looked up" to them.

And I also saw that many people after being in India started to make money out of their experiences. Money heling for example. Pay a lot of money and get better economy. This has of course not anything to do with Kalki and Amma - but is an example of how different people, try to make a profit out of what they learnt and everyone has their own perception of what they learnt...

I'm not angry with Amma and Kalki. I feel - a lot of people will learn a lot about themselves due to the Mukti movement. For me this was a process to start listening more to myself and my own needs. Not to let anyone else decide. I'm happy for the experience when Freddie tought us about the sutras (the indian tradition has a ot to give) and also for the lesson of listening more to myself than him. I am also very greatful to Palle for learning me helpful tools for looking at myself in a different way, nice meditations from the Indian tradition and techniques to heal myself.

I also want to tell my appreciation to the person /persons who started this blog - and to Jody for being honest and telling us your thruth. We really need to talk about theese things. The "guru" trap is always there and will always be.

I have great trust in every single persons own way and choices and I'm sure we all learnt a lot from this. I still do not take deekshas, but I do not condemn those who want to do it. I did warn them before - but not any longer. To condemn others - makes both your own energy and the energy of the ones you condemn lower. That is my experience. And that is something I have found out all by myself. Not with Muktis help. And that feels great. Understanding comes from the inside. And every single person can get in contact with it. Thats my thruth. And everyone has to work with their own insides. No one can do it for you. that is my opinion. This is why I stopped taking part in deekshas. Forme it is not the right way.

With all the respect for anyone who has been, or has never been or are in the Mukti movement: Our goal are all the same. An inner longing for love, selflove, peace. trust and feeling of being accepted. Take care - and again thanks for this blogg that made it possible for me to express my feelings of being part of the Mukti movement for one year or two...

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.... I try to poop *in* the toilet, not *on* it.
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.... funny, wry and timely too.
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.... it's refreshing to see someone exposing the shams and having some fun doing it.
—Bob Boyd
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.... Guruphilliac is a muckraker... He does, however, wield a few brain cells.
—Sri Ganesha Tea & Book Stall

While we understand that gurus are held sacred by many, they are also public figures deserving of scrutiny. Our primary aim is to inject a little humor into what can be an excessively self-righteous enterprise, and to illustrate the primary truth that no matter how divine their devotees believe them to be, gurus poop on the same pot we do.

At 7/10/2006 5:29 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

but without complete inspection u shud not just write or publish wrong about anybody.

Anybody who claims to be more divine than you or I in any way, shape or form is automatically a fraud. The writings of Kalki B. are all one needs to indict him as a flimflammer.

they love you more than you love yourself

Dude. You have drank the Kool-Aid for sure.

Bad gurus work for good people. This seems to be the case in your instance. You are sincere, and this enables your bhakti. It has nothing to do with the satscammers you happen to believe in and everything to do with your pure heart.

At 7/11/2006 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sumit,

In Bangalore say around 15 years back around 20 Kalkis were invited each not knowing the other was invited all these guys either claimed themselves to be kalkis or people called them kalkis it was such a big joke when the interviewer requested them among themselves to decide among themselves who is kalki, right now a hundred people claim to be kalki avatars and their followers claim bigger miracles than what you mention, please see through the yoga shakti of a true avatar is not at all comparable to these cheapsters, Lord Krishna could lift a mountain on his finger tips please wake up they do not even have their own consciousness proper what can they talk about supreme consciousness.

This is like the Blind mand Leading the Blind all will fall in the ditch.
Your ever well wisher

At 7/13/2006 6:07 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

if you think that your life is good, let me tell you that we can't imagine the life we get after diksha.

Dude, you are one crazy hombre. The only reason I published your comment was to show everyone else just how sick a Kalki devotee can be and how he preys upon the likes of you with his miracle-mongering nonsense.

God bless you, you need it bad and you obviously aren't getting it from Kalki.

At 7/13/2006 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first response to oneness university, I have seen these Kalki Characters or disciples no one possess the qualities of a liberated person. Infact they are more sentimental and more attached than normal. My sample is 100% these guys do not accept the scriptures this guy Vijaykumar who claims to be God which I have read in his articles keeps contradicting himself so many times, first thing is the 2012 event. There are a number of people who have taken dikshas from him (remember once a person who takes diksha is enlightened) enlightened means he has attained his original svarupa that in the form of sat cit and ananda, cit is one of the basic qualities of a soul which means that the soul is eternally cognizant, the moment he is cognizant he will know who he is and see things as they are, so if these guys who have taken diksha are really enlightened why have they broken away from Kalki, if this Character Vijaykumar is the true God.

One person is telling why are we criticising him if he is doing good to the people, one should know what is Good and what is Bad first of all to know how to do Good to people, now say a person has 5000 crores and he spends 1 crore for the people as charity everyone will think that oh he is soo Good i have not seen anyone do this kind of charity, in the same way all the fraud guys who call themselves Gods are the same they amasss huge amounts of money through gullible, innocent and ignorant people and return back only 0.001% of what they collect, please wake up actually this diksha is even taking away your basic common sense forget about enlightenment.

At 7/17/2006 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is a typical case of a guy who doesnt know anything thinking everyone here also dont know, just because you are ignorant do not think others are, because if you knew your attitude will be of humility not sweeping aggressive statements. Such sweeping aggressive statements without any basis is a symptom of a naive, immature with a peanut sized brain.

At 7/17/2006 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not attended a deeksha but I really think thats what is needed in the world with times of wars and major climate change that will only accelerate, culminating in 2012 with a magnetic pole reversal and transcendant of humanity.

Every human being has their own choice to fulfill themselves and attend a state of oneness with everythin because my belief is that God is everywhere! Due to false programming of the human brain from birth and so on we only see ourself and our true emotions of God vanish and is hided to us.

It is my belief that deeksha may put every individual on the right track and when the number of humans reaches critical density a major change can proceed.

There is no need for accusations and power plays like in normal human politics. Just follow your heart and focus the energy on the enlightment process which is so crucial for humanity in a whole.

Great Love/A

At 7/17/2006 8:58 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I have not attended a deeksha but I really think thats what is needed in the world with times of wars and major climate change that will only accelerate, culminating in 2012 with a magnetic pole reversal and transcendant of humanity.

So, a false idea about enlightenment to prepare us for a false prophecy is what you think the world needs?

Every human being has their own choice to fulfill themselves and attend a state of oneness with everythin because my belief is that God is everywhere!

The state of oneness is here whether or not we know it, regardless of the bullshit we choose to believe about it.

Due to false programming of the human brain from birth and so on we only see ourself and our true emotions of God vanish and is hided to us.

It's not false programming, you ninny. It's called life.

It is my belief that deeksha may put every individual on the right track and when the number of humans reaches critical density a major change can proceed.

Deeksha only puts people's money on track toward the Kracki's bank account.

There is no need for accusations and power plays like in normal human politics.

Why not. The Kracki is a normal human criminal.

Just follow your heart and focus the energy on the enlightment process which is so crucial for humanity in a whole.

Too bad the Kracki's deeksha has as much to do with real enlightenment as my dog's ass.

Great Love/A

A great dupe too, I'm afraid.

At 7/22/2006 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,

What Amma bhagavan has been doing, I would dare to think that anyone in the history of mankind has ever done it.

I think that now all of us have decided to perpetuate in this everlasting misery forever. I do know all the data points that you guys have been putting on this site/blog, but let me tell you one thing if you are truly integral with yourself and know your heart, rest be assured that you would know Amma Bhagavan who they are.

If they were untrue, This universe wouldn't respond and do all kinds of Miracles that I have seen and witnessed in all my last 10 years of association with Amma Bhagavan.

I have only one message for all of you - Look at your heart what is it trying to tell - the self cann't lie to you, the sufferings around the world cann't lie to you, suffering within you cann't lie to you.

You will get millions of opinions/feedbacks for Amma Bhagavan, only one thing that can save you is "YOURSELF". Start understanding yourself and you would know who is Amma Bhagavn.

I am an Indian. Of Late, I have not been able to work/contribute for Amma Bhagavan, But for sure I know, who is Amma Bhagavan.

Truly, he has been my saviour.

At 7/25/2006 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for all you guys to know that Freddie has put up his own website

And trying to sell some of the Yoga Courses. Nothing wrong in it.

It is same Freddie Ji who had written about Amma Bhagavan while leaving Oneness Movement.

Not commenting on what is wrong or right. This is FYI.

This world is full of trillions & trillions of various actions & implulses by its own dwellers, who else knows for sure what is right or wrong or the reason behind it but for the creator, GOD.

At 8/06/2006 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This world is full of trillions & trillions of various actions & implulses by its own dwellers, who else knows for sure what is right or wrong or the reason behind it but for the creator, GOD.
I agree with you anonymos.
Six billion people and six billion ways to reach GOD.
Everybody has the right to choose his or her own path.All paths reach to the one Supreme....
All paths are designed by GOD...
All the arguments and debates are due to heavy ego consiousness...
Every body is right on their own ways and ideas.
Debating/ condemning is wasting precious energy and arranging a passport to eternal damnation.
May the Lord bless everybody with enlightenment and flowering of the heart.

At 8/06/2006 2:53 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Debating/ condemning is wasting precious energy and arranging a passport to eternal damnation.

Your condemnation is noted.

At 8/09/2006 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some one above is talking about debating is wrong he is also saying that all paths lead to God so even this path of debating leads to God so where is eternal Damnation, you are contradicting your statement, if you say no this path doesnt lead then I can give ample proof how following this fraud will lead to eternal damnation

At 8/15/2006 4:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't the time to read all of the above posts, so perhaps someone has already said what I'm about to say. When I have more time, I will make one more attempt to get an answer from Oneness University.

I repeatedly questioned Oneness University shortly after they 'fired' Freddy Nielsen about some issues that Freddy's firing brought up. My questions were not and never have been about Freddy per se.

As a business owner (and one who has always felt the connection to Source), I agreed that if they felt Freddy was not representing them they way they wanted, or was acting in ways they felt compromised their organization, they had every right to fire him. But the big issue is they also told him he could no longer give diksha, i.e. he could essentially no longer perform the 'rites' of their organization. That's an excommunication - not a firing.

In addition, Oneness U and organization talked a lot about how religion had nothing to to with it, they were open to all religions, etc. At the time, the Oneness U site had many references to worshipping A&B (they seem to have 'cleaned up' the new site of such references).

My questions to them were "Are you a religion or not?" and "Who owns the diksha?"

That last question was based on the simple business practices. People from the US spend $5500 for the 21 day course to become able to give diksha - other folks from other parts of the globe spend money or donate time for the same. In a business transaction, what is paid for by money or sevices is then owned by the person who paid. A college degree, for instance, cannot be taken from a graduate who later disgrees with the university.

I said in my emails that if they were going to maintain an ability or right to withdraw the right to give diksha, that should be known upfront - before people pay.

If they are a religion, they should be upfront about that as well. The diksha itself could still be presented as something available to anyone, regardless of religion. But the organization looks like a religion, sounds like a religion - and "a rose by any other name...".

Initially I got only an automated response to my queries. It wasn't until, several weeks into the process, that I emailed a repeat of my questions, and said, though I could be patient a bit longer, if I heard nothing in a reasonable amount of time, I would write what I did know to various places such as the "What The Bleep" website. I got an answer withing 12 hours. Rather transparent.

The answer was all about how I didn't know Freddy, and he was a problem, and they recommended that I talk to someone who'd been at the North American Diksha Givers Conference that had recently been in LA. They did not answer my questions, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt, thinking perhaps the answer would come from a conference attendee.

However, when I asked one of the folks who'd been for answers, what I was a posting by Anandagirigi, something he'd apparently told the group there, again about how Freddy was a problem. Still no answers to my questions.

Unfortunately, subsequently my personal life has been a wee bit overfull and I have not had time to pursue this further. I will one more time. But, although the diksha has given me peace, bliss on occasion, calmness, especially during a challenging time, at this time and unless I were to get some real answers, I cannot trust Oneness U or the Oneness Movement to be honest. They have lost any trust I'd had - and I approach things with scepticism. And as I raised my kids to know, once you are perceived as dishonest and untrustworthy, it can take years to re-prove you character, if you ever can. A spiritual organization operating with slippery 'honesty' and 'integrity' is something to be avoided.

I would like to see the diksha giving process expand beyond Oneness University/Movement - like Reiki has expanded beyond the Usui tradition. If what A&B say is true and the goal is to get as many enlightedned people by 2012, they shouldn't care who's giving diksha as long as it's spreading. That they would tell one of their best 'salesmen' that he could no longer give diksha brings their committment to that 2012 goal into question.

At 8/16/2006 3:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all we have to stop addressing those people with the titles, and call them Mr. and Mrs Vijaykumar if you want to give them some respect, otherwise the most appropriate words for them is Mr. and Mrs. Kracki Fraud.

At 8/17/2006 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Suprasada gauranga das,
be positive my dear friend , AmmaBhagavan never claimed , themselves as god, nor did he said that he is kalki, fellow friends like you had told this to his fellow friends due to some experience they had , the one who got benefitted are happy and happy, why are you so bothered about them,i beleive you should take care of yourself, and be relaxed , do not worry about any avatara , be in yourself.,,and my request to yu is be happy, we do not need your saddistic comments.
Iam a ardent believer of My beloved AMMABhaghavan, you have any problem contact me-at 00971502465729.

At 8/17/2006 11:01 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

we do not need your saddistic comments.

Yes we do, because Amma and Kracki demurring about their status as specially divine people is disingenuous at best, and out and out flimflamming at worst.

