Guruphiliac: Ammachi Collects Another Movie Star, New Delhi Ashram Still Amok

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ammachi Collects Another Movie Star, New Delhi Ashram Still Amok

File under: Amma All-Over-The-Planet, Ammachi's Goongate, Gurus to the Stars and The Siddhi of PR

Ammachi got another world peace award recently, this time presented to her by cougar hottie movie star Sharon Stone from the "the renowned French film organization Cinema Verite." We have to admit, these two look cute together.

Meanwhile, her gangster-employing New Delhi ashram is still taking legal action against the Green Avenue neighborhood residents for letting themselves get beat up by crowbar-wielding Ammachi devotees. A New Delhi ashram violence victim's update:
I am making a commitment that I shall not breach the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood and in case I do, I will be penalized to the extent of Rs.10,000/-which means roughly 250 USD plus a surety of the like amount implies that I produce another person who undertakes to pay another penalty of Rs.10,000/- in case he can not ensure a good behavior on my part.

Anyways, that process for which I was called has begun and we expect that it will reach a logical conclusion soon and justice would eventually prevail.
With the silence from Ammachi's home office cranked up to a deafening nothing, it appears their head-in-the-sand approach is going to be their final word on the matter.

The lady just won a global peace award despite the fact her employees in New Delhi are known to hire violent goons to accomplish surprisingly trivial goals. What a crazy world this is!

Apparently, Ammachi has two faces; one for the West and one for those who get in her way in India. Like her newest rich and famous Western devotee once said: "If you have a vagina and an attitude in this town, then that's a lethal combination."

The Green Avenue residents now know that truth all too well.

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At 10/16/2007 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ungh, Stone has always lavished compliments on herself for how "creatively" she thinks. Yet another deluded dumb-as-dirt star surrounded only by yes-men and women.

At 10/16/2007 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stunts like this are why I am no longer a devotee of Amma. With all of this celebrity-mongering, it's become quite a spectacle.

They'll talk about this one 'till next year. Whenever a celebrity (minor or not) even mentions Amma's name, the horn gets tooted for months on end. Abolish the ego. Abolish the ego. Ha!!

Poor Amma. Maybe she really doesn't have a clue at all, and all of these people are taking advantage of her.

At 10/16/2007 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is typical of all should see SSRS around major or minor stars-disgusting....these gurus are all star crazy....

At 10/17/2007 5:05 AM, Blogger Aspiration said...

Jody, you forgot an h in the http in one of the links: So everyone could enjoy the cute look

At 10/17/2007 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"this is typical of all should see SSRS around major or minor stars-disgusting....these gurus are all star crazy...."<<

In siddha yoga, there is a special designation for important people (rich people, movie stars, people in the media, etc.). Their names are kept on a separate list or starred so that they get the "attention" they deserve. You might see an actress doing seva but everyone remarks on how "remarkable" that is! The special folks expect their perks (special rooms, seats up near the "guru", attention from the "guru", etc.). Any "regular" person who makes the mistake of not treating these folks as "special" gets an earful from his/her seva supervisor. I was told that people who are "famous" or "rich" or even physically beautiful have "more shakti" than us regular folks and that's why they deserve "special treatment"...lololol! It's alot like Protestants in post Colonial New England who felt that rich people were "especially blessed by God", the richer you were, the "better" a person!


At 10/17/2007 8:58 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

Jody, it's a little too late for yours truly but I bet that this Sharon Stone, even though she's no young mule colt, can still put crowbars into a lot of those rampaging Indian devotees over there!

At 10/18/2007 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the Art of Living silver juileee, so called vips (the vips of Art of Living is a joke)had special luxury rooms, with hellicopters etc.

At the same time "normal" people where put on the floor. 200 russians even had to sleep on the floor in the dining room and had to get up and clear out every morning at six. This was all people who had payed a lot of money beforehand for proper accomodation, but because they where designated just "normal" nobody gave a fuck about them or the ethics. The usual stupidity like, save your smile, just say yes, a good oportunity to practice the knowledge points etc. where used too stiffle any critic or questions.

When ssrs was confronted with all this and people who wanted their money back as they had right too, he start singing his song about how Art of Living didnt have any money and the Silver Jubilee had been ooohh so expensive, and how Art of Living had lost so much money on it (as if)etc.

This all at the same time lots of houses where empty at the vip section. But in order to keep up the apearance and egos of the vip one chose not to house any one there.

Art of Living and SSRS are nothing but petty thieves.

At 10/18/2007 11:43 AM, Blogger CHUCK said...

Jody, what I meant to say is Sharon Stone could likely cause some of those fundementalist Hindus in Amma's goon squad to take their own crowbars into their own hands, so to speak! But I did get a look at that photo. The way that Sharon is crowdin out poor Amma makes Amma look like Aunt Jemmima with her white owner!

At 10/18/2007 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck said:

Jody, what I meant to say is Sharon Stone could likely cause some of those fundementalist Hindus in Amma's goon squad to take their own crowbars into their own hands, so to speak! But I did get a look at that photo. The way that Sharon is crowdin out poor Amma makes Amma look like Aunt Jemmima with her white owner!

Ain't that the way it can go, Chuck! There has been a story told that there was a time one summer in the 90's, when Madonna (gasp) was inquiring about making a visit to SMA (Siddha Yoga's ashram in New York State, Catskill Mountains). The story indicated that Madonna would not come without a full regiment of her body guards, people who surround her, etc. The story continues that Gurumayi (current head of Siddha Yoga) refused to have Madonna visit.

A narcissist can't stand to be "upstaged" you know.

And on it goes.

At 2/26/2010 12:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wonder if you will post this comment unedited:

I have known Amma for over 20 years. I have watched the crowds grow from around 30 people, to now well into the thousands, and even tens of thousands on occasion. Throughout the years I have carefully observed her actions, which have remained impeccably consistent with her own teachings, and I have also watched what happens around her, (or if you will, in her name), which has become increasingly disturbing.
There is often a huge gulf between her example of kindness and selfless concern for others, and the self-righteousness and fanaticism of her followers. But, the fact that some of her misguided devotees grossly misrepresent her teachings doesn't mean that she herself doesn't live them. Try observing her for yourselves somehow, and ask yourself if her own actions, by themselves, make sense to you. It's much harder to impeach her from up close. If you just sit back and take potshots from afar, you're not likely to be very accurate.
Amma has refused NUMEROUS meetings with far more "powerful" celebrities than the ones her followers prattle about. If she were into "celebrity-mongering" she could have made dozens of spectacular splashes by now, simply by accepting or publicizing the invitations she has already received from extremely famous people.
I could say much more, but this is already long enough for a blog...


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