They allow themselves to be worshipped as God. They could say they're no better than dog shit, but the fact that they allow and make money off the worship is all one needs to see to know they are satscamming scum of the earth.

At 8/17/2006 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have my Sympathy for following those frauds, how unfortunate that you have misdirected your bhakti to normal human beings, who call themselves avatars, now dont give me this crap telling they never called themselves GOD i have ample proof where the claim and allow people to claim that they are avatars, if they do not claim themselves to be avatars if they are true to their conscience they should not allow their followers to address them in that manner even after showing so many frailties. People feeling happy is not because of those frauds but their sincere effort to be happy and their faith that those two frauds are going to make them happy so happiness that one experiences is due to ones faith and sincerety nothing to do with those two frauds. THERE IS NOTHING SADISTIC IN CALLING A MURDERER A MURDERER
These two are the biggest con artists, not only him ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BE AN AVATAR AND DISPLAYS HUMAN FRAILTIES AND NEEDS BULLET PROOF PROTECTION are all FRAUDS can you imagine the gravity of making a statement of being an AVatar of the Lord it is not so small, anyone who retards anyone on the spiritual plane is the biggest culprit these guys are no doubt biggest frauds.

At 8/17/2006 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Further who are you to tell me, or adivce me to keep quiet you are the one who needs some sense in your head not to fall for such frauds.

Cheers and take care

At 8/19/2006 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

miranda, freddy never attended 21-day process. As far as I know, he didn't pay anythin at all for his process. He got a special process only for him.

He was one of the main representatives of OU outside of India and had one of the main sites about the phenomenoma, and they felt he wasn't representing the vision of OU right, to claim such a position.

People from all over the world and different cultures have gone thru 21-day process. Everyone is free to use diksha in whatever way is natural for them. Nobody is forced to mention amma and bhagavan, oneness university, or even say anything about where they learned to give diksha or where it is from. You come home, and can use it however you wish. How can it be a religion when there are no teachings nobody is asking you (or anyone else who have gone thru 21-day process) to follow, nobody is tellin you what to say or do, nobody is forcing you to do rituals or whatever, nobody is telling you who to pray to or who God is.. Nobody is forcing you to do or believe anything. At least not nobody from the Oneness University.

If you feel 21-days process would be good for you, you attend the course. You come home and are able to give diksha. There are christians, buddhists, indigenous people, people from all kinds of nations and cultures and ways, and the only thing in common is they can give the diksha that is taught (or rather given) at oneness university. They all have different lifestyles and different ways of introducing diksha or holding diksha courses or whatever.

So I don't see how it could be a religion or a sect, when all they offer are certain courses and then you come home and do whatever you like.

Only difference with Freddy is, he was claiming to be one of the main LEADERS over other dikshagivers, and the main OU REPRESENTATIVE in Europe/USA, and this they felt was not representable for what oneness university is or want. This can all be read about in anandagiris statement.

After one has attended a course there, it is not at all necessary to even think about Oneness University anymore. You can just use diksha, and need not care about Oneness University or Oneness Movement at all. Total freedom.

At 8/19/2006 12:59 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Total freedom.

Too bad deeksha is total bullshit.

At 8/25/2006 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In India due to over supertitious attitude, anyone can take advantage of you. God and his devotees are definitely on this earth but taking money and giving darshan is not symbol of any Guru. No matter what is the name. I have seen Amma's devotees and daasa's closely. In Pune they published Amma's close devotees. One point in them was common: They all are less educated. Dong naam-smaran and upasana is good thing. Only part which bothers me is money and concept of chain marketing!!

At 9/19/2006 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kalki and amma is not fake. i am a devotee for last 10 years. i have a lot of experiance. one think to all is there is a state of mukti (total freedom). it is not nececery to attend 21 days dikha. I have experianced it without attending dikha. It needs some change in your life style. more info please send your query to

At 9/23/2006 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said - Kalki and amma is not fake. i am a devotee for last 10 years. i have a lot of experiance. one think to all is there is a state of mukti (total freedom). it is not nececery to attend 21 days dikha. I have experianced it without attending dikha. It needs some change in your life style. more info please send your query to

My Reply - If they are not fakes and con artists who else are, by posing themselves as God, they are the biggest frauds, enlightenment is not cheap that some one gives it to you through a single diksha sitting.... not only Vijaykumar everyone who claims to be an avatar is a big criminal...

At 9/29/2006 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ppl. After reading all these articles, all that i can suggest is that follow your antharyamin bhagavan. It can be anything. Krishna, rama, buddha etc etc. Follow him only. For devotees of amma bhagavan they can follow their antharyamin amma bhagavan. Then you dont have to pay lakhs of rupeees. Enlightenment only needs a neuro-biological change that is done by a 7 minute surgery on the brain. It depends on who does this sugery. It can be nature or god or Antharyamin god. So just be with ur antharyamin god only.

At 10/03/2006 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well whether they are frauds or not one thing is certain, no one can give you enlightenment at all never mind in a weekend.Enlightenment comes through hard daily work for every day of your life and then it is still not guranteed.I have been on the path through Kundalini Maha Yoga for the last 5 yrs and the only cost to me was my trip to India and shaktipat.My stay at guruji's ashram including shaktipat was £240 sterling for 10 days with full board and his grace.All other instruction and intiation I have received has been absolutely free.To read about a genuine param guru go to

At 10/05/2006 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kundalini Maha Yoga???? no doubt you didnt get enlightened and never will thru ur hard work. Buddha did meditation for 7yrs but still didnt get enlightened. He had to give up the search and only then he got enlightened. No yoga or hard work can give you enlightenment. Show me a person who has got enlightenment through hard work??

At 10/09/2006 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous: Enlightement is not an neuro Biological alteration, that is foolish, enlightenment is being cognizant of our eternal position, that we are not this body but the spirit soul and acting on the platform of the soul and not on the platform of the body, which means we might perform activities to maintain the body but not bodily attachment... no person with a surgery for a neuro biological adjustment can achieve it ... it comes through sadhana which has to culminate in Bhakti....Bhakti is to the Lord who is identified through the scriptures not some one who comes and declares I am an avatar through some word Jugglery and shows some siddhi powers, if siddhi powers and word jugglery is the standard to identify an avatar we will have a new avatar being born every week, which is precisely waht is happening in India, it is a supermarket for Godmen suddenly someone comes with some paltry siddhi powers does some mind readiing, relieves burden of a few people, then then starts their glorification and a movement. This will bloat the ego of that yogi finally he sees easy money gullible followers, and he starts getting rich at the cost of foolish people who out of hearsay start following some fraud typical example of such a case is this Vijaykumar.... he initially may have had good intentions now has got himself caught in a loop, which will eventually tighten on him which will be a disgrace for him eventually...

Everybody who says they have received diksha from this fraud I will openly declare no one is enlightened they are living in a world of illusion (illusion in an illusion)...

For getting a mantra or diksha one should not take money, that is as simple as it is,, if he has to raise funds for some genuine cause he need not sell the diksha he can collect money as a donation for that purpose..

So this guy is a liar a fraud and a con artist....not just this GUY ANY ONE WHO CLAIMS I AM BHAGAVAN IS A FRAUD..........OR ALLOWS PEOPLE TO CALL HIMSELF BHAGAVAN IS A HYPOCRITE AND A FRAUD...

Look at this guy he has a midriff of over 40 and is growing bald and all the modes of nature... janma mrtyu jara vyadi is acting on him an avatar is not subject to such transformations he is further confirmed he is a fraud...

At 10/25/2006 5:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all those who want to know what enlightenment means: pls go through the following website.

It's logical, realistic, given with scientific proofs.

I agree with the thoughts expressed in this blog that "one should not demand money if he/she is doing good for society. that act itself declares the falsity of the very mission of oneness university".
Real spiritual teachers are egoless, do not declare or do not even hint of them being Gods, stay away from publicity as far as possible and most importantly, DO NOT DEMAND MONEY FOR THEIR TEACHINGS!!!
If a wise person goes through 'experiences' sections of the so called oneness university, he would immediately come to know abt the purpose of it. (blood dripping from a torn photo(srimurty!! Hahh) of bhagavan etc.
Beware guys! Do not get caught in such scams. And if at all you get caught, don't declare it inside their campus. Just get out without commenting and then declare it.
These guys might turn against u and might harm you(remember the osho commune violence in USA?)

At 12/05/2006 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came back from an introduction to Deeksha in Hilo. A fellow kahuna and her husband were invited to India all for a complimentary training, they even paid their airfare. She was very impressed even though she only received two lessons in eight days. But since the very beginning of hearing about this deeksha I had had a gut feeling something was fishy.
THe person I saw tonight no more resonated inner peace than a teachers helper after the ice cream break at preschool.
Parts of the first speech were ok, and even had many of the qualities of huna, but further in the talk about going into the pain to relive the pain and hurt were down right scary in their irresponsibity of people doing that and not being guided or helped or assisted, are they not aware of people who are mentally unstable should only revisit painful times when they are fully ready to review and learn from the past not relive it. This was just to me blatant ignorance and true arrogance and a cruel joke for those who will undoubtably be damaged if they attempt "joy" through reliving pain. Have they never heard of OCD? BI- polarity?
So when the head of their class who didn't even have the self presence to be able to articulate her deeksha experience or appear very self assured offered deeksha, I was out of there. I am glad I went, because as usual my na'au, my gut instincts were right, it is unresponsible hokum and people are not only going to be fleeced but damaged and certainly not enlightened.

At 12/10/2006 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Austin, TX. There are more deeksha givers here than any other town in US. After receiving several deekshas and sending alot of people, we all began to experience very very negative side effects. It seems that the deeksha acts as some kind of energetic virus. Many around here have had very weird results. Some have seen alien entities in the deeksha room, others have had nightmares of aliens attacking them. This is an energy that has been striking down gentle spirits for thousands of years and must be eradicated. Deeksha feels very good at first, but then it seems that this energy begins to eat away at you, and tries to disrupt your natural channel to spirit. A healer in the area picked up on the energy of our group and did some serious work with us to eradicate the negative energy that was plaguing us. Many felt very tired, and were unable to meditate. Now we are much clearer and staying far far away from Deeksha. People just aren't aware of what can happen when you open up and allow someone else to give you an energy transfer via the crown chakra. The healer thinks that this Oneness Temple is designed to weaken the light worker that are needed for the 2012. All will be poisoned by this energy and never know what hit them. We shall not look outside of ourselves. What we are seeking is ourselves, and we never left ourself. Work toward building your own central channel and receiving the divine information that will open you up to true giving and sharing in life...and for God's sake, no more Indian gurus.

At 3/10/2007 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all these blogs are just a mere stupid reflection of wat the one who wrote this...i have been in this univ for the past three years ever since my disabled sister began to walk after a homa..u hav not been in the dharma and just write all false info about amma ,,u might have known abt deekshas and other prog from a nother person and write all these...first be true to urself..then speak....

At 3/10/2007 7:58 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

u hav not been in the dharma and just write all false info about amma

If splng lks ths is wat hpns when u r in the dharma, it shud be called tha dumma insted.

At 4/08/2007 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well.... in the first place why are you all (who are devotees of them) want to follow someone and want to ASK FOR something all the time?
Personally, I am a Buddhist, and not in the habit of asking for things; and am not biased in favor of or against this movement.
But why are you all so dependent, why look for external miracles while you yourself can experience things within... No insult... but why can't we be independent and self-sufficient?

At 4/28/2007 5:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

one who got enlighten by AmmaBhagwan will be enlighten by any one like Mahrishi Mahesh Yogi or yogananda or a Muslim saint or Christian saint or even a thief who has projected himself as a saint. Because to be enlighten is an attribute possessed by every one but get invoked in some person very easily. Such person have some emphasized characteristic like sensitivity, emotion, fear, justice, strong imagine but poor guts, and lot of similar things the subjected person well knows them.

Such person could get the enlightenment without going to any body but following simple meditation just by sitting in chair comfortably and ignoring every thought continuously.

At 7/16/2007 12:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Let me tell u all who are criticising Amma & Bhagavan, Year 2012 is about to come, u all will come to know by then or before that, the truth. My personal experiences do not at all let me believe in what jody or Suprasada says. You call it anything but all good things are happening around me after I attended Youth Course in Oneness University in Jan 2005. Before that I was a non confident youth who was always facing failures. Miracles started happening in my life after I attended the Youth Deeksha. Now, I am successfull person who is reaping success wherever I am putting my efforts. i call this a miracle as things and people around have suddenly changed and everything is happening and proving positive for me. My Millions amd Millions thanks to my Beloved Amma & Bhagavan.


At 7/31/2007 12:04 PM, Blogger Sankar K.S. said...

Sachin said...

Let me tell u all who are criticising Amma & Bhagavan, Year 2012 is about to come, u all will co My Millions amd Millions thanks to my Beloved Amma & Bhagavan.

Sachin them a few millions like i did and then u will know the truth....

At 7/31/2007 12:23 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said... them a few millions like i did and then u will know the truth....

Which is that you are the rest of your ilk are 100% certified rubes, ripe for the fleecing by false godmen and their harridan wives.

At 8/01/2007 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a classic case of cult, where part of what they say is true -- this is the hook with which they draw you in... Once you are hooked in, they know how to keep you within the cult.. This is no different from any other cult..

The following are some of the techniques followed by godmen like Kalki to fleece the ignorant and keep themselves in luxury.

(1) They create an impressive look by donning colourful robes and choosing a calm place with a sylvan back ground as their ashram.

(2) They set afloat rumours about their miraculous heading powers through their agents in the garl of devotees.

(3) In the name of Deeksha, etc they offer a psychological relaxation to the stressful minds of the devotees and create an illusion of getting enlightenment, etc. This is a pure hypnotism.

(4) They seek the patronage of the politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen, judges etc to add credibility to their stature.

(5) They expand their clientele with the creation of a powerful band of followers, and with fraud and trickery, sometimes open exhortion if need be.

This is the true story of Kalki...

Mr. Vijayakumar, a B.Sc. Maths graduate from Vaishnava college, Chennai, who after graduation worked in the LIC and other establishments in Chennai and Coimbatore. In 1982 when he was 34 years old, he joined hands, with his old friend Mr. Sankar, a Physics graduate from Loyala college, Chennai Who had just then returned from Germany after a research study. Now both of them started a Matriculation School at Sathyalokam in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. Vijayakumar became the Director and Sankar the Principal of the school. Vijayakumar settled on the school campus with his wife Padmavathy and only son Krishna.

From now onwards Vijayakumar in collusion with his friend Sankar started to play his gimmicks to make himself ‘Kalki Bagwan’ the tenth avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu in Kali Yug, the current era. The school was named ‘Jeevashram’. The blind belief of the Hindus as that of the Christians in Jesus Christ’s Second Coming was deftly handled by Vijayakumar & co to fool the gullible Indians both educated and uneducated. Vijayakumar attired in yellow robe covering his body and head. He called himself ‘Kalki Bagwan’ and started speaking mystically. Bewildered by his babblings and bewitched by his hypnotizing eyes behind a bushy moustache and beard, people began to throng round him begging for boons and gratification of their multi - faceted desires.

The school at Sathyalokam was closed down in 1993 and a posh ‘Kalki Ashram’ was built at Nemam village near Poonamallee. Vijayakumar’s accomplice Sankar become Bagwan’s prime disciple and was re-named ‘Sri Sankara Bagawathpade; Like Goebells he did a wonderful job in the propaganda and spread of the cult. Sri Kalki Bagwan went underground making his physical dharsan a rare commodity. Rumours of Bagwan’s omnipresence and omniscience were set afloat stories of Bagwan’s miracles were meticulously fabricated and systematically spread with authentic versions of the devotees One claimed he had a face to face talk with the Bagwan, another said his kidneys failed but with the grace of the Bagwan he got completely cured without any operation or transplantation. The third one said he lost everything in his business and became a pauper. He sent a fervent prayer to the Bagwan and all that was lost was restored to him in no time. Reports from Bangalore say that Bagwan Kalki offers his devotees ghee, milk and honey from his consecrated portraits hung in their homes. The cult caught fancy of the people like a wild - fire and Bagwan’s ashram grew rich by leaps and bounds.

Pls dont believe Kalki bhagwan... You are digging a hole for yourself.....

At 8/06/2007 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sachin this man is truly and idiot...2012...jus like 1999, or 2002, many of baghavans claims have BEEN DEAD WRONG....he is getting rich of ppl like you, believe him all u want...just know the educated, the smart, those who attend schools, or love to learn have little respect for you, and NONE for your precious bhagavan..if anything happens in 2012 other than the Summer olympic games, it won't be by the word of kalki, he hasn't predicted ANYTHING so far...and please it is dead easy to predict bad things are happening...i won't even waste my time with u...go find something more important to believe in...ppl are still dying across the earth...

At 8/09/2007 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello All,

I too have been a long time follower of the so called Movement which is led by Bhagavan and his wife Amma. They speak nothing but utter lies. They take people for a ride. If its a so called religious or a spiritual movement, they should not rely so much on money. If he claims himself to be some kind of an avatar, he should not be asking for money from laymen. I have personally seen people borrow money just to have a glimplse of this man as the movement does not allow people to see him without money. I have seen so many people lose thier jobs as they work full time for this movement. He is just fooling people who go to him. People are treated different there. He gives some kind of an ayurvedic medicine which puts you into a different state (Just like what happens when you are on a high after a few drinks). In this state, the so called disciples speak out loud that Bhagavan and Amma are the only people who exist and they are the only ones who can save the world. This is totally unaccpetable. Personally I feel that there is no difference between getting a high after some drinks and being there in the ashram and consuming this ayurvedic medicine. Its a fraudulent movement. I sincerely advice people not to believe him and also talk to your friends not to go to any place connected to this movement.

I have been an insider and know all their activities. People have died because of the heavy crowd that comes there to have a glimpse of Bhagavan. Such information does not come out at all. They take people's money on the name of building a temple and buy electronic gadgets that they dont even know how to use. They ignore the poor and dont give them a chance for a darshan and make rich people sit in the forefront. Money is the only thing that influences their activities and nothing else. I now understand that I wasted most of my time there doing their job. Bhagavan just speaks philosophies that he has gathered from many scriptures and books. The people who are closely linked to him are all frauds and are suffering from lust. The so called inner circle or disciples are all people who are craving for physical relationship with the followers. They are all frauds.

They also have some kind of a vasthu correction which is done by some marble and copper chips. These can be done by anyone who knows to draw the design. They take huge sum of money for this. Just a way of making money.

I request all the readers not to get carried away by the promises. All promises are lies. I dont want anyone to be taken for a ride as I was. I dont want anyone to undergo what I underwent. I went to the extent of thinking of ending my life. My parents were critisized. They dont have any right to do so. My parents have sacrificed so much and the movement doesnt have any respect at all. I still suffer from depression whenever I think of my experiences there.

I am happy that I am able to lead a normal life now. Thanks to the Almighty.

At 11/06/2007 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended my first oneness class last night. They seemed to be very nice caring people. I was however, taken aback by the video of this guru Bhagavan telling everyone that we have no self but these personalities roaming in and out of us. I tried to talke to one of the givers after the class about it but he really didn't want to talk about it because he could not explain it to me. I do have a self and it may be flawed but don't tell me I don't exsist. Basically all this thing is, is the "laying of hands". It is also a reinvention of "selling indulgences". Its also the led Zepplin song "buying the stairway to heaven". The power that is truly in it comes from the human touch and the desire for change not from so Golden City. It also reminds me of the Emerald City and the Great and Powerful Oz.

At 11/06/2007 5:41 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Bhagavan telling everyone that we have no self but these personalities roaming in and out of us

That's criminally ignorant nonsense being given to you by an out-and-out criminal con man. Good job on seeing through it all.

At 1/05/2008 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After being told by a neighbour who is a staunch devotee of this couple, I visited Nemam with my family in 2003 to have this so called darshan. I found myself crazy to have bought the One rupee coin they sold for Rs.10/- (taken out from the homagundam - the holy coin as they claim)and following the instructions of the people around to accept the blessings of the so called Amma. After a long while, my 9 year old daughter tapped me from behind. She came near to me and whispered in my ear: "Dad, don't you realize this is all fraud? Come let's go". And that's it. I came back to senses and signaled my wife and kids to get up and leave. We all left.

They are making money through the people who try in vain to seek enlightenment. Poor folks. Let God bless them with real enlightenment.

At 1/16/2008 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you buy what is always in your heart..?

Can someone give you what lies within you..??

Can someone take it away?

The function and grace of the Spiritual Master is to point the disciple to genuine integrity and the light of expanded awareness that is... within them...within them.
To direct them to the power of the Undivided Totality that is their very nature and is the nature of all being-ness.

Though the disciple does offer the Master financial support...a DEMAND
for even a small amount of money holds in the center (of that demand) a huge question mark(?)!

Here we have a demand for 5000. to 8000. dollars for a "teaching" that
many people are giving for reasonable or even very small donations.!!

It use to be a 21day course (?! GESH)
Now they say it is a 5 day course!!??
(even more GESH!!)
So now 4 times the money can be made in a month and which one has been cheated...the 5day-er or the 21 day-er? Someone has for sure!

We have learned to "EXPECT" something in return for what we pay for so... now, we can "EXPECT enlightenment"... because we have paid a huge price...even in some cases our bank account may be drained or loans are being paid back with interest this very day. So the price is HUGE then the result must be even HUGER (:0!) one would expect(even though it certainly is not. As a matter of fact nothing is forth coming at all because enlightenment is not for sale).

NOW, how about telling people (since they paid) that they are enlightened??!!
Well if you must be told that you are enlightened, then it is obvious that you have not reached within yourself-nature far enough (if at all)to realize "Truth".

And the cleaver understand the weakness of the innocent.


This gives position and it's also a great advertisement for the guy (and gall) who are selling enlightenment! You have purchased the "right to bop" someone right smack-dab in their crown Chakra...FOR MONEY!!!

Pretty clever yet incredibly sad for all... particularly
the gullible innocence that paid for the Emperor's cloths and the sack of illusion they have received in return.

NOW another question...who is responsible for the people who are of low manipulative nature who just wants to be the BIG-BOPPER?
I mean there are people all over the world touching and being touched by sheer strangers on the very sensitive and intimate
area of their -brain-glandular area of their head crown. What if someone is just touching your head and wants to put you into deep sleep? OR just has a crappy idea the moment they are "BLESSING?" you? And you pay them for to do that!!....??!!

owwwahhh...I feel a little sick already. What if they didn't wash their hands when they came out of the toilet? That is really a serious consideration..!!

Don't you have to be a Noble Being with clear intention (clean hands and mouth) to cast a blessing into the crown of a human brain and glandular area?

Why should you trust who you know nothing about, to do that to you .... for money?
Buying a bop?
sounds weird...but not weird enough for throngs of people who simply want to be somebody to rush in and purchase the rights to this Bopping
Stuff. (read the fellow from Austin Texas) is something I thought about a while ago as well...that is why I bring it up.


They might be seriously considered.. this is a lose loose lost situation.

I have read how happy some people claim to be...well you do have to claim something for the huge cash demand...and bankers and corporations have known this trick from the very first deposit in the vault.
The Lakota call it the BIG SHINNY

I write this as a all who may come upon it. Be aware be careful you can not buy is simply NOT FOR SALE!!

At 2/09/2008 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the biggest scams of the century. Why would one want to pay for peace and enlightenment? They charge for darshans which is atrocious. I know of low-income people being scammed devoting all their savings and time to this scam. The advts. on local magazines only talk about people either being healed or becoming wealthy- nothing about peace or happiness!! I was once forced to join this cult and I attended one of their meetings but I didn't feel a thing and I am glad that I didn't join them.

At 2/29/2008 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I would like to take your help in exposing a yet another episode of self proclaimed GODs in India.

For this I will be highly greatful to you for ever.

The story goes like this:

This is a lady called Shailja Narayan - Mirchitola, Bada Bazar, in BARELLY (Uttar Pradesh) Ph: No. 0581 – 2471530 who claims herself to be AWTAR of LORD VISHNU on earth and has all the three lords in herself (BRAMHA – VISHNU – MAHESH). And calls herself as “PRABHU JI” (a male).

Arrest warrants have earlier been issued in their name for grabbing religious properties.

This is based on the funda that LORD VISHNU in his next AWTAR as a lady at the time of PRLAY (Armageddon) in a horse in some part of UP with a 52 feet sward in her hand.

The logic is who ever will keep worshiping this Lady turned lord will be carried in her boat during this PRALAY and will be taken inside this god turned lady during this eventuality which will come 8000 years from now.

The lady hails from a notorious GAMBLERS family of KASHIPUR - Distt: Udham Singh Nagar (Uttranchal).

The concept of this lady is promoted by a Person called

Prof. Pradeep Kumar (Reader), and
Dr.Madhu Deep (Reader)
E- 40, Model Town
Ph: 0581 – 2531125, 2530546

These people write books on her, promote her and manages the collections done by there devotees.

They have a entire network team including a lady to promote in Kashipur also Name: Mamta Mehrotra
Ph: 09319944745

They are always in search of ladies who are rich by background, are little religious or with little non mixing nature in family, who are fighters etc. before or after marriage because of some reasons or other.

They keep them feeding all useless and frustrating thing in mind. Motivate them to avoid every thing and keep reading and praying this lady all times, not to celebrate any family functions or festivals. And keep extracting money.
Never wish for well being of family and always wish to die and enter into god. Do not understand family members as there own not even their own kids.

The lady who calls herself PRABHU JI hypnotizes the people and some how or the other makes them convince that she is god.

We have tried to convenience them but straight reply is that they will leave us and sue us and take all over money.

These people are so powerful that olice also refuses to help more over some people in police re also their followers.

In this era we can not put pressure and compulsions as it is legally and ethically wrong.

Only option left with me is to request you to kindly expose this racket and save the innocent ones.


At 3/19/2008 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been intensely troubled by the reach and scope of this scam. This fraudster calling himself Kalki, first said he was Bhagwan. Then they made sure, young boys had to join and become monks before they crossed the age of 19. That way he got a lot of middle class family boys who never got to finish their education. Even should they want to get out of the rotten system, they will have nothing to look forward to. My sister and her husband would have had a bread winning son in their midst now and would also have been happy and contented, instead of worrying about where they will live etc.

After that "Kalki" changed his mind. If you ask me, you can make out the scam, the many times this organisation changes rules so it can squeeze the "devotee" or the duped ones royally. So now, he raises the age bar. My niece also joins.

First the monks shave heads. And wear white. Then they are told they can wear normal dresses. So my sister and her husband go around buying clothes for the children, paying for their keep, paying for "darshans" and "Kalki" employs them to propogate his false status and powers. Suddenly an " Amma" appeared on the scene. Kalki gets to be happily married and live with his family. Not the poor duped monks. But their hallucination is strong.

My sister does all sorts of funny antics, wears white, doesn't read newspapers and acts high and mighty about having "arrived" spiritually. Such a woeful charade. Nothing has changed, problems have increased.

All the family which had this "divine" enlightenment, must have taken some strong drug filled stuff, because all of them had serious health problems after that. But they keep paying up to "Kalki".

A whole family's life is changed and it doesn't seem to be for the better. If you can no longer ratiionalize and "think" for yourself, it can in no way be a better life. The effect is like drugs, or some awful connection. The teachings have always been there in our spiritual texts, why does society need a fraud and a "presence". Such folly.

At 3/28/2008 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT I AM SAYING...THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR THOSE WHO ARE BEING TAKEN BY AMMA AND KALKI...There is NO doubt those two have spiritual powers....but NO true GURU will ASK FOR MONEY...EVER. If they ask you for money...RUN THE OTHER WAY.

The woman, or as some to be Goddess, known as Mata Amritanandamayi is a TRUE Satguru and does NOT and WILL NOT ask for your money.

I asked Ammachi specifically in my thoughts and prayers for guidance about this 21 day retreat while in her ashram, as I really wanted to go...not to attain enlightenment, but to simply cleanse my emotional body as that is what I was told would happen. Her response was a shocking verbal lecture to her entire ashram in answer to my question saying this...

"Enlightenment cannot be bought. It must come from within. There are many places making claims, some charging up to $5000.00 for retreats that promise you will attain it. Enlightenment cannot be is a state of mind. (This happened to be the EXACT cost of the 21 day retreat at the time.)Do not be fooled by such claims."

THESE ARE WORDS OF ADVICE FROM A TRUE SATGURU and I am happy to say my "desire" to attend the 21 day retreat miraculously VANISHED after her public lecture....anyone looking for enlightenment for FREE...see Mata Amritanndamayi and follow her advice, which consists of daily meditation and selfless service.

At 4/01/2008 10:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

what is difficult to understand is , how they can carryout their work of fraud for such a long time?
what the govt is doing?

At 4/01/2008 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

people pay for everything in the world and don't want to pay for enlightenment...
do you charge for your work?
do you give freely to all?
faith is what you need.

At 4/08/2008 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


For the past few months, i have been contemplating this issue of having a personal darshan with amma bhagwan. My friend who is a faithful devotee of the cult for the past 15 years is promising me of availing powerful blessings from amma bhagwan if i visit him personally.

I have a personal problem and i disclosed it to my friend and he says that it would be solved in no time if i have a personal darshan. I had turned down the urge of having a personal darhsan many times owing to the fact that i dont believe in shelling out money to GOD!!! But he says that the God collects money just to build that temple which will serve mankind in so many ways and for the rest of our lives. I had conveniently postponed this until now, but yesterday he calls me saying that GOD's personal darshans have been stopped forever and that they have just extended their time only until this weekend. The true reason for me to speculate is the cost that is involved which is 20,000 Indian rupees. After a long struggling time me and my spouse have managed to save some money for the first time in our life.

But my friend promises that the money will double or triple in no time and whatever i am spending will go towards the expenses for constructing the temple.

i am greatly confused and dont know what to do. I want to meet Bhagwan, but at the same time dont want to spend a good part of our savings.

Isnt there a way i can benefit without having to spend money? afterall i have spent so much money for social and charity reasons during times of financial crisis and continue to do so. My spending money for charity dont count to positive karma i suppose???

At 4/08/2008 2:34 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

Isnt there a way i can benefit without having to spend money?

There is. Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction, AWAY from Fat Amma and Kracki. The only "benefit" you get from those two is a life full of shit.

At 4/10/2008 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dear jodi,

i want to know what specific incident drove you to excibit such hatred towards amma bhagwan? in a way they help the rich atleast to attain enlightment? now dont they?

At 4/10/2008 1:34 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

in a way they help the rich atleast to attain enlightment?

They do absolutely nothing of the sort. All they offer is an utterly false enlightenment based on nothing more than a criminal con job. At the very most, all they are doing is relieving folks from their money.

At 4/10/2008 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey freddie,

i just visited your site and i found numerous testimonials claiming they experienced gr8 spirutual happenings in their lives after your discourse. Now do you mean to say all of them are untrue? what happened to all the discourses you have given in different countries?? why did you do that if you had had second thoughts about it?

At 4/14/2008 5:36 AM, Blogger jodie said...

hey all u people who beleive that your experiences are true,

i have been with the movement for more than 12 yrs and know inside out how they brainwash people (having brainwashed hundreds myself!)
just contemplate on these factors:-

1) good things happen to everyone, irrespective of their deeds(atleast till how far we can see in this lifetime) But when a person who has attended deeksha has undergoes a lucky phase, we give the credit to K!! and when something bad happens, its because we didnt pray correctly or we didnt do enough seva???? why not give him credit for both??

2) is your faith really because of your genuine experiences or because of some miracles shared by dasas which happened to someone in another state??? most of the time we hear miracles that're shared and believe blindly without considering that iy could've been from brainwashers or attention-seekers!!!

3) we feel a sense of superiority when we think that we are part of the team that helps the world. but IS THE WORLD REALLY BEING HELPED?? only mercedes and ne

4)money s being fleeced for more than 10 yrs now, WHY ISNT THE GC TEMPLE BUILT YET???

5)all promises given y bhagwan are always in the future... atleast 6 yrs from date so that even when they dont happen people wont remember it. do u know that he claimed in 2002 that chennai would be submerged in water by 2007??? he even advised us to sell any property in chennai. now look at the land rate more than 7000 Rs/ sqft!!!!

think and awaken people. become truly enlighten. save your money for your children. there is no force on earth that can give back money hundred-fold! nothing is free in this world dont let mosters cheat you of your own hard-earned money

At 4/25/2008 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone asked why would Kalki has security guards. Why would all Hindu Gods have guards? Why did Rama avatar needed monkey troop to conquer Ravana? If he is GOD, why couldn't he handle Ravana by himself?

At 4/25/2008 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear NR,
Government can't do anything! They are the only spiritual organisation that pays tax on their income and let them audit the accounts!! Apparently they couldn't find any fault...

At 4/25/2008 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki,
Done a great job advertising for AMMACHI! How much did you get paid for this? What you are doing here is worse than gurus getting money! CONVERTING people from their belief to another is the biggest CRIME and you tried to do it here!!

At 5/02/2008 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is God so partial that, he will only help those who pray Him, and He does not think of those who do not call?? If u need money, u pray Kalki?? If I dont pray, I dont get what I need??
See, God is there for every one,and he is not partial to think about only the devotees.
One devotee said, If this building collapses and I call Bhagawan, I will be saved, but a person who is not calling Bhagawan will not be saved. Strange argument. The problem is we think that God is like human, very mean minded. That is why all these type of explanations erupt.

At 6/05/2008 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fully agree with so many people in this blog that Mr and Mrs Kracki are frauds. They have politicians and bureaucrats in their pockets and paid monks, bribed acharyas and dasas to perpetuate the scams. But kudos to the fraudsters, they have managed to have their scams perpetuated until now. 2012 perhaps seems to be the year when they will retire with their loot...we should perhaps start offering deeksha and enlightenment to them..we do not need 30 million innocent and gullible people..a few of these Kracki's will do to fill our coffers

Anyway humans are amazing..we can rob people mentally, physically and even spiritually and still go scot free. Even in heaven and hell we will not stop from cheating people. One really wonders can you sleep in the night after making fools of hundred and thousands of you not ever feel you not ever fear some force in this universe to punish you for the wrongdoings.

God why do people stoop to such levels to make money. Why are there so many gullible people beliving Deekhsa will solve worries. Wake up people..wake up.The enlightened ones have said "Enlightnement is the end of all suffering". In this world "pain is inevitable but Suffering is optional". Enlightenment and happiness is a state of mind not something you can get for a few need to work very hard for it. The trials and tribulations, the birth and death of this world make you enlightened make you birthless and deathless. Honest sincere persevering effort over lifetimes deserves enlightenment not a few bags of dollars and an airconditioned retreat...wake up my friends wake up

At 9/03/2008 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just see kalki's older photos with long black beard and saffaron attire, he was so dull as if he has no food to eat, but see his attire now, he looks like a king and from really a royal family. Think people think people. There are so many beauty parlours that did not spare even kalki bagavan.

God save us from them.


At 11/28/2008 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi thanks for your exposé . it is good to see so many learning the truth and dumping kalki . he is a confirmed fraud and the sad part is that people have been made to believe that happiness and peace can be bought from kalki just like a pound of potato . ask kalki's son krishna and his wife sadhana to shave their head and be a saint rather than traveling in mercs and living a life of a king. one got to follow that he preaches . i also wish to bring to light the way krishna goes around buying land . he just beats up or kills the people who own land that he wants . there are plenty of cases pending against him in courts like madhurantagam , chengalputu, kanchipuram, etc. ( if any one wants proof i am happu to provide the same give me your e mail address ) he has a set of socalled bodygards which include Ramesh, David , Prabakaran of chennai, senguttuvan,manohar(vao), Munusamy (vao)of kanchipuram dist and the local cops are in their payroll . how can this kind of family be called a rep of god and Hinduism . see my next post .

At 12/14/2008 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I abolutely agree with you & feel sad for those who are still associated with this cult & those who are joining them newly. Now they have started approaching page3guys as well & reaching bollywood & filmstars is ofcourse a medium for earning bounty. I regret my experience where I was associated blindly for 5 long years from 1995 to 2000 where I saw all the tragic events in my life. My father expired, one of my sister became a schizophrenic & another sister of mine got married & separated during this time & my mother lost her vision (right eye) due to a glaucoma but nothing could be done & lastly I also did not have a good career in life where I was longing for the same alongwith my family wellbeing and that was the main reason for coming to this cult; I regret for meeting the people who introduced me to this cult . I with full frustration threw all this photos & anything associated with him on 31st December 2001. I really started see a positive side on my life now. I am really happy to state that I am out of the graveyard now & self employed currently owning a recruitment company. I request people to not blinding go by words or speech. All the so called “experience” is a bogus. I really really regret those 5 years which I have lost if the same is back I think I can achieve much move in my life. This swear this is a true expeirence on mine

At 1/15/2009 4:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a bastard...pls people BELIEVE IN URSELF FIRST.this person the IDIOT kalki as he calls himself does'nt he Shit like us..does'nt he Sleep with his Wife and do wt all,the Normal humans do!!!does he walk like us, eat like us.spk like us or is he something Different..does he have 8 hands as God Vishnu has.. or does he have 3rd eyelike God Shiva has....think u FOOLS...hw innocent we people are...abt that OLD MAN is over now abt the Amma as she calls herself!y does she wear such an expensive saree wn her Followers are so simple which GODESS came and told her to wear that...with jewelleries of all high brand quality to show herself that she is Godess LAXMI so that she can give u all wealth at home..okay now comes the Temple- 'GOLDEN TEMPLE' so is the Dharasanam free? if he is GOD why he is taking money, as i know all the previous GOD's like LORD RAMA,LORD KRISHNA,never took money for dharasanam...hahaha who is this new type of GOD..which he himself projected that he is GOD and he tells his wife also to be lucky she is that she married a GOD and she became a GODESS....can't they do their Generosity for free..when they are so much bothered about the people in KALIYUGA.Why they are taking money that too in thousands...Its not fun bloody fools you have worked hard to get that money and doing what...give them to handicapped children and mentally retarded school children who are in need of help....AS i know ur kalki is not handicapp or mentally retarded that he needs such an lump sum amount...RIGHT people..SO THINK BEFORE YOU GO AHEAD WITH UR kalki SO WAKE UP..AND TRY TO NOT BE BLOODY FOOLS AND STOP ENCOURAGING ALL THIS BLOODY DIRTY STINKING SHIT...WHICH WILL DESTROY U...WISH U A GOOD LUCK.

At 2/11/2009 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL.. I REALLY BELIEVE IN JESUS, NOT IN Catholicism, but in Jesus… of course.
Now If you, my innocent brothers and sisters, share my opinion… what do you think Jesus would say if he saw this organization, and specially these two old people sitting there, full of expensive possessions, full of gold, full of EEEEGGGGOOOO!!… just sitting there in a big, comfortable and arrogant armchair???, just answer yourselves from your very deep beings and stop searching.
Just keep the following in mind; what makes you think that GOD reasons and proceeds as humans do???,
HE IS so powerful that can be so SIMPLE… “Raise a stone and you will find me” GOD doesn´t needs exuberant palaces or be seated on a golden throne cause HE IS, and absolutely anything compares to him, in fact he created EVERYTHING and EVERYONE…
And yes, We are all One, unity with God is the ultimate purpose, most of things they proclaim are true!, but even this conceptions, that exist naturally in us, can be manipulated and used for ambition…
Finally, don’t lose faith in Love, harmony, Unity and all of those truths just because of some sagacious and ambitious people, if you want read what they say, but just until the time you feel they try to manipulate you, and then keep on YOUR way.

At 3/06/2009 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


--- This is the real truth.


At 3/07/2009 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to take my mail back for no reasons anbd conditions


Dear Sir,

I would like to take your help in exposing a yet another episode of self proclaimed GODs in India.

For this I will be highly greatful to you for ever.

The story goes like this:

This is a lady called Shailja Narayan - Mirchitola, Bada Bazar, in BARELLY (Uttar Pradesh) Ph: No. 0581 – 2471530 who claims herself to be AWTAR of LORD VISHNU on earth and has all the three lords in herself (BRAMHA – VISHNU – MAHESH). And calls herself as “PRABHU JI” (a male).

Arrest warrants have earlier been issued in their name for grabbing religious properties.

This is based on the funda that LORD VISHNU in his next AWTAR as a lady at the time of PRLAY (Armageddon) in a horse in some part of UP with a 52 feet sward in her hand.

The logic is who ever will keep worshiping this Lady turned lord will be carried in her boat during this PRALAY and will be taken inside this god turned lady during this eventuality which will come 8000 years from now.

The lady hails from a notorious GAMBLERS family of KASHIPUR - Distt: Udham Singh Nagar (Uttranchal).

The concept of this lady is promoted by a Person called

Prof. Pradeep Kumar (Reader), and
Dr.Madhu Deep (Reader)
E- 40, Model Town
Ph: 0581 – 2531125, 2530546

These people write books on her, promote her and manages the collections done by there devotees.

They have a entire network team including a lady to promote in Kashipur also Name: Mamta Mehrotra
Ph: 09319944745

They are always in search of ladies who are rich by background, are little religious or with little non mixing nature in family, who are fighters etc. before or after marriage because of some reasons or other.

They keep them feeding all useless and frustrating thing in mind. Motivate them to avoid every thing and keep reading and praying this lady all times, not to celebrate any family functions or festivals. And keep extracting money.
Never wish for well being of family and always wish to die and enter into god. Do not understand family members as there own not even their own kids.

The lady who calls herself PRABHU JI hypnotizes the people and some how or the other makes them convince that she is god.

We have tried to convenience them but straight reply is that they will leave us and sue us and take all over money.

These people are so powerful that olice also refuses to help more over some people in police re also their followers.

In this era we can not put pressure and compulsions as it is legally and ethically wrong.

Only option left with me is to request you to kindly expose this racket and save the innocent ones.


At 3/08/2009 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3/06/2009 12:12 PM, Anonymous said...



At 3/08/2009 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a well organised mind screwers.

The mastermind behind this fake organisation is Kalki AmmaBhagavan's - "SON" so called krishna ji .

Their motive is money , money and money. They dont give a dam all they need is your money.

Poor indians and some stupid innocient forieners follow this group.

It is unfortunate and sorry to see those shaved head Dasas who's lives are totally wasted. They are in a illusion. Even the Real God cannot help if the brain malfunctions. All God can do is give them hints and it is up to them to save themselves.

RealAlmighty God's Judgement is slow but when it comes there will not be an escape route.

At 3/08/2009 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Pramacharayas , Acharayas , Dasas , Followers and Agents of Kalki Bhagavan / Amma Bhagavan / Oneness University -

Have you people noticed not one family member of this fraud has shaved his or her head and taken Bramacharaya they all enjoy sex, enjoy money , jewellery, expensive cloths ,dine in star hotels ,luxury etc.., got from the money given by the innocient God seeking people.
Also have you people noticed that his son krishna has so many luxury cars and drives around in cars with dark glasses so that nobody comes to know about his private illegal activities...

It is unfortunate that somany peoples lives are wasted following this family here on earth and a clear signal of NoEntry to the heaven.
It is better to die in Gods name rather follow this Fraud and go to hell.
Let God Bless all those enlightened souls who do not believe these cheaters who cheat in Gods name.

At 3/09/2009 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can not serve both God and Mammon.
(Mammon = Amma Bhagavan Kalki )

A person who exists in the darkness is not enlightened or aware of their condition.
If someone repeats a lie enough times some people will believe it.
If a person repeats a lie enough times they will come to believe it.
When these things occur the lie becomes the truth to those who follow.
It is almost impossible to reveal the truth to those who follow a lie.
These people will hold to their lie usually to death without realizing how they have been deceived.

This is what is happening to those who follow Amma Bhagavan Kalki.


At 3/11/2009 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May be in the year 2012 Amma bhagavan Kalki bhagavan will grow a full thick turf of Real Gold hair on his shiny old bald head. Actually Kalki Bhagavan should do that as soon as possible because his Rustic Fat wife who sits next to him loves all that is Gold and she would love her old husband with real gold hair !
His Son Krishna Nemam as you all know may perhaps ask his bald father for a gold rod and two gold balls to play with.
So may be all these miracles are going to happen in the year 2012 who knows.
All followers and devotees of Oneness University need to pay all your money and do lots and lots of Seva and fall and lick at their feet , what ever they ask to do like brainless idiots and wait until then to see this Gold Hair on the Bald head miracle..

At 3/13/2009 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody in the world gives a Stone to a begging child and that is exactly Ammabagavan and his family has given to the God seeking troubled hearts.

This so called Ammabagavan kalkibagavan Vijyakumar is the example how low a human can stoop for the benefit of his family and his greedy dreams

At 3/13/2009 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Kalki Bhagavan. Manipulating vedic tradition and your mind for making BIG money.

At 3/14/2009 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to milk thousands of westerners in search of enlightenment without mercy?

Cold-blooded Indian formula !

Build a temple (Oneness University) from the donation made by poor illiterate Hindus and innocent westerners.
And keep a golden ball inside which will last forever for fools to look at it and pray.
What a brilliant idea by chameleon Vijayakumar who is also called Amma Kalki Bhagavan and his criminal son Krishna ji

Big Business in the name of Enlightenment!

At 4/02/2009 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Kalki alias Vijay Kumar was working for LIC & after that he left the organisation. He cheated even his friend & now saying that his friend wanted a position in his school (jeevashram) which Mr.Shankarabagavadpada (Chief Brain washer of the organiser kalkis friend who trained the youths to become monks) oppose. Due to this only that person is creating lot of problems against him. This not true.

I have been in this Stupid,cult for I am a idiot full of ignorance form 1994 to 2007. I lost huge sums of my hard earned money & also my parents money. He makes money even out of his picture selling business which he claims to be empowered with his grace & calls is sHrimurthee.

The photos range from Rs.5 to 5000 & the padukas (holy wear in the foot) is sold at thousands. Kalki has accumulated wealth for Mr.Krishna his son. Kalki's whole family his brother, sisters & his holy spirit wife padma are into marketing kalki & enlightenment. I have witnessed people becoming victims of drugs which they were fed with food in the courses to make them feel they are in high state. Once the effect ceases they fell depress and very weak.

Kalki's courses are in to Mere blood sucking ones & has nothing worth to speak of. I have also heard a Dasa telling me bring 10 people for darshan either 2500 padadharshan or 1 lakh personal dharshan. Out of ten atleast for 2 miracles or changes will happen due to their faith and beliefs. We can takle and make other 8 believe us.

They have really ruined most parts of India especially poor and middle class people. Now kalki is into hollywood bollywood people too. He has declared his son Krishna as his successor in his 60th Birthday exactly a crucked minded clever politician perhaps.

I am in a very bad state of mental health & couldnt even claim for what I have lost for am not rich.I request humbly people not to go to this cult or anyother cult. Be peaceful and happy with what you are.

I read People commenting "those who abuse kalki will repent for it" --- !!!!!!!!!! perhaps kalki oneday will repent for what he has done.

Finally I thank this forum to share my worst experience. This is the only way to make my heart light. I trusted this person & even faught against my family telling he is god. I lost all my relation ships too.

IS KALKI & AMMA going to settle my accounts!!! no they will see what more they can get out of me. So much of gold and sliver around them. NO shelter for people at nemam near Oneness temple near chennai.

The golden ball they claim to be made of gold is not made of gold. It is full of copper and gold polish.They cheated poor and got so much of gold from all over the world.

The latest thing being they have made Shilpashetty their slave hope either they pay her for marketing kalki or they get paid in the disguise of god & enlightenment.

Thanks again

IT grows and grows no end to it.

Namasteji------- is the language of the cult!!!!!!!! its like the namam we put when someone loses something very worthful.Many of us lost Precious time & I wasted 11 to 12yrs of my life for this cheats!

At 4/03/2009 2:57 AM, Blogger BioGenie said...

Have read most of the blog and I am an Indian from south India who speak the regional language Telugu. All these so claiming to be Gods like Satya sai baba, Amma Bhagavan, Bala sai baba, Amrutanadamai (huggy-saint) etc etc all these people are CREATING MASS HYSTERIA AMONG PEOPLE in the name of GOD. To all you westerners, don't fall into this MASS HYSTERIA. I grew up reading slokas in sanskrit going to temple, performing meditation because I was told to all my life until I realized the basic concept of GOD. Then, I questioned myself, if there is a GOD then there should be a DEVIL right? If i cannot see a DEVIL then I cannot see GOD. Look at all the major religions in the world, Christianity has Jesus (GOD), Muslims have Mohammad (GOD), Hindus have over 1000 (GODS). Most of these were born humans. Think about it. Mind/Brain is a very complicated piece of biological machinery. It makes us believe to follow the masses. All these so called GODs who were humans who have done good things and those good things became miracles and passed on from generation to generation and we are believing it to this day and this moment. In Hindu mythology there are over 1000 GODs in different forms and there are majorly two great epics called the Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita, which depict kings as Gods and a wonderful story is told, which portrays good versus evil. Christians have the bible which portrays good deeds and likewise Muslims have Koran which again portrays good deeds and teaches the way of life. Life in today's world is very complicated with lot of stress and lot of problems and compared to a 1000 years ago, we have more and more problems and we seek to get rid of ourselves of those problems and the answer is GOD. Next, what happens after death? Is there a circle of life? Do we have a soul? When you and I were born, did we know anything about GOD? We were taught that there is a GOD. Do you think about GOD after you die? I am so perturbed when I see people are fooled in the name of GOD. Things i believe in are: have love and compassion for others, help the needy, be detached from worldly pleasures and live for today and make the best use of our time as much as possible in making the world a better place. If you don't do anything just sit and meditate or close your eyes or so called deeksha nothing is going to happen. You are just wasting your time. There is no enlightenment. It is nothing but self-actualization of one's self to become a better person. Everyone is not perfect but we strive to be perfect and utilize these so called religion and GODs as a metaphor to understand ourselves. Now do you understand it is all in the mind. Our mind makes us think all these things.

At 4/14/2009 1:18 PM, Blogger Vaasu said...

hi guys,

I read the whole conversation and very much convinced with
Suprasada Gauranga Das. it is not his words it the word in the scripture and also confirmed by great saints
I offer my sincere obeisance to Suprasada Gauranga Das for his serve to mankind and guiding other to right path

See the difference between and real and fraud know the scripture

At 4/24/2009 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drug lords, some governments, thieves, prostitutes etc., cheat and take your money.

Why cant Amma Bhagavan alias Kalki bhagavan and their oneness university Cheat and deceive you?

They need your money for their son Krishna Gee’s multiple businesses, to maintain their family, to buy lands, to build many bungalows, to buy numerous cars, they want their son to be rich , why why can’t they take your money?
Hey in the process some confidential people who keep their secrets are also benefitted.

You are born to suffer. You are born to serve them, You are born to Praise them, Your money is their money. You are born to believe them what ever they say and do.
As they fell from heaven and their son also fell from heaven,
You are born to fall at their feet.
And that is your fate.
It is not their problem, Problem is yours.

At 5/23/2009 9:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bullshit teaching by amma bhagavan !! I heard they are saying that they are taking us to heaven with them !! what a bullshit talking and speech ??
Are they taking us to heaven ?? for how many Lakhs or Crores of Rs ????? ?????

All idiots and brain less orthodoxy lambs following stupid speech and pouring money to these bogus people so called GURUS or GODS… bloody people….

Why can’t the people help billions of poor people in India instead of pouring money to these stupid speeches. It is nothing but ones selfishness to pour money to these bogus gods rather than helping the poor people where we find real peace of mind for our self.

The universal acceptance is do not harm others but help people who are in difficulties if you can. That itself is the great way to get Gods blessings. Why people are spending money for these stupid speeches?

At 5/23/2009 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Udaya TV, it has been shown how this bogus Amma and Bhagavan thieves do the magic !!! They used the pipe coming out of a room and releasing the honey through pipe. After hearing this truth in Uday TV crime storey serial, if people are still following these thieves, it is nothing but they are all sin committed people. It is the time for them to loose their black money or hard earned money.

Just because they are generating heaps of kunkum and turmeric in the air, other idiot people are thinking it is magic and falling into their stupid speeches and pouring their money to these thieves. Good for them.

Anyway, every dog has a day and like that these thieves will have day to get caught openly and getting chi chi from the world !!!!!.

At 5/23/2009 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.

Thanks for your comments on Scams of Kalki and the new god by the name SHAILJA NARAYAN calling her self awatar of lord vishnu

we have also come to know about these people and their useless claims.

These people are frauds to the core and should be eliminated form the society.

At 6/10/2009 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case of fraud by so called god man Ashok Jadeja, it is the public who has to be blamed. They are such a big fool that they carry out their Rath yatras, prayers, do dances and all sort of other festivals. for them suddenly no other festivals have any meaning. i cannot believe in such a small span of just 3 months how can millions of people become prey of one man.

Now its time for people to open their eyes and get rid of these fraud god mans like Amma Bhagwan, Asaram or Frauds like Shaija Naraya, chandra swami or so many who comes in Astha and Sanskar channel.


At 6/21/2009 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/24/2009 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

guys come on dont waste time in such thing take good and leave bad...instead make use of time to experience god unexpectedly i came across this topic im suprised negativety as so much energy in kaliyug people get tranced in it and cant see positive side ..owner of this topic if u dont like kalki cult better keep it with u why do u want to spread that unfaithful thoughts to everyone.Instead of disecting other try to disect your inner self

Every cult as both positive and negative aspects its all in our perseption ., god created world that as both good and bad.As a human be wise to take good .,to be enlighted person dont waste time in such gossips

At 6/26/2009 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let this man go back and cure his old age and become like a 15year old youth if he has any powers.
Until then he is just an ordinary man trying to cheat his fellow humans for a few dollors more. Disgrace in the name of sprituality !

At 6/27/2009 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micheal Jackson is dead. I’m very sad hs songs elevate my mood. I will remember him till my death even though I have never met him personally. It is people talented like him make this life wonderful and interesting. His work will be remembered forever.
Not this sprit bastard Kalki Bhagavan alias Amma Bhagavan nor his oneness temple crap , who in the name of God cheats innocents for his own personal benefit and for his families benefit, If he is an enlightened individual he would never do this for his own race.

At 7/05/2009 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe people the people whio come in trap of these god man like mentioned Amma bhagwan, Jadeja, Shailja Narayan, asa ram bapu the black magacian etc are basically patient of actue physiophenia and these people take advantage of these desease of theirs and makethem their prey

MD Psych

At 7/05/2009 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case of fraud by so called god man Ashok Jadeja, it is the public who has to be blamed. They are such a big fool that they carry out their Rath yatras, prayers, do dances and all sort of other festivals. for them suddenly no other festivals have any meaning. i cannot believe in such a small span of just 3 months how can millions of people become prey of one man.

Now its time for people to open their eyes and get rid of these fraud god mans like Amma Bhagwan, Asaram black magacian or Frauds like Shailja Narayan, chandra swami or so many who comes in Astha and Sanskar channel.


At 8/08/2009 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys what ur talking kalki its a fraud every i knows in india how come a electricity board employee became bagavan man come on r u crazy buggers earning like a hell u people blindly go behind him and say he is dharma and other stuffs see u wanna peace go and help the poor people and needy children or help the african countries they don't have food shelter nothing but u people spending like a hell to touch a normal human being feet in india so many devotes telling that they are god how many god's come on no one is perfect if u want to earn put orange or red costume u will become a famous devote u will become big millionire
these abroad devotes or really fool if some one says they are devotes or yogi they go behind them what a stupidity don't belelive any stupid devotes and u will be fools

At 8/22/2009 6:28 AM, Blogger gowrishankar said...

dear i just come upon the website of oneness university..and this bold caught my eyes....i've patience to read the first fes posts...but now...let me share my views.....
1. you are you
2. you have your strength to leave what you are
3. preaching is not new...and backlashes are common from time being..
4. why you forget aham bramashmi...when you are you the fininist..cant you find everything what you want in you?
5. just complaining wont work...cause you waste your vluable time in that....
6. looking for grace...i'm not here to preach you...but see it to yourself...
7.see around you....eternity waits for those.. who sees around them...when you are complaining abour xyz dollars...cant you feed some hungry people with that....
8.when you dirnk in a pub spending thousands hopw could you neglect a people starving outside...
9.when hunger is the thing which drives lead a happy life...rather anything....dont you feel the real essence..
10. comes to teh point of grace...exclamation..oneness..xyznalnflafklasklh....
which i dont know what they decide and you have taken some step in your conciousness....let it be good and may it bring smile in those deprived than you
11. grace....a simple get..iniotiate smile in those deprived....and you'll feel need to attend darshans and later yogas and meditation to live for another 100 years...proving that you are too it love you so shell it in others too....the way is simple...aoround you...and save the time for complaining.....
13.the point unluckey propagated in us....comes to my mind is dont you think a perosn who feeds when u are starving is a god?????????????????????????????

At 8/23/2009 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey They say this fraud Amma Bhagavan has severe piles.., It is really nasty.

This man and his wife are enjoying looking at the fools around them.

At 8/24/2009 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody left a photo of the man and his wife ( amma bhagavan ) which sits here at a public toilet where people urinate and spit on the photo.
I enquired with those people who spit on the photo if they have any problems are trouble in their life and they said that they are very happy and peaceful.
Well they saved their money and time ,they are normal people who's brains are not screwd up.

At 9/18/2009 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No point blaming anyone here... after all we are human beings... we are bound to have difference of opinions.... its the past karma that makes people say what they say.... hope all of you realise God one day or the other :)

At 9/20/2009 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion ... experiencing god is very personal as well as opinions about an organisation.

Everything is relative in this world ...

At 9/21/2009 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no words for these people other than a bunch of lousy thieves. A common thief is much better than these people because atleast he accepts that he is a theif and he steals.

At 9/29/2009 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amma Bhagavan's devotees would like to know - The frequency of SEX lives of Amma Bhagavan Kalki Bhagavan and also their son Krishna's the future Bhagavan ? So that their hardcore devotees can follow the same. The devotees also would like to know if they teach Kamasutra in oneness university? If so how much do they charge for teaching Kamasutra at oneness temple?
Please let us know with complete details. Thanks in advance.

At 10/14/2009 4:13 AM, Anonymous Max said...

Hi...! I am MAX and i would like to say that i went through all of your comments and the whole blog .I would just say,

"You cannot talk about Enlightenment unless you are,
Because you can know the true meaning of that word only if you are enlightened"

"secondly talking about God, Avatars and so many of these words,
Can you see the strong conditioning you have received throughout your lives.....?,Can you see the obsession you have to prove yourself right....?
can you see that you talk and fight for a word 'GOD' and how many of have seen him or glimpsed him.......? Is it you talking or the teachings taught to you speaking,just witness who is speaking....."

"Well by what i said above I'm not implying any thought or belief system nor am I saying that you are right or False but i say this'"





At 10/18/2009 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My close relative went into one such movements and she experienced mental damage. She could see things and hear unusual voices and do unusual things(mad). After proper treatment her problem was solved. They give bhang(indian drug) during the sessions and entice the higher states.
Stay away... big time...

At 10/21/2009 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mind screwing techniques to make you their follower.
1.Alter your thinking process by making you worship a virtually power less husband and wife team(amma bhagavan ).
2. Make you weak physically by altering your food habits this usually happens during your stay in their place.
3. Deprive your sleep cycle by constant bajans etc., to decrease your thinking process and make you tired.

4.Many different stages to extract your money (which they call enlightment )during the last stages that is when they are sure confident that they can exploit you fully it seems indian narcotic drugs are administered mixed with prasadams to give illusions and tamper your brain - this was informed by Amma Bhagavans close associate.
5.Either Rich or Poor your money is taken away in many different ways.
6. You will be showered with love until they can extract as much as posibble from you this includes using you to get more people , your connections , your money , your seva , and your total surrender under their feet.

At 11/02/2009 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

while going through net i have found out one shailja Narayan in her website is claiming to be avatar of Gautam Buddha Also. this is a clear insult of Lord Buddha.

i am surprised people who do not understand G of god claim themselves as god and people start following them blindly.

At 11/23/2009 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latest news - Bhagavan aka vijay and krishna with few monks have left the order. Bhagavan is sayign this world over through sype. This is another story that is staged so well that people around them believed it and are singing his songs already.
How can people be so dumb and sick of following someone who isnt what you think he is. I hope the IRS/IT authorities get to the root of it and does some accouinting. My 2 cents - they want to show krisha and others as a different, seperate entity. so whatever income they generate will not be questions. All are right now in europe, japan or US looting hudreds and thousands of people. They have sucked the blood of most indians, that too middle class and lower middle class. They also have elite programs to attract rish personalities. This program is still going on. On skye he says he is against money, but how come for the past 20 years he was greedy for manoney?? cant people think this simple stuff straight?
God be with all the fools and give them enlightenment of what they are into.

At 11/23/2009 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

24 NOVEMBER 2009

Below is the newspaper article link and the article

“Internal squabbles causing fissures in Oneness Movement”

Special Correspondent
Viswanath Swami, a social activist and an estranged friend of the founder of the ‘Oneness Movement’-- ‘Kalki Bhagavan’ has alleged that the internal squabbles between the ‘Bhagavan’ and a break-away group of ‘Acharyas and Dasas’ of the movement, has caused such deep fissures that the movement might collapse any moment.
At a media conference on Monday at the Tirupati Press Club, Viswanath Swamy who claims to have already filed a criminal case against the ‘Bhagavan’ has released a signed statement making serious allegations against his one-time colleague—the Bhagavan.
He claimed that both of them had worked together in a leading public school near Madanapalle. Viswanath has in his statement also has expressed scepticism over the efforts of Bhagavan’s son—Sri Krishnaji who is trying to work out a patch-up between the two warring groups, resulting in any ‘lasting truce’. There will be a ‘free for all’ in the Ashram, he predicted.
It was in this context that he appealed to the government to enquire into the alleged financial irregularities reported in the working of the Ashram and called upon the devotees of the ‘Bhagavan’ to open their eyes to the ‘realities’. Viswanath also released to media CDs and copies of the statement put in the website of by the Bhagavan wherein he had himself broken the ‘sad news’ about a group breaking-away from the ‘Oneness Movement’. Meanwhile Sri Krishnaji, the Bhagavan’s son has in a statement claimed that he discussed the whole situation with the Bhagavan on November 17 and said that the Bhagavan had promised to announce his ‘decision’ within a week’s time—possibly on November 24. You please patiently await Sri Bhagavan’s decision, he said in his statement, put in the Oneness India website, copies of which were also released to the media on Monday.

At 11/24/2009 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

24 NOVEMBER 2009

Below is the newspaper article link and also the article

“Internal squabbles causing fissures in Oneness Movement”

Special Correspondent
Viswanath Swami, a social activist and an estranged friend of the founder of the ‘Oneness Movement’-- ‘Kalki Bhagavan’ has alleged that the internal squabbles between the ‘Bhagavan’ and a break-away group of ‘Acharyas and Dasas’ of the movement, has caused such deep fissures that the movement might collapse any moment.
At a media conference on Monday at the Tirupati Press Club, Viswanath Swamy who claims to have already filed a criminal case against the ‘Bhagavan’ has released a signed statement making serious allegations against his one-time colleague—the Bhagavan.
He claimed that both of them had worked together in a leading public school near Madanapalle. Viswanath has in his statement also has expressed scepticism over the efforts of Bhagavan’s son—Sri Krishnaji who is trying to work out a patch-up between the two warring groups, resulting in any ‘lasting truce’. There will be a ‘free for all’ in the Ashram, he predicted.
It was in this context that he appealed to the government to enquire into the alleged financial irregularities reported in the working of the Ashram and called upon the devotees of the ‘Bhagavan’ to open their eyes to the ‘realities’. Viswanath also released to media CDs and copies of the statement put in the website of by the Bhagavan wherein he had himself broken the ‘sad news’ about a group breaking-away from the ‘Oneness Movement’.

At 12/02/2009 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fraud kalki bhagavan in one of the interviews posted in utube recently says that he transferred cancer from daughter to mother on the request of the mother and the mother died later.
Anyway the mother died so she cannot come as a witness.

What a fraud liar this man is. Only filtered idiots and fools will believe this man.

Let him transfer some pubic hair from his wife amma , so that he can attract some young Dase.

At 12/08/2009 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was One such Filtered Idiot who was with oneness movement from 1997 till 2006. I was a real fool lost large sums of money and my career. This God man and his wife promised me in public meeting for youths at varadhayapalayem in Andhrapradesh that whole India will become prosperous by 2008 and befoe end of December 2008 all the youths of India will become prosperous!!! He also said there will be no fall in the IT field for the next 50 years and adviced the youths to go for IT Education and IT jobs only!!!!!!!!! bull shit there is no end for his money greed. His whole family including his brothers sister and everyone are playing tricks with ignorant people. This Godman Bastards speech on Skype irritates me so much. He knows how to put seed. He says in speech to Russians --- I know you will prefer to come to India for courses and the cost is affordable here. If he can give solitude and Enlightenment for few bugs of money the world should have been enlightened long before. According to him if Enlightenment can wipe off poverty the whole world should have been prosperous by now. Its impossible. He also says Russians in skype I dont expect anything from you & I want you to feel oneness at the end. He puts a seed look carefully Indians too love you very much and you can have a personal conversation if you come to India. He indirectly puts seed in the mind of the people to make them come to India and loose all their possession. I have heard in many speechs by the so called god children of kalki -- see Russians are selling their farms and homes to meet amma bhagavaan cant you arrange Rs 5000 to Rs 10000 to meet amma bhagavaan!!!! see how they put seeds on the other extreme end in India to pluder Indians too. Its a shame on people like me who worked day and night for this stupid cult. I dont want India to be pludered by cheats like these people. What is the situation Of IT field for the past 2 yrs?? what is the financial crisis situation all over the world. He blabbers things that comes to his mouth. Probably I think NAAN AVAN ILLAI film meaning " I am not that person" is a remake of this kalki and amma.

Supporters of kalki before you comment anything and before supporting that Bloody bastard do look at your reality first. You are not trying to protect him you are trying to protect the God man personality which you thought is great. I am telling this because I did the same mistake. I know the depths of what has been done with so many innocent people.

He has promised many times to a well know doctor that he will cure the piles and some other diseases and grabbed lakhs of money in the name of sacrifice, pooja, dharshan, courses etc... The doctor lost everything and now has only one wealth left the disease.

The biggest excuse both the man and his wife has when something fails or bad happens. They blame karma (the ill effects of wrong actions in past life). They say its their grace if someone gets a great position. This bald head is unfit and cant even face himself.

See he says in the skype vedio with Russians-- He transferred karma of people while setting right Rship of people in India. He continues saying I dont understand atleast from the point of my view where I did wrong. The karma from cosmic hit us and thats why the Rship in the oneness movement has come down drastically. What the shit is he talking????

At 12/08/2009 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has told in Many Public meeting which he calls Dharshan that the Acharyas are fully enlightened. He has told Acharya Samadharshini is in the level of Sri Krishna (God of Dwapara yuga -- past centuries)
Anandagiri got buddha conciousness and so on. Now in skype meeting he says they were in HIGHER LEVELS OF ENLIGHTENMENT AND ITS DIFFERENT FROM THE REAL ENLIGHTENMENT...!!! WHEN KUNDALINI RISES IT BECOMES HIGHER AND WHEN IT FALLS THE ENLIGHTENMENT STATE WILL BE LOST...!!! What about the statement he made in public meetings before. Its all in older Cds of oneness movement released by cosmic. He himself is not enlightened thats the truth.

The only qualification he has is he is a MASTER MINDED CRIMINAL capable even of doing anything for his survival.

Beware of oneness. Real Enlightenment is keeping away from this cult.

At 12/10/2009 8:14 AM, Blogger mnjkr123 said...

I have been in Kalki Dharma for more than 15 years now. If Kalki is false then the whole world is false. You need to understand life and his teachings. He is the greatest philosopher the world has ever seen. The negative comments indicate that 2012 is near and we are already squeezed to the extreme and it will result in either enlightenment of the mankind or the catastrophes. Even the most intelligent people are losing their minds and blaming the divine energy. May be that is how it was bound to happen. Those who can't relaize divinity need to look at the mess in their life and then comment here on public blog. Anyway, I pray for all. I know, I will not be able to do all that kalki bhagavan has done or put in the effort even if I would have been offered all the riches of the world simply because it has been/is a complete divine work. I request all of you t put yourself in his shoes and see the giagantic effort that has been made, the wails of tears
/rivers of grace that have flown in Satyaloka, Nemam and Golden Temple. Let's not compare that with the riches of this world. I am sure, for me all the riches of this world is insignificant in front of all the grace that I ahve experienced. Please look inside yourself and see your life for God's Sake.

With Love

Love you all.


At 12/11/2009 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Samadarshini being a women and unknowlingly got caught in this dangerous cult without knowing their true intensions.

She knows the true intensions of amma bhagavans son krishna now !

Disgusting wasteful ignorant foolish life !
Living a life of a beggar is better than following this cult at least they do not commit such sins for the sake of money.
It is really disgusting to see such cults cheat people.

At 12/16/2009 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems they have created all this conflict in order to revive the Oneness Movement organization. People now feel sorry for Bhagavan...

So they now have two organizations bringing in money...

Very clever corruption!

At 12/16/2009 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bhagavan has NEVER come through on his promises.

The temple was to open all the chakras...hah

The process was to give enlightenment...hah

And all his teachings come from J. Krisnamurti...hah

The whole organization is fraudulent.

At 12/27/2009 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this fellow is a cheat.There are many authorized scriptures in india which tell that kalki avatar appears after 432,000 years.HE is not GOD but a DOG.

At 1/02/2010 1:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The one who preach or advice or show what is life is not a GOD, Kalki is a form of Guru thats all.
Teaching should not be on sale.. They are not GOD's. Worship your Inner soul-He is the GOD

At 1/04/2010 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Usha Krishnan, with the movement for the last 13 years. Till last year Oct 2009, I was thinking that Kalki was a divine avatar. Now after listening to the way he was bad-mouthing the ex-acharyas and the dasas who left on Nov 5, 2009, I firmly can say that Kalki and Amma are not Gods in fact they are less than humans or we can even day they are Demons in human form !! They have swindled crores of money and most of it is converted into jwellery worn by the Bitch called Amma. She has tortured many female monks and has even stamped many under her feet physically !!

Please go through the link :

This will give the history of this Bastard called Kalki and the Bitch called Amma !!

At 1/06/2010 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amma Bhagavan are Divine Avatars. Its only when their grace comes you all will realise him. Usha krishnan can you give your personal proof for they are not avatars?

At 1/13/2010 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey All,

I see huge difference in me after I met Bhagavan and amma. Even if you dont believe them still its ok but please pray and ask god whatever you need with right procedures as preached my bhagawan. It really works. Please dont loose faith on GOD. You all will realize soon. Did anyone know why we go to temple?
Did anyone know why christian people able to convert hindus to christians?
There are reasons behind every action. If you have any questions , please send an e-mail

At 1/14/2010 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know why there are brakes in the cars ? it is there to protect you ! by protecting You YOU protect others !

Stay away from this FRAUD - Oneness and Kalki Bhagavan Amma Bhagavan and their Criminal minded Son Krishna !

We have seen they laugh at the poor , saying that it is their bad karma ! we have seen them laugh at our innocience in believing them as Gods as they project ! We have seen their dark hearts ! We have seen them enjoy with your money ! We have seen their darker side ! They laugh at you in private !

For God's sake STAY Away from them - What Can I say More !
Dont Be a Foolish !

Let God Save all those good people from this Devilish Family ! ! !

At 1/14/2010 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In one of the interviews posted in youtube vijayakumar Kalki bhagavan Amma Bhagavan boasts that he transfered cancer from daughter to mother !

Now I request him to transfer some pubic hair from Preetha and Padmavathi on to his head. Because this transfer of pubic hair from Preetha and Padmavathi amma will make him handsome and will help him attract more female devotees !

At 1/14/2010 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it is not the fault of Vijayakumar the so called Bhagavan if he is not able to transfer Pubic hair from Preetha and Padmavathi - He will be able to transfer pubic hair from Preetha and padmavathi only if they have pubic hair ! What if they do not have any hair ? What if they are shaved their pubic hair ? It is not the fault of the Bhagavan !
You need to understand ! Well may be he can only transfer pubic hair if it is their , He cannot grow - Please note there are limitations even for Bhagavans !

At 1/14/2010 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does he need to transfer PUBIC hair from preetha and padmavathi when he can transfer some hair from his son krishna on to his head ? Well the problem is the son krishna wants to have everything for himself ! and that is a real problem .
The son krishna seems to be very selfish he doesnt even want to lend some to his own father ! what will he do to those people who believe his words !

It is just business for this son called krishna who enjoys other peoples money.

At 1/31/2010 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2/11/2010 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems we all have forgotten the truth Service to Humanity is service to God, Lets try to Help more people who are really in need and looking for helping hands lets not waste time and money on these BABA's and Swamiji.

Most of them may be all of them are doing a great business, we can call them as Managment Guru's.

At 2/13/2010 8:35 AM, Blogger silent romeo said...

Dear everyone,I'm not wise enough to tell you what's right and what's not. But i'll tell you this: no truly enlightened person would crave for followers or for money. For an enlightened mind, worldly things like money, property etc are of no value. Someone who claims to be enlightened, but still asks for donations for selfish reasons is a liar, but you're a fool if you dont see through the lie. All the great gurus in the past, true gurus, have accepted gifts only to give them away to the needy. they accepted meagre amounts of rice,pulses and a little change which was immediately distributed to the poor. enlightenment doesnt come free,ofcourse. but when i say not free, i dont mean its gonna cost you $$. its gonna demand commitment, determination and peace. please think twice before following the stupid masses. there's no greater guru than your own conscience. but if you still seek external guidance, seek it from someone real, like Shirdi Sai Baba. there are impostors claiming to be him, but look for him in wiki and see if he is like any guru you've seen...if he is,ignore him.i only suggested because,he could be ur best bet.oh btw.. he passed away almost a hundred years ago,but u knw... u can read books n stuff about him. Good luck on your road to enlightenment.

At 2/17/2010 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter how much you debate, the devotees of Sri Amma Bhagvan will remain and will surge forward. They stay with the oneness founders only because, each one of them have got personal experiences. Now no one in the world can disprove one's personal experience. Even science cant, as its their personal truth. And any spiritual personal would get to know that there is no absolute truth. Its all based on individual's experience :)

So all ur arguments based on logical reasons fall apart on one's personal experiences. It maybe true for YOU and maynot suit anyone else :)

And if you do not get any experience with this dharma, no one forces u to stay. There are various spiritual foundations, osho, art-of-living, jakki vasudev etc. Check which ones suits u best. Else if you are just already in 'presence' you need not follow anyone :) So you always have the freedom.

All such negative cribbings are just waste of ur time and others. So first identify the ways in which YOU can help people positively.

At 2/27/2010 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no movement here and it is not going anywhere. There is no surging ahead. I have met vijayakumar alias the bagavan and his wife padma the amma and their son krishna. I have seen who they are inside and in private. It is foolish to believe them. They are interested only in your money. After they are done with their milking you are just thrown away. And This is the TRUTH.

At 3/01/2010 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am devotee of ammabhagavan from past 6 years, I had so many personal experiences in my life, by which I can write one more geetha.

Some people are saying that they are devotees from last 15 years and now they realised and left the dharma.

I just want to know, are you people intellegent at that 15 years or now you became intelligent after 15years. How you believed this many years, how you came to know that they are cheating people now.

Think again nobody forcing you to believe.

In my life I got so many things, its not required to come and meet them and spend money, its your wish to spend money or not.

At 3/01/2010 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one needs our help and we need not worry about helping other people help your self to be good and do good to other ...No need to help any one help your self first...Helping your self is the most important aspect of life.

At 3/01/2010 8:43 PM, Blogger vizagtheater said...

There’s a Live discussion show going on in Telugu newschannel Tv9 in which Vijay Kumar Naidu alias Kalki Bhagavan and AmmaBhagawan are being targeted. He was born Vijay Kumar in Arcot district, Tamil Nadu, and at various times has also used names such as Mukteshwar, Sri Kalki Bhagavan, and Sri Bhagavan.
Bhagavan and Amma (not to confused with Mata Amritanandamayi) claim to be two divine beings, or Avatars. They reside at Golden City, near Chennai, in India. Their stated mission is to bring all of humanity into the Golden Age. They claim that they will fully enlighten 64,000 people in the world. These people in a highly enlightened state of communion would transform the rest of the humanity by 2012.
According to them, this state of enlightenment is offered to seekers through a process known as deeksha. Deeksha is a transfer of divine energy that is said to be so powerful it has the ability to break through the concepts and conditioning of our mind
According to Narayana who used to be a devotee of Amma Bhagavan, For the Darshan of Amma’s padam the devotees should pay 5000 Rupees and for Special Darshan 25,000 Rupees, They took 60,000 Rupees from each devotee for Homam. And for Foreigners they have 21 days package. And each devotee should pay entry fees. With the name of Amma Pooja the Kalki trust collected 240 Crores. Kalki trust is running 9 businesses, one of them is Real Estate which is running by Bhagvan’s son he earned nearly 3,000 crores with the company.

At 3/02/2010 1:14 AM, Blogger anand kumar said...


Iam a follower of Sri Amma Bhagavan.... I attended so many classes there and my family is now in a fantastic stage....

Our Family Relationships get strong......
We learn Culture and Tradition there in our kalki teachings....
He is not a god but he is the the teacher and guru to the humanity.....

We don't know the land scams issue.... but i want to say one thing do join in the deeksha classes first to know what happening there as a secret person first. And say what is what....
I say one thing "Watch your thoughts - Your Thoughts will become words - Words will become actions and actions will become character".

take any suggestions from good people... its good for you.

thanks and regards....
Software Professional.

At 3/02/2010 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi All,
The recent advancement in the whole scam is a latest video on their internal activities.

This is a video as exposed by a telugu channel( Maah and also currently TV 9 telugu is getting in some fresh investigation in this regard.

A one who knows Telugu can translate.

The URL are

A Well Wisher...

I would write again if you need me to..


At 3/02/2010 4:25 PM, Blogger Rohita Kotagiri said...

This is a video as exposed by a telugu channel( Maah and also currently TV 9 telugu is getting in some fresh investigation in this regard.

A one who knows Telugu can translate.

Hello My dear friend!

I am from a telugu speaking community and I am very well aware of these news channels you have mentioned. These are the most manipulating and misleading channels of Andhra Pradesh, India. They need to increase their ratings by creating news or manipulating it. I have been to Shree Amma Bhagawan ashram numerous times and there is no such thing going on as it is showed in the videos. I have been their devotee for 15 years and my life has been more than happy ever since. One has to truly experience it to know it. And if you are unable to experience it, and you need an open heart for it. Now there is no point even trying to explain it to you! Sad you missed out on such a precious joy of life. Every God and great Saint in Indian methology have had their hardships before making people believe what they truly are, and this is such time to Shree Bhagawan and I am sure all these will be washed away with time. Glad to have known Shree Amma Bhagawan all through my life now.

P.S : I am a living example of his miracles, please contact me if you have any more queries about HIM

At 3/02/2010 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krishna the son of Kalki bhagavan Amma Bhagavan of Oneness cult planned the separation – to save the money looted from millions of poor people of India by projecting his father and mother as God and Goddess, by giving illegal Drugs to the people who visited Kalki Ashram as shown by many TV channels in India.

American Government – CIA and FBI should investigate the various means and ways they laundered millions of dollars through various countries and various methods.

American Government should not allow its people to get cheated by Oneness Cult as they did in India.

At 3/02/2010 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

March 2nd 2010:

Villagers attacked the Kalki Ashram located in chitoor district and set it on fire after watching the illegal activates at Oneness Kalki Bhagavan. Many TV channels clearly showed the video containing Kalki Bhagavan enjoying the show after administering illegal drugs to his devotees.

Kalki Bhagavan’s son Krishna is the mastermind of this dangerous cult called Oneness movement.

At 3/02/2010 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with Kalki Bhagavan Amma Bhagavan of Oneness as their followers and devotees write here ?

1. Personal experience – Is it the intoxication after taking drugs?
2. Personal experience – Is it illegal sex at oneness?


This prostitute made a lot of money and lived a lavish lifestyle later she died of HIV and various other serious diseases. The money she saved did not come to her help in the end.

Customers who visited this prostitute lost their money and lost their health!


At 3/02/2010 9:26 PM, Blogger Rohita Kotagiri said...

Mr. Anonymous who ever you are

I don't argue with fools like you who cannot respect others beliefs...your posts speak for you and now I can imagine what kinda person you are...

Well now that you spoke about the personal experience, listen is an experiencing how mean cruel rude and sick you are from is truly knowing the worst side of one's own self and it is accepting and respecting that self by making it a better person... AND YOU, MY FRIEND, SHOULD DEFINITELY GO TO ONENESS AHSRAM AND GET THIS "PERSONAL EXPERIENCE" COS IT IS FOR FOOLS LIKE YOU AND ME..I AM READY TO FUND YOU IF YOU ARE READY!!!


At 3/02/2010 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like vijayakumars wife she looks very beautiful and bootylicious i want to drug her and see her reaction.

At 3/03/2010 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is in response to At 3/02/2010 4:25 PM, Blogger Rohita Kotagiri said..

It clearly shows his anger and depicition of cultism. A poor person who needs direction in life, even though behind in so called dharam doesn't even know how to react. Give way so that he can find his lost life.

How much do you think you would have spent for dharsan and other undertakings with oneness, is it 5, 10 , 20 or is it 30. Also is one of your daughter or Son or a close friend a dasa or a Friend. Also what do you know what is the motive of the new movement started by his son krishan called one world academy. FYI we are the one who fall under all this category and have spent more than the above figure. Also do you want me to spell out the injustice that goes on internally and the promises which vijay kumar keeps stressing to people all over the world.

Is this human..

Also Miracles do happen if you worship him or her or why so if you even worship a mile stone on the High-way.

As a matter of fact the un-manifest is so very true to its nature ( Omni-potent and Omni-Present ), you just have to connect to it in true nature and with a utmost belief and there you go miracles take off.....

Isn't this what is thought to you in Oneness, The principle existed in nature even before the first spark of life, Only the interpretation is different.

God do exist in different form learn it and respect it.

Forget all this..

When even after we came to know all this are going on for a long time one of close relative flew from states (Core devotee if it rings in your mind)took a liberty and meet vijay kumar for justice FYI the Darshan was 1 LAKH. We asked for justice and we told we sacrificed all to you how could you do this to us.. Can you guess what was his response.. You cannot.. you are just and ordinary person associated with him at a low level.

Here it is listen and put it in your mind

He said in a noble tone (Which he is good at)

" Yes, I have cheated "

There stopped with a hanging head..

Belief is some thing which you need to have not blind belief.

You take my word if needed or else these messages are for others who i truely feel should stay away and go ahead associate with the TRUE UNMANIFEST.


At 3/03/2010 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this links...

Else search for

Tv9 - Abnormal activities in Kalki Bhagwan ashram

It is a Six part series...

Also read the post in every video some interesting points raised.

Look at the state these people are..

Looks like they have lost it completely...

Also look in the first video vijay kumar cherishing his moments there.

F**** B******d

At 3/03/2010 5:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i happen to visit one of those kalki promotional seminars where those morons lune young minds to join their so called enlightenment course. I am a photographer and i was asked to cover the event for a friend who was a devotee. For me it was just another assignment only that i wont be getting paid this time as i was doing it as a favour for a friend.. having finished the assignment i was packing up my gear, this is when i heard a sudden buzz and many people trying to take a look what a young college lad had to show in his small digital camera. And every body was shouting 'THE GOLDEN GLOBE','THE GOLDEN GLOBE'.... I was told that 'THE GOLDEN GLOBE'is something which appears at the end of such sessions and the naked eye cannot see it and is something very very divine.(Irony is that a camera can capture it-like those stories of ghosts caught on camera). The College Kid was given special blessings for his acheivement by someone who appeared to be the head of all frauds gathered there. I happened to take a look at the picture and it turned out to be a lens flare. A lens flare is something which appears as spots in a picture if you shoot against a light source. Now this picture was shot against a warm tungsten wall lamp and hence the 'THE GOLDEN GLOBE'.
My point is that not only these frauds are successful poisoning young minds but also make someone so stupid that they lose common sense.

Well seems like this debate will go on for a while as MR. & MRS. Self Proclaimed gods are stuck in a new controversy.

Hope young people are enlightened and stop making fools of themselves by going to a reputed university not the oneness university.

God bless them.


At 3/03/2010 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would like to know from oneness cult and those who are happy visiting oneness cult the following as they boast of personal experience?

1. How much do they charge for a personal experience?
2. What is the time duration for each personal experience session ?
3. Do they supply condoms during the personal experience session?
4. Do they supply sex enhancing drugs during personal experience?
5. What kinds of sex do they perform during personal experience?
6. Are the people who give personal experience tested for HIV AIDS ?
7. Does the Indian Government permit such personal experience?
8. What happens to our money if we don’t like the personal experience?

At 3/03/2010 4:39 PM, Blogger Rohita Kotagiri said...

Instead of sitting in cozy couches and making useless unnecessary irrelevant comments why don't you guys go there, investigate and find it out for urself???? AM SURE NONE OF U WILL DO THAT COS BARKING DOGS NEVER BITE
If you find out which sex enhancing drugs during are supplied sure let me and the world know...

At 3/03/2010 4:46 PM, Blogger Rohita Kotagiri said...

For people who are talkin bout the money being paid,

At 3/04/2010 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This incident should not be shocking to many people who have seen the sudden splurging of new-age ashrams and ” their philosophies”. Every damn swami has Sprawling Ashrams in hundreds of acres of land , some given by government and many others acquired by force and land grabbing. Art of living-by Shankar [ has Sri Sri and Ravi added on later] is one such ashram in bangalore, Nithyananda in Bidadi, Kalki in varadepalyam.The Dera saccha sauda sect in haryana and punjab , Kanchi Sree known for Murder, Asaram bapu in gujarat,Sathya Sai baba of puttaparthi, many such will still be there.
You would all have watched nityananda , I will fill you in on other such BASTARDS.

In dera -saccha sauda the leader is a rapist, who loves watching porn in his den within his ashram premises, gets women pregnant and then the women are forced to abort by one of his followers who is a gynaecologist to erase the evidence, his spokesperson and secretary is a Dr by profession, and any time the authorities file a case against the Godman, immediately within a day or two the states of haryana and punjab break into riots dictated by his followers.So even the govt is helpless.

Kalki baghavan and amma his wife- Kalki is Vijaykumar naidu and about him all links about his mis-deeds have been erased by the authorities and his followers, however just chkout this following link-

In Art of living, the fake Guruji is the biggest scamster of all , he has disciples in all countries, has the backing of the media[Vineet jain of Times of India, his biggest supporter] and he has all the land grabbing cases against him covered up by influence and money and the most important connection in this lot- THE POLITICIANS. It is a give and take policy between these two. He also has two innocent Elephants in his sprawling ashram @ b’lore and it is banned according to the law to keep the elephants, but can anyone touch him? The claims of seeking money in the form of donations to help the kids around the ashram are all a bogus, even the money given as donations for tax exemtion do not get receipts, and even after pounding them for a response only choice for you is banging your head against the wall.

The FUNDA of all these Spiritual organisations is Simple just like any other succesfull business venture -
1. create a self serving business,:
2.collect as much money as you can from people and when questions are asked distance yourself from them.
3.The purpose is to make money and not to give or donate money to charity or social causes, every damn claim by any such institutes as claimed by followers is a big lie when you start checking what they r doing and how much money is spent.
Anyway you have the support of politicians, and the bribe receiving authorities.
All spiritual swamis have celebrities as followers which is very essential to market themselves,
and if you do follow the happenings, you will know who is following whom.
The biggest losers in all these are the well educated & the not so well educated but innocent and gullible people who face problems in everyday life, or are knowledge seekers of the highest spirit who want to know their purpose in life who visit these places and place their money, time ,belief ,and Faith in such God-men.
Believe me there is no shortcut or readymade formulas to achieve your goals[as given by these godmen] , whatever you are pursuing. There is God , definetly, and do what you are guided by your parents and the scriptures and the true god is within you- YOUR SPIRIT-The Atma, which will guide you.
All other things are a result of Brand building and marketing due to marketing geniuses and IITians which these organisations have in plenty. IT IS A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY out there, you should decide for yourselves what YOU WANT., more over why should you pay others when all knowledge is within you.

At 3/04/2010 3:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Please do not follow this cult........ Do not go behind people. THey are making lot of money through this movements. ALL SWAMIJI"S ARE FAKE..... God bless you all!!!!!

At 3/04/2010 3:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


@Rohita kotagiri : YOu are being out!!!! Kalki is a cult... Keep my day you will realise and regret! you would have seen a recent video of Swami Nityananda, how he has taken lacks of money and enjoying his life with an actress. All swamiji's are like this. Follow God not cult swamiji. Let God open your spiritual eyes!!!!!!

At 3/04/2010 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Private Confessions of the godMAN called amma bhagavan / kalki bhagavan of oneness !
By a close confidential associate!
Oneness vijayakumar who is also called as kalki bhagavan and amma bhagavan has admitted in a private conversation that he cheated millions of people around the world posing himself as Kalki Avatar that is the coming of God.

Kalki bhagavan also said that he lied to the public all the time and they believed in him no matter what ever nonsense he uttered and he was laughing at that.

CRUEL COLDBLOODED MAN you are bhagavan !

At 3/04/2010 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Friends, TV9 Telugu has telecast all the misdeeds of kalki and his wife, the senior most teachers Samadarshini, Anandgiri and many others have left the organisation, , Chkout all this on kalki baghavan
.Only wish is that all this is picked up by the national and and international media and such godmen stop receiving funds.

At 3/05/2010 4:06 AM, Anonymous sree said...

HI fellows,
Someone asked for dubbing the 6 parts of TV9 exposure. I have mentioned briefing from 2 parts in the other blog

Please go through it. I will post the remaining parts tonight.

At 3/05/2010 12:22 PM, Anonymous Bhagavan DAS said...

ALL i say is TASTE THE SUGAR BEFORE U TALK ABOUT ITS sister is a DASA and when my mom broke her leg, my sister came home did SEVA for one and a half months to my mother, by cleaning her toilets n many other things that a bed ridden patient needs. during that time she went into beautiful STATES many a time, and none of those time she has taken any DRUGS (as WRONGLY portrayed by SELFISH MEDIA). Recently she came home to undergo a minor operation and her blood samples were tested for the same. none of the blood tests ever tested positive for drugs.

if we go by the logic of media that drugs are causing all these states, then my sister should have been a drug addict and her blood tests would have proven the same. BUT THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

Another thing TV9 showed that my sister has ASTHAMA and BACKPAIN as a result of being drug addict. BUT THE FACT IS, she entered the monk order as AN ASTHAMA patient and today she is COMPLETELY CURED of asthama and never she complained about any backpain.

So my dear friends MEDIA is very BLIND these days and just to increase the TRP RATINGS & to pocket MONEY, it can go to any extent in creating the newz. please do not beleive MEDIA blindly.

Grace is flowing in ONENESS TEMPLE even as we speak and time will prove it. Even JESUS CHRIST was CRUSIFIED to PROVE THE GRACE OF GOD and that he was an AVATAAR, in comparision to it, this media speculation is nothing.

But behold, knowingly or unknowingly if you put your hand in fire, it will BURN. Thats why my dear friends, Taste the SUGAR BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT ITZ TASTE!!!

At 3/05/2010 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" To those who BELIEVE I do not need to prove anything , and To those who DO NOT BELIEVE how much ever proof I provide is not ENOUGH ".
Interpret this in your own way, the truth is that the day you require some "GURU" other than than your self to help you , that moment you degrade your self. Even the Scriptures such as BHAGAVAD GITA says that one should come up by one's own efforts and one should not degrade oneself. TO EACH HIS OWN, all the kalkis,ravishankars, Maatas are frauds who know how to squeeze money out from people, and the govt cant act b'cos everything runs on FAITH you see.

At 3/06/2010 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Gurus & Bhagwans thrive because of a basic weakness in Hinduism. It continues to be what the brahministic cult made it out to be in order to control the other castes and, now that all castes have the eligibility to join any of the religious movements, there is an unlimited supply of people who are gullible and can be easily manipulated.

The knowledge of sanskrit is very low and people today generally are ignorant of what has been going on behind the facade of Hinduism for hundreds or thousands of years. Any one interested in getting a taste of this may read two books by Agnihotram Ramanuja Thathachariar, himself one of the most erudite Vedic sholars. The books are, 1. Hindu matham enge pokirathu? and, 2. Chadangukalin kathai (both by Nakhiran Publishers).

Let me state that there is no 'moksham', 'liberation' or 'spiritual enlightenment' as is touted by the religion and the gurus; naturally, there is no need for a guru. What one needs are the guru/s who teach us in our schools and colleges and equip each one of us to face life with some confidence. Sadly, these gurus are not given even a modicum of respect whereas the fraud gurus promising a rserved seat in heaven are looked upon as living gods. What a pity!

My fervent appeal to one and all is:Read more about what is "actually" said in the scriptures by trying to master the sanskrit language and not be mislead by the millions of translations from interested quarters whose aim is to somehow keep their psychological hold over people.

In order to ward off any misunderstanding, let me state that I am a brahmin who has pondered over religion for nearly 50 years, learnt sanskrit, read many of the scriptures and found out how hollow those are.


